The Society for Biomaterials will hold its 2015 Annual Meeting (SFB 2015) in Charlotte, NC, USA on 15th-18th April 2015 at the Charlotte Convention Centre.
Dates and deadlines:
Registration is open, sign up now to avoid disappointment.
The abstract submission deadline for poster presentations has passed and abstracts are no longer being accepted.
Browse the programme:
The programme for SFB 2015 is live, so why not take a look. Key speakers include: Ashutosh Chilkoti, Duke University and Stuart B. Goodman, Stanford University. For a full list of speakers visit the website.
The theme of this year’s meeting is Driving Innovation and the Race to Translation; a tribute to the city’s rich motor racing history. In keeping with that theme, the meeting will be organised into five thematic areas:
1. Translation: Focused on translating research from the lab to the clinic, advancing biomaterials in their product development life cycle
2. Biofabrication/Biomanufacturing: Manufacturing techniques e.g. nanoprinting, rapid prototyping, microfluidic based printing, etc.
3. Multi-Functional Biomaterial Design: Drug/gene delivery, biosensing, and complex tissue regeneration, etc.
4. Biocompatibility and Immune Engineering: How to harness/modulate the immune response (innate and adaptive) for biomaterial design or technology translation
5. Other topics of interest to the biomaterials community
For full details visit the SFB 2015 website.