HOT Articles – Online now and free to access

Dalton Transactions, Royal Society of Chemistry

We have updated our ‘HOT articles’ for the first quarter of 2020.

We update our HOT articles collection quarterly and make the selected articles free to access until 22 May 2020! This collection represents the top 10% of research published in Dalton Transactions between January – March 2020.

Make the most of the free to access period by browsing the collection today!

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Theodor Agapie – 2019 Dalton Transactions UC Berkeley Lecture

Theodor Agapie


The 2019 Dalton Transactions University of California, Berkeley Lecture recipient is Professor Theodor Agapie, at the California Institute of Technology. The Lecture recognizes independent early career researchers who have made a significant contribution to the field of inorganic chemistry.

The academic selected to give the lecture receives the opportunity to present at UC Berkeley, a plaque, a $500 honorarium, a dinner and an invitation to publish in Dalton Transactions.

Theodor Agapie was born in 1979 in Bucharest, Romania. He received his B.Sc. degree from Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 2001 and his Ph.D. from California Institute of Technology in 2007. Upon completion of his Ph.D. he moved to University of California, Berkeley as a Miller Postdoctoral Fellow. Theo returned to Caltech in 2009 to start his independent career as Assistant Professor of Chemistry. He was promoted to Professor of Chemistry in December, 2014. Selected awards include the Searle Award (2010), Sloan Fellowship (2012), NSF CAREER Award (2012), ACS Award in Pure Chemistry (2013), Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE, 2014), and Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar Award (2014).

Previous recipients include Brandi Cossairt , Jillian Dempsey, Kit Cummins, John Hartwig, Geoff Coates, Paul Chirik, Dan Mindiola, Teri Odom, Daniel Gamelin, Trevor Hayton, Christine Thomas, Mircea Dinca, and Alison Fout.

An online collection of recent Dalton Transactions papers by recipients of the lecture can be found here.

Graphical abstract of Theodor Agapie's recent publication in Dalton Transactions

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Introducing our new Chair, Russell Morris




Read a selection of Russell’s latest work published by the Royal Society of Chemistry:

Insight into the ADOR zeolite-to-zeolite transformation: the UOV case
Valeryia Kasneryk, Mariya Shamzhy, Maksym Opanasenko, Paul S. Wheatley, Russell E. Morris and Jiří Čejka
Dalton Trans., 2018, 47, 3084-3092
DOI: 10.1039/C7DT03751A, Paper

A single crystal study of CPO-27 and UTSA-74 for nitric oxide storage and release
Susan E. Henkelis, Simon M. Vornholt, David B. Cordes, Alexandra M. Z. Slawin, Paul S. Wheatley and Russell E. Morris
CrystEngComm, 2019, 21, 1857-1861
DOI: 10.1039/C9CE00098D, Communication


Dalton Transactions, Royal Society of Chemistry


Submit your research or reviews to Russell today, he will be delighted to receive them! – see our author guidelines for information on our article types or find out more about the advantages of publishing in a Royal Society of Chemistry journal. Don’t forget to keep up to date with us on Twitter @DaltonTrans!

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Hot Articles – Online now and free to access

Dalton Transactions, Royal Society of Chemistry

We have updated our ‘HOT articles’ for the last quarter of 2019.

We update our HOT articles collection quarterly and make the selected articles free to access until 11 March 2020! This collection represents the top 10% of research published in Dalton Transactions between October – December 2019.

Make the most of the free to access period by browsing the collection today!

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Congratulations to the poster prize winners at 4th International Symposium on Precisely Designed Catalysts with Customized Scaffolding!

Daltons Transactions was pleased to sponsor the 4th International Symposium on Precisely Designed Catalysts with Customized Scaffolding with 3 poster prizes. The symposium took place 3rd – 5th December at  Kinsho Hall at the Todaiji Culture Centre in Nara, Japan. Chaired by Professor Kazushi Mashima (Osaka University), there were speakers from the USA, Switzerland, China, the Netherlands, Germany, France and Singapore as well as Japan.

The conference was a success and our prizes were awarded to:

Kai Yonemura, Nagoya University for the poster entitled:
Regulation of the Reaction Site of Cytochrome P450BM3 with Peptide Derivatives

Yuki Anai, Kyushu University for the poster entitled:
Development of Visible Light Responsive Vitamin B12 Photocatalytic System for Green Molecular Transformation

Miho Yuasa, Osaka Prefecture University for the poster entitled:
Development of Artificial Metalloenzyme for Stereoselective Michael Addition Reaction


Dalton Transactions Poster Prizes

Dalton Transactions Poster Prizes


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Congratulations to the Dalton Transactions Prize winners at ACCC7!

The 7th Asian Conference on Coordination Chemistry took place at the Putra World Trade Centre, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia between 15 – 18 October. The first six ACCC conferences were successfully held in Okazaki (Japan, 2007), Nanjing (China, 2009), New Delhi (India, 2011), Jeju (Korea, 2013), Hong Kong (2015) and Melbourne (Australia, 2017). ACCC7 gathered inorganic and coordination chemists from all over the world to present their recent research findings and to exchange ideas on the frontier research topics in inorganic and coordination chemistry. The conference also served to showcase the fast development of coordination chemistry in the Asia/Pacific region.

Themed sessions we held on a range of topics including; biomedical materials, coordination chemistry, functional inorganic materials, lanthanides and actinides, supramolecular, organometallic and more. The conference was attended by delegates from at least 27 countries around the world, including Japan, China, Australia, South Africa, Chile, Saudi Arabia, India and Canada as well as many countries in Europe. You can find out more about ACCC7, including information regarding the Plenary & Invited speakers, on their website.

The 4 day conference was a huge success and Dalton Transactions is pleased to have sponsored 6 prizes. We sponsored 3 Early Career Researcher Presentation awards and 3 Young Coordination Chemist Poster Prizes and each winner received a certificate with a £100 RSC book voucher, a 1 year digital subscription to Dalton Transactions and personal invitation to submit to the journal.

Dalton Transactions Early Career Researcher Presentation Awards

Hiroki Takezawa, The University of Tokyo, Japan
Nurul Filzah Bt Ghazali, Universiti Teknologi Mara, Malaysia
Tomoki Yoneda, Hokkaido University, Japan

Congratulations to all the winners from Dalton Transactions!

Nurul Filzah Ghazali, Dalton Transactions ACCC7 Winner

Nurul Filzah Ghazali, Dalton Transactions Early Career Research Presentation ACCC7 Winner

Hiroki Takezawa, Dalton Transactions Early Career Research Presentation ACCC7 Winner

Hiroki Takezawa, Dalton Transactions Early Career Research Presentation ACCC7 Winner












ACCC7 2019


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Breaking bonds over many timescales: in celebration of Robin Perutz’s 70th birthday

Breaking bonds over many timescales: in celebration of Robin Perutz's 70th birthday

Guest-edited by Simon B. Duckett, M. Carmen Nicasio and Michael K. Whittlesey, we reccently published a special collection of Dalton Transactions to mark the 70th birthday of mentor, friend and colleague, Professor Robin Perutz FRS. The collection features areas of organometallic and coordination chemistry where Robin has contributed over the last 40+ years. Themed around the breaking of bonds, it includes both thermal and photochemical bond breakage and activation in stoichiometric and catalytic reactions. Spectroscopic characterisation of reaction intermediates features alongside experimental and computational studies of reactivity.


Browse the collection


Check out a selection of the articles below:

The experimental determination of Th(iv)/Th(iii) redox potentials in organometallic thorium complexes
Christopher J. Inman and F. Geoffrey N. Cloke
Dalton Trans., 2019, 48, 10782-10784
DOI: 10.1039/C9DT01553A, Communication

Structural isomerism in the [(Ni@Sn9)In(Ni@Sn9)]5− Zintl ion
Chao Zhang, Harry W. T. Morgan, Zi-Chuan Wang, Chao Liu, Zhong-Ming Sun and John E. McGrady
Dalton Trans., 2019, 48, 15888-15895
DOI: 10.1039/C9DT03008E, Paper

Reversible photo-isomerization of cis-[Pd(L-κS,O)2] (HL = N,N-diethyl-N′-1-naphthoylthiourea) to trans-[Pd(L-κS,O)2] and the unprecedented formation of trans-[Pd(L-κS,N)2] in solution
Henry A. Nkabyo, Barbara Procacci, Simon B. Duckett and Klaus R. Koch
Dalton Trans., 2019, 48, 17241-17251
DOI: 10.1039/C9DT03672E, Paper

Iridium complexes featuring a tridentate SiPSi ligand: from dimeric to monomeric 14, 16 or 18-electron species
Cynthia A. Cuevas-Chávez, Laure Vendier, Sylviane Sabo-Etienne and Virginia Montiel-Palma
Dalton Trans., 2019, 48, 14010-14018
DOI: 10.1039/C9DT03136G, Paper

Transforming PPh3 into bidentate phosphine ligands at Ru–Zn heterobimetallic complexes
Niall O’Leary, Fedor M. Miloserdov, Mary F. Mahon and Michael K. Whittlesey
Dalton Trans., 2019, 48, 14000-14009
DOI: 10.1039/C9DT03106E, Paper

Dalton Transactions, Royal Society of Chemistry

Submit your research or reviews to Dalton Transactions today! – see our author guidelines for information on our article types or find out more about the advantages of publishing in a Royal Society of Chemistry journal.

Keep up to date with our latest HOT articles, Reviews, Collections & more by following us on Twitter. You can also keep informed by signing up to our E-Alerts.

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The 19th International Symposium on Silicon Chemistry (ISOS XIX), Toulouse, July 2020

ISOS XIX Royal Society of Chemistry


Dalton Transactions is pleased to be sponsoring The 19th International Symposium on Silicon Chemistry (ISOS XIX) in Toulouse, 05 – 10 July 2020 along with RSC Advances, ChemComm and Chemical Science.

It will be held at the University Paul Sabatier and aims to bring together outstanding scientists from both academia and industry to explore the frontiers of Silicon Chemistry from basic and fundamental science to the development of new synthetic tools and of silicon-based materials and technologies. The scientific programme will reflect the latest achievements in synthesis (organic and organometallic), bio-organo silicon chemistry, catalysis, and material sciences (including bio-composites, silica, silsesquioxanes, silicones, silicon polymers etc..).


You can find out more on the website.

Important Dates

Don’t forget to submit your absracts and register before the deadlines:

Abstract Submission Deadline:  04 February 2020
Abstract Acceptance:  03 April 2020
Early Bird Registration Deadline:  15 April 2020


Dalton Transactions, Royal Society of Chemistry

Submit your research or reviews to Dalton Transactions today! – see our author guidelines for information on our article types or find out more about the advantages of publishing in a Royal Society of Chemistry journal.

Keep up to date with our latest HOT articles, Reviews, Collections & more by following us on Twitter. You can also keep informed by signing up to our E-Alerts.

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Welcome to our new Associate Editor: Mi Hee Lim

We would like to offer a very warm welcome to our new Dalton Transactions Associate Editor Professor Mi Hee Lim!

Mi Hee Lim, Dalton Transactions Royal Society of Chemistry

Mi Hee Lim received her BS in Chemistry from Ewha Womans University, Seoul, Korea, in 1999 and her MSc in 2001 under the direction of Professor Wonwoo Nam. In 2002, she moved to MIT where she obtained her PhD under the supervision of Professor Stephen J. Lippard. She then pursued her postdoctoral research in the laboratory of Professor Jacqueline K. Barton at Caltech. In 2008, she began her independent career as an Assistant Professor of Chemistry and Research Assistant Professor in the Life Sciences Institute at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA and in 2013, Mi Hee moved to the Ulsan National University of Science and Technology (UNIST), Ulsan, Korea, as an Associate Professor with tenure. In 2018, Mi Hee joined the Department of Chemistry at the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), Daejeon, Korea.

Her research interests lie in bioinorganic chemistry, especially focusing on identifying how metal-involved biological networks are linked to dementia, such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases, and establishing new directions for developing chemical reagents as tools, diagnostics, and therapeutics for such diseases. Mi Hee is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry and has received numerous awards including the Society of Biological Inorganic Chemistry (SBIC) Early Career Award (2018), the Award for “30 Young Scientists of Korea” to Lead Basic Science Research for the Next 30 Years (2016), the Korean Chemical Society (KCS)-Wiley Young Scientist Award (2015), NSF CAREER Award (2013), the Alfred P. Sloan Fellowship (2012). Mi Hee is on the Editorial Advisory board for Chemical Science, Chemical Communications, Chem, and Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry and is an Associate Editor for Dalton Transactions.



Mi Hee recently guest edited our collection on ‘The central role of the d-block metals in the periodic table’ with Catherine E. Housecroft and Christine M. Thomas.

Check out the full collection here


Read a selection of Mi Hee’s latest work published by the Royal Society of Chemistry:

Tunable regulatory activities of 1,10-phenanthroline derivatives towards acid sphingomyelinase and Zn(ii)–amyloid-β
Yelim Yi, Jiyeon Han, Min Hee Park, Nahye Park, Eunju Nam, Hee Kyung Jin, Jae-sung Bae and Mi Hee Lim
Chem. Commun., 2019, 55, 5847-5850
DOI: 10.1039/C9CC01005J, Communication

A dual-response sensor based on NBD for the highly selective determination of sulfide in living cells and zebrafish
Ji Hye Kang, Minuk Yang, Dongju Yun, Mingeun Kim, Hyojin Lee, Ki-Tae Kim, Mi Hee Lim and Cheal Kim
New J. Chem., 2019, 43, 4029-4035
DOI: 10.1039/C8NJ06352D, Paper

Stereochemistry of metal tetramethylcyclam complexes directed by an unexpected anion effect
Jeffrey S. Derrick, Yujeong Kim, Hyeonwoo Tak, Kiyoung Park, Jaeheung Cho, Sun Hee Kim and Mi Hee Lim
Dalton Trans., 2017, 46, 13166-13170
DOI: 10.1039/C7DT01489A, Communication

Dalton Transactions, Royal Society of Chemistry


Submit your research or reviews to Mi Hee today, she will be delighted to receive them! – see our author guidelines for information on our article types or find out more about the advantages of publishing in a Royal Society of Chemistry journal. Don’t forget to keep up to date with us on Twitter @DaltonTrans !

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Congratulations to the Poster Prize Winners at the Brazilian Catalysis Meeting!

Dalton Transactions would like to congratulate the poster prize winners at this year’s Brazilian Catalysis Meeting which took place 1 – 5 September in São Paulo, Brazil.

Dalton Transactions Advisory Board member and Associate Editor for NJC Jairton Dupont, RSC Advances Editorial Board Member Heloise Oliveira Pastore & Editor in Chief of Catalysis Science & Technology Javier Perez-Ramirez were all in attendance.

Dalton Transactions, NJC, RSC Advances, Chemical Communications, Catalysis Science & Technology and PCCP were delighted to offer 4 poster prizes. Heloise and Javier presented the poster prizes to the winners and each receiving a Royal Society of Chemistry Certificate & Book Voucher.

DT+NJC poster prize winner Wesley F. Monteiro (PUC-RS) receiving his Dalton Transactions & NJC poster prize from Professor Javier Perez-Ramirez
RA poster prize winner Thatiane Verissimo Dos Santos (UFAL-AL) receiving her RSC Advances poster prize from Professor Heloise Oliveira Pastore
CY+CP poster prize winner Leticia Rasteiro (IQSC/USP-SC) receiving her Catalysis Science & Technology & Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics poster prize from Professor Javier Perez-Ramirez
CC poster prize winner Christian Carlos De Sousa (UFF-RJ) receiving his Chemical Communications poster prize from Professor Javier Perez-Ramirez

Congratulations to all the winners!

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