We are delighted to announce that our latest Impact Factor* is 3.906!
Analyst remains the home of premier fundamental discoveries, inventions and applications in the analytical and bioanalytical sciences. It publishes leading edge interdisciplinary research that presents a significant advance in fundamental theory or practice of the chemical, physical and biological sciences from an analytical perspective and remains in the top 3 general analytical journals publishing primary research.
The Editorial office thanks all of our Board members, authors, readers and reviewers for their continued support.
We invite you to submit your latest piece of high impact work with us here.
Click through to see how the other Royal Society of Chemistry journals did.
*The Impact Factor provides an indication of the average number of citations per paper. Produced annually, Impact Factors are calculated by dividing the number of citations in a year by the number of citeable articles published in the preceding two years. Data based on 2013 Journal Citation Reports®, (Thomson Reuters, 2014).