Analyst themed collection on Smartphone-based sensors open for submissions

We invite you to contribute an article or review to an ongoing themed collection in Analyst, focusing on Smartphone-based sensors. We welcome papers on this new and exciting area of sensor research in various areas of application including; health monitoring, medical diagnostics, environmental exposure analysis and forensics. The Guest Editors are Professor Sharon Weiss, Vanderbilt University, USA and Professor Jinhong Guo, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China.

Accepted articles will be published as soon as they are accepted and then gathered in an online collection that will be promoted as a complete collection in 2022.

We will be accepting submissions throughout 2022!

Please note that all submitted manuscripts will be subject to peer review in accordance with the journal’s normal standards.

If you are interested in submitting to this collection, or have any questions please contact the Analyst Editorial Office (


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Analytical Nanoscience Themed Collection Published

Analyst is pleased to announce the publication of a new themed collection on Analytical Nanoscience, guest edited by Analyst Associate Editor Professor Jun-Jie Zhu (Nanjing University), Tim Albrecht (University of Birmingham), Karen Faulds (University of Strathclyde) and Russ Algar (University of British Columbia).

From left to right: Russ Algar, Tim Albrecht, Karen Faulds, Jun-Jie Zhu

The themed collection includes research and reviews on the application of nanomaterials and nanotechnology to enable chemical and biological analysis, sensors, and imaging; methods for the fundamental characterization of nanomaterial structure and properties; bionanotechnology; detection or characterization of nanomaterials in the environment or biological matrices; and spectroscopies and imaging methods with nanoscale resolution.

The guest editors discuss the scope of the collection and highlight some notable articles in an editorial, which can be accessed here:



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Heinrich Emanuel Merck Award for Analytical Science 2022

Since 1988, Merck KGaA, Darmstadt has endowed the Heinrich-Emanuel-Merck Award for Analytical Science worth 15,000 EUR.

The award is intended for chemists up to the age of 45 at the time of the application deadline, working on the development of new analytical methods and their applications in areas of human interest. Their work should be directed towards the improvement of our conditions of life, providing solutions to analytical problems in the areas of life sciences, material sciences or environmental sciences.

The prize will be awarded at a special award ceremony at the EuroFAST2022, Nijmegen/the Netherlands, April 19–22, 2022.

The evaluation will be performed by a jury of 5 internationally recognized analytical scientists, chaired by Professor R. Zenobi, ETH Zurich.

Applications/nominations should be submitted until 31 December 2021 to:
Professor Dr Renato Zenobi
ETH Zurich
Laboratory of Organic Chemistry
HCI E 329
CH-8093 Zürich, Switzerland

Self-applications are explicitly encouraged, as are nominations by a department, colleague or society.

Applications – preferably in English – must contain a brief scientific curriculum vitae including the applicant’s age and be based on one original paper that contains own research results, published within the last 3 years.

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Bioanalytical tools for enabling precision medicine – themed collection now published

The new themed collection Bioanalytical tools for enabling precision medicine for Analyst is now published.

The collection consists of papers and reviews on bioanalytical tools for enabling precision medicine. The field of healthcare continues to move from the inefficient, one-size-fits-all-patients medicine of today, toward the data-driven and personalised medicine of tomorrow. Articles in this collection cover bioanalytical tools for enabling precision medicine, including imaging, spectroscopy, machine learning and miniaturised technologies on both solid tumours and liquid biopsy samples. The focus of this collection is not limited to cancer but is relevant to other diseases such as cystic fibrosis, diabetes and infectious diseases.

This collection is co-guest edited by Analyst Advisory Board member Professor Steven Soper (The University of Kansas, Lawrence, USA) and Professor Andrew Godwin (Director, Molecular Oncology, The University of Kansas Medical Center, USA).

These articles will be *free to read until 10th November 2021

We hope you enjoy the collection!

Why not submit your high impact research to Analyst today?

*Access is free through an RSC account (free to register)

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Emerging Investigator Lectureship 2021 Winner: Debbie Silvester

Analyst is delighted to announce the winner of our 2021 Emerging Investigator Lectureship, Debbie Silvester. This Lectureship was launched to be a platform for an early career analytical scientist to raise the profile of the analytical sciences to the wider scientific community and general public.

Associate Professor Silvester received her MSc in Chemistry from the University of Bristol, UK (2005), and PhD in Chemistry from the University of Oxford, UK (Dec 2008). She was an intern at Schlumberger Cambridge Research, before arriving at Curtin University in Perth, Australia in 2009. In 2012, she was awarded an Australian Research Council (ARC) Discovery Early Career Research Award (DECRA) and in 2017, an ARC Future Fellowship. She has had multiple career breaks and worked part time since 2013 due to caring responsibilities. Professor Silvester’s research is focussed on developing a new class of sensors for toxic gases and explosives based on miniaturised electrodes and ionic liquid solvents. She aims to understand gas and explosive behaviour in ionic liquids and use this knowledge to inform innovative sensor designs that will push detection limits to analytically relevant levels.

Professor Silvester’s work has been recognised by several awards and honours, including the Le Fèvre medal from the Australian Academy of Science (2021), the Rennie Memorial Medal from the Royal Australian Chemical Institute (RACI) (2019), a Western Australian Young Tall Poppy Award, named on the Analytical Scientist Power List (2020) and elected a Fellow of the RACI (2020). She is currently the secretary for the Electrochemistry Division of the RACI, and the Australia/New Zealand representative for the International Society of Electrochemistry (ISE). She has also served as an editor for Scientific Reports and Frontiers in Chemistry.

We offer our warmest congratulations to Debbie on her achievement!

Read Professor Silvester’s recent Analyst paper: Thin films of poly(vinylidene fluoride-co-hexafluoropropylene)-ionic liquid mixtures as amperometric gas sensing materials for oxygen and ammonia. Analyst, 2020,145, 1915-1924

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37th International Symposium on Microscale Separations and Bioanalysis

The 37th International Symposium on Microscale Separations and Bioanalysis (MSB) 2021 eBoston will take place on July 12-15, 2021.

This year’s program will cover the most interesting developments from the past year, plus advances that we believe will make a splash in the years to come. The impressive scientific program of 120+ oral presentations will cover aspects related to all major microscale separation techniques including capillary electrophoresis (CE), liquid chromatography (LC), omics techniques (proteomics, metabolomics, etc.), microfluidics, mass spectrometry (MS), LC-MS, CE-MS, Lab-on-a-Chip devices, the fundamental aspects of micro- and nanofluidics, microchip fabrication, portable devices, as well as applications related to pharmaceutical sciences, biotechnology, clinical diagnostics, forensic toxicology, food analysis, nanoparticles, industrial chemicals, and more.


Key dates:

June 2021: Preliminary Program Posted at

June 20, 2021: Deadline to submit poster abstract in competition for poster awards

June 24, 2021: Late-breaking poster abstract submission deadline

July 12-15, 2021: e-MSB 2021 symposium

Lab on a Chip is sponsoring the Plenary lecture by Professor Amy Herr, while Analyst, Analytical Methods and Lab on a Chip are sponsoring six poster prizes.

Register to attend here.

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37th International Symposium on Microscale Separations and Bioanalysis

Join us virtually from anywhere in the world and learn about solutions to the most pressing challenges of today and tomorrow.Welcome to MSB 2021, the premier 37th International Symposium on Microscale Separations and Bioanalysis, an exciting forum created to advance science through a unique and immersive conference experience that mimics the collegial atmosphere of in-person MSB meetings. MSB 2021 eBoston will take place on July 12-15, 2021. The conference promotes the sharing of innovative research by scientists from around the world and offers practical and educational information and solutions to challenging and pressing issues.

Microscale separations enable high-throughput and/or high-performance analyses at reduced costs and with a lower sample and solvents consumption, being therefore highly competitive analytical approaches in today’s research, including fundamental research, drug discovery and development, clinical and forensic toxicology, food analysis, and -omics approaches.

  • Learn about fundamental developments to applications that impact health, medicine, food, environment and beyond.
  • Hear from world-renowned experts about their latest innovative and sometimes controversial, but mostly unpublished, scientific research.
  • Explore ground-breaking technologies.
  • View new product launches.
  • Discover practical information to improve productivity.
  • Discuss challenges and solutions with colleagues.

Get real-world insights from thought leaders and future shapers on today’s most relevant and timely topics. 

This year’s program will cover the most interesting developments from the past year, plus advances that we believe will make a splash in the years to come. The impressive scientific program of 120+ oral presentations will cover aspects related to all major microscale separation techniques including capillary electrophoresis (CE), liquid chromatography (LC), omics techniques (proteomics, metabolomics, etc.), microfluidics, mass spectrometry (MS), LC-MS, CE-MS, Lab-on-a-Chip devices, the fundamental aspects of micro- and nanofluidics, microchip fabrication, portable devices, as well as applications related to pharmaceutical sciences, biotechnology, clinical diagnostics, forensic toxicology, food analysis, nanoparticles, industrial chemicals, and more.

4 Full Days of Engaging Scientific Sessions.

Oral presentations are time wise split in 2/3 talk and 1/3 discussion. 

Check out the scientific program at 

Register for attendance here.

MSB 2021 will deliver strong scientific content with opportunities for engagement and building connections. The program is packed with 4 full days of invited and contributed talks, general and parallel sessions with heavy focus on live Q&A by world renowned experts who will share their latest innovative and sometimes controversial, but mostly unpublished, scientific research results, workshops/seminars, exhibition, and a strong poster program where each presenter will upload a pdf of their presentation to their poster virtual board and will have an opportunity to upload a 5-minute pre-recorded video about the work presented in the poster, which will be broadcasted in the session of lightning talks that will be available for on-demand viewing for the duration of the conference. The program will include sponsored video highlights, poster pitch presentations, pre-recorded lightning talks, young scientist and best poster competitions, and awards to recognize outstanding contributions to science and innovative break-through research.

Plenary Lecturers.

  • “Electrophoretic Cytometry: Single-cell and Sub-cellular Targeted Proteomics using Microfluidic Design” – AMY E. HERR, University of California, Berkeley, CA, USA
  • “Organoids Microphysiological Analysis Platforms (MAP) and Exosome Detection via the Ultrafast-isolation System (EXODUS)” – LUKE P. LEE, Harvard Medical School and Women’s Hospital, Boston, MA, USA
  • “Robust and In-depth Work Flows for Single Cell and Clinical Proteomics” – MATTHIAS MANN, Max-Planck-Institute of Biochemistry, Munich, GERMANY and University of Copenhagen, DENMARK
  • “Microfluidic Sorting of Extremely Rare Circulating Tumor Cells and Clusters from Blood” – MEHMET TONER, Massachusetts General Hospital & Harvard Medical School, Harvard-MIT Health Sciences & Technology, Boston, MA, USA
  • “Toward Universal Druggability” – GREGORY VERDINE, LifeMine Therapeutics, Cambridge, MA, USA
  • “Advances in Proteomics” – JOHN YATES, The Scripps Research Institute, La Jolla, CA, USA

Competitions with Awards and Prizes. 

  • MSB Young Scientist Award
  • SCIEX Microscale Separations Innovation Medal Award for current and breakthrough research in the field of Electrodriven Separations
  • Thermo Fisher Scientific Early Career Award for breakthrough research advancing the field of Microscale Separations and Bioanalysis
  • Best Poster Awards

e-Science Café Workshops. 

  • Bruker
  • VICI
  • Agilent
  • Phenomenex
  • Thermo Fisher Scientific


  • Capillary Iso-Electric Focusing (CIEF) – Prime Methodology for Protein Characterization – Dr. Gerard Rozing, ROZING.COM Consulting, Karlsruhe, Germany
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Dr Prakash Chandra Mondal: New Analyst Advisory Board Member

We are pleased to welcome Dr Prakash Chandra Mondal (Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, India) to the Analyst Advisory Board.

Dr. Mondal’s research interests lie at the interface of chemistry, physics, and biology, creating new multifunctional molecular nanofilms that are suitable for studying charge-transport phenomena under a series of external stimuli such as solvents, electric and magnetic fields and thermal effects. He completed doctoral study on “surface chemistry of photo and electroactive metal-polypyridyl complexes” and obtained his PhD at the University of Delhi (India) in 2013.

Subsequently, he moved to the Weizmann Institute of Science (Israel) to join Professor Ron Naaman’s research group for his postdoctoral work, where he studied spin-dependent electrochemical charge-transfer processes in chiral molecules embedded on ferromagnetic electrodes. In 2016, he joined Professor Richard McCreery’s Group at the National Institute for Nanotechnology (Canada), focusing on carbon-based molecular electronics. He was a Marie-Curie post-doctoral fellow (November 2017–March 2019) and worked with Professor Eugenio Coronado at ICMoL, the University of Valencia (Spain) prior to joining the Department of Chemistry, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur (India) as an Assistant Professor in April 2019.

More details about the research activity of the Mondal group can be found here.

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Dr Claudia Conti: New Analyst Advisory Board Member

We are pleased to welcome Dr Claudia Conti (National Research Council, Italy) to the Analyst Advisory Board.

Claudia Conti is a senior researcher at the Institute of Heritage Science (ISPC) of the National Research Council (Italy). She completed her MSc degree in Geological Science at the University of Perugia (Italy) in 2002. In 2010, she completed her PhD in Materials Engineering at Politecnico di Milano (Italy), on the topic of “Calcium oxalate: chemical stability, conservation treatment based on ammonium oxalate, historical films”.

Dr Conti’s work is characterised by a highly multidisciplinary approach, which covers the areas of physical and chemical sciences applied to the conservation of Cultural Heritage. Her main research interests include Raman spectroscopy, notably the development of a new Raman method (micro-SORS) for the non-invasive subsurface investigation of Cultural Heritage materials. This work led Dr Conti to win the 2020 Craver Award presented by the Coblentz Society, which highlights the efforts of young spectroscopists that have made significant contributions in applied analytical vibrational spectroscopy.

Dr Conti’s other research interests include inorganic mineral products for conservation and the use of non-invasive instruments and methods for conservation science. She has over 75 peer-reviewed publications.

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ABS Trust: Gordon F. Kirkbright and Edward Steers Bursary Awards, 2022.

The Gordon F. Kirkbright bursary award is a prestigious annual award that assists a promising early career scientist of any nation to attend a recognised scientific meeting or visit a place of learning. The fund for this bursary was established in 1985 as a memorial to Professor Gordon Kirkbright in recognition of his contributions to analytical spectroscopy and to science in general.

Owing to the generosity of one of our former trustees, an eminent atomic spectroscopist, Professor Edward B.M. Steers, we are now able to award an annual Edward Steers bursary, in addition to the long standing Gordon Kirkbright bursary, to similarly assist a promising early scientist engaged in or utilising analytical spectroscopic techniques.

The ABS Trust defines early career as being either a student, or an employee in a non-tenured academic post or in industry, within 7 years of award of PhD excluding career breaks. The same conditions apply to each bursary.

Applications are invited for both the 2022 Gordon Kirkbright Bursary and the 2022 Edward Steers Bursary.  Although both funds are administered by the ABS Trust, the Kirkbright award is not restricted to spectroscopists, but is open to all involved with or utilising analytical science-based techniques.

Application Forms can be downloaded via:

or for further information visit: or contact

The closing date for entries is 30 November 2021.

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