Institutional branding has been removed from the RSC Publishing Platform as part of our investigations into intermittent performance issues that have been causing slow access speeds over the past five days. The branding will be restored as soon as possible, hopefully by 23rd March.
Announcing launch of Release 7.1.0 of RSC Publishing Platform
This update provides new and improved functionality for the RSC Publishing Platform:
Improved Issue Navigation on Journal Homepages
Following your feedback, we have introduced a new journal navigation based on dropdown menus for Decade, Year/Volume and Issue. These options provide a clearer way of navigating within the journal that you are browsing. Many of our journals have complex histories of name changes over the past 50 years and these name changes are reflected in a new Related Journals section, below the dropdown boxes. For some journals where there is a clear continuity of naming (such as Chemical Communications) we will be working to make all the years of the journal browsable from one set of dropdowns. However, where there has been a name change (such as for Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 1 and 2, which merged to become Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry in 2003) then these journals will continue to be listed as related and to have separate dropdownnavigations. We are already working on improving this aspect of navigation for a future release.
View our ‘Most Read’ Journal Articles
Check out our new ‘Most Read Articles’ tab, which lists the top 15 articles in each of our current journals. We are currently showing the most read articles covering 30 days, but we will soon reduce this period for our journals that have weekly issues. View the most read articles on Chemical Science, Chemical Communications and Chemical Society Reviews.
Print Views for Journal Contents Lists
We now provide a choice of print views for contents listings. For issue contents lists we provide the PDF of the contents pages (commonly 6-8 pages) and a new compact print view, accessed by the new button. For Advance Articles the new print view is provided by our RSS Feeds (via Feedburner). View the print view of the latest issue of Chemical Science and for the Advance Articles for Chemical Science.
Open URL implemented on Journal Article HTML
If your institution/organisation has registered their OpenURL server on our Platform, you can now follow OpenURL links from the references at the end of our HTML journal articles. The links direct you to the recommended source for the content, via your institution/organisation’s OpenURL service.
New Mobile Pages launched
Today we launched a new mobile homepages for the RSC Publishing Platform. The hompage is a simple, fast listing of our current and archive journals, enabling users from mobile devices to quickly access the latest issues and advance articles. We also launched a new tab for browsing back issues of journals.
Change to the RSC Publishing authentication system
On the week commencing 14th February 2011, we are pleased to announce that we will be replacing the internal technology that authenticates our customers and their users to access RSC Publishing content to a more advanced system.
During this time you should not be affected by this upgrade however, if you do experience any technical issues, please contact us and we will happily help:
5 minute ChemSpider
There’s a breakneck (20 slides in 5 mins) ChemSpider video covering both what ChemSpider is doing, and what the RSC is doing with ChemSpider, from the recent STM Innovations 2010 seminar in London.
Moving Highlights to Chemistry World
The three Highlights supplements will be moving to Chemistry World from January 2011
These free RSC Publishing supplements will be moving:
From January 2011, all online news articles will be published on the Chemistry World news page:
They will still be free for everyone to access. Plus, a selection of the content will be published in print as part of the Research section of Chemistry World. The original RSC Publishing research, on which the articles are based, will be free for a limited time.
- Issue 12, 2010, will be the final issue of each of the three supplements
- All published issues will be freely accessible from the RSC website.
Originally launched back in 2004 to provide a news service drawing together coverage from all RSC publications, the supplements have provided a vehicle for wider promotion of the most cutting-edge science published in RSC journals. By moving to Chemistry World, articles will have the opportunity to reach even wider audiences.
Make sure you keep in touch with the latest RSC Publishing research news
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Sign up for the Chemistry World daily, weekly or monthly alert:
Register the RSC Publishing Innovation RSS feed to be kept up-to-date with technical and product developments
Please note
URLs for Highlights will remain pointing to the old Highlights web pages as this is where the archive of this content is stored. The web page includes a link through to Chemistry World for continued access to the latest content.
The URLs are available on the URL Listing Excel file that includes all journals with sustainable links:
For any technical queries, please contact Technical Support and we will happily help:
Announcing launch of Release 6.1.2 of RSC Publishing Platform
This update includes further performance improvements and improved functionality for the RSC Publishing Platform:
- A new Compounds tab now displays the key chemical compounds from a journal article when it has been semantically enriched via RSC’s Project Prospect. Each compound links back to ChemSpider to access its 400 chemical data sources for compounds and users can also find related RSC journal articles containing the same compound. Try it now by clicking on the ‘Compounds’ tab in the article – Total synthesis of (±)-Vertine with Z-selective RCM as a key step, Laetitia Chausset-Boissarie, Roman Àrvai, Graham R. Cumming, Céline Besnard and E. Peter Kündig, Chem. Commun., 2010, 46, 6264.
- Our Rich HTML (Project Prospect view) has been greatly simplified and visually improved. Try now for Chem. Commun., 2010, 46, 6264 by following the Rich HTML link. Compounds highlighted in the Rich HTML also link through to ChemSpider.
- We fixed a bug where it was not possible to access RSC free content using an institutional username or federated access (Athens/Shibboleth) from the article landing page.
- For older articles, where we do not have author abstracts (for a variety of reasons), we now display an image of the first page of the article, so that you can now use this as an abstract. Try now for this historic article, On some analyses of modern “dry” champagne, Otto Rosenheim and Philip Schidrowitz, Analyst, 1900, 25, 6.
- To accommodate the new first-page abstracts, the login box for any users not recognised through IP authentication now appears above the PDF download link. This is a more logical placement.
Journal Landing Page / Home Page
- We have created an issue tab for archive journals to provide consistency in the interface with the current titles.
- We’ve made the article finder more prominent on the journal page as users were not finding it below the page fold. We may consider moving the Article Finder higher up the page, depending on your feedback.
- Following your feedback, we’re in the process of removing the expanding ‘tree’ navigation in ‘Browse Journal’ on the journal homepages in favour of a drop-down menu system. The tree navigation was complex for some titles (such as Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry) as it displayed the previous names for each journal, providing a ‘journal family’ history. This journal family history has been removed following your feedback and for the moment we are displaying navigation only for the single journal being viewed. This is the same level of functionality that will be available when we launch the drop-down menu navigation in the next release.
Mobile Site
- Mobile versions of the journal home pages are now available and give quick access for our mobile users. We do not display graphical abstracts for speed considerations. This is particularly important when accessing content over 2G and 3G networks. Graphical abstracts are available on the mobile pages for individual articles.
- Added a link to watch the demo video of the RSC Publishing Platform.
Librarians Portal
- The IP addresses registered for your institution can now be viewed. [21 Dec 2010, Updated – this functionality will now be released in Jan or Feb 2011.]
- If an institutional branding logo is smaller than the 150×30 pixels template, white space is now added to the image rather than stretching it to fit.
- Improvements were made to the profile management for librarians to allow name changes.
- The registration process for a librarian account has been simplified.
- A new form has been created to enable new customers to register their IPs.
Bug Fixes
- We have fixed the broken navigation when navigating between issues where there was a change of journal name / ISSN.
- PDFs were downloading with file names such as “1996-01-01.pdf”, and are now correctly named by article ID, which is unique.
- We fixed a navigation error when the expanding tree navigation redirected users to the wrong issue.
- Front and back matter for older content (pages starting X) was breaking the page range description on the issue home page.
To keep up to date with the RSC Publishing Innovation blog, sign up to the RSS feed.
Announcing launch of Release 5.2.0 of RSC Publishing Platform
This update includes further performance improvements and improved functionality for the RSC Publishing Platform:
Book landing page
- Design change have been made to show which chapters you have access to through colour coding. Colours are green for full access and white for no access. This will be changed to white for ‘pay per view access’ in the future. A future category of ‘not available’ may also be added in the future for books or chapters that we do not have the rights to distribute online, but wish to list on the book pages. This will allow us to have a single book shop online (and remove our old online catalogue of print titles). View an example book page.
- Related Book Chapters and Related Journal Articles sections added, to showcase similar content available from the site.
Book chapter landing page
- Each chapter landing page now displays the first paragraph from the chapter if an abstract of the chapter is not available, which is the case for books up to 2010. View an example chapter page.
- Related Chapters and Related Articles section has been improved, to showcase similar content available from the site.
Find an Issue
The ‘Find an Issue’ service now copes better with invalid combinations of Journal Names, Issue Numbers or Years and attempts to display suggestions to help you find the content you are searching for.
Journal Landing Page
The issue navigation section for journal issues was simplified and tided up.
Citation Download for BibTeX
Download citation in BibTeX format now correctly delivers a BibTeX file, where previously a generic .RIS format was downloaded.
Personal User Profiles
- Usability improvements were made to the Favorites section. This function allows you to store favourite articles (at the moment by DOI) in your personal user profile. This function will developed to interface with mobile access at a future date.
- Improvements were made to the account activation email messages.
Improvements to Simple Search
Entering a journal name on its own in the simple search box on each page will now direct you to the journals homepage, rather than search all content for that search text. Try now for Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry (
Mobile Browser and Non-Javascript pages
New pages are now available for viewing the platform on mobile browsers, such as iPhone. Mobile views are available for article landing pages and login pages at the moment, allowing you to follow links directly to a page designed for the mobile view. The following pages have been implemented:
- Article landing page
- Personal User Profile login page
- Subscriber login page
You can view full-text of any free content available to you via your personal user account on a mobile device, and also have full access if you are within your institution’s registered IP range. Register for a personal user account.
Implemented OpenURL for Non-RSC Content
Links to ‘Non-RSC Content’ are links to articles outside of the RSC Publishing Platform. These links come from RSC abstract and indexing databases and help direct you to other content of interest. Subscribers to the RSC abstracts and indexing databases can view additional details of the records. You can now link to the source records via OpenURL if this has been implemented by your institution. Try this example to see whether OpenURL has been set up for your institution. To set up OpenURL linking your librarian should register the following in our Librarians Portal: base URL of your OpenURL server, Open URL image file.
Bug fixes:
- Fixed: Some users with Google Toolbar installed were directed to the Google Robots page, instead of the human interface.
- Article abstracts with multiple paragraphs now display correctly.
- Fixed: .RIS export was broken for multiple exports that contained both book chapters and journal articles.
- Some special characters were breaking the site search, such as ‘&’.
Publishing Platform Maintenance, Tuesday 12th October
Our next upgrade of the RSC Publishing Platform is scheduled for Tuesday 12th October from 08:00 – 09:00 UTC (convert this to your local time). During this period the platform will continue to be available, however, there may be some interruption to service.
ChemSpider wins the ALPSP Publishing Innovation award for 2010
ChemSpider has been announced as the winner of the ALPSP Publishing Innovation award for 2010, and some of the team were present at the ALPSP Conference last Thursday as the envelope was opened. The judging panel commented that “[ChemSpider] has quickly become a highly valued and comprehensive community resource and has immense potential for future development”.
We’re especially proud as we were up against the other excellent shortlisted finalists of DataSalon’s Mastervision, the Semantic Biochemical Journal from Portland Press and the University of Manchester, and the AIP’s UniPHY social networking site.
We also managed to recreate the prize giving with Antony & Valery this morning – difficult to recreate the atmosphere of a conference dinner at 9am on an autumn Monday morning though…
Pictures after the jump
RSC Publishing Platform Update
The latest information on the new RSC Publishing platform migration for librarians and information specialists with frequently asked questions, links to migration information and URL lists. Register for this blog RSS feed to receive updates on the training schedule. GO TO
![]() * * Please forward this email to your library and information colleagues * * * = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = After successfully launching the new RSC Publishing Platform, we are continuing to develop the new platform with feedback received. We very much appreciate your valued comments during this time – please continue to use the ‘Feedback’ link on the top right of the RSC Publishing Platform and for any technical queries, please We have now added the eBook URLs document to as well as updated the Journals URLs list. = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
*Dates subject to change = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = To keep up-to-date with platform updates, register for a Librarians Portal account as well as access additional administration tools Send your email to myself and I will add you to the RSC Publishing Platform Update newsletter (this email) EMAIL Subscribe to the RSC Publishing Innovation Blog RSS feed – appears in the Librarians Portal = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Here are some common FAQs during the initial stage of migration: • Who can we contact about any technical questions? EMAIL • Where can I find migration information? GO TO • Where can I find Journals and eBooks URLs to update my system? GO TO • The page says ‘Loading failed’ or ‘Page load error’ We are working hard on the current speed of the new RSC Publishing platform. We are receiving more traffic on our new platform than the old website and we have identified some key areas where we can make improvements. These will be implemented this week and so you should see a significant difference. If you do experience this issue in the meantime, please click ‘Back’ on your browser and repeat the action. This can help solve the issue. • How do I access my usage statistics? Continue to use your registered MPS username and Password We will continue to use MPS for usage statistics, but at the end of the year we will change ‘how’ you will access these. Please ensure you have your email address set up on MPS and not a retired colleague or someone no longer with your institution/organisation as their email will receive the notification and not yours. • How can I set up a usage statistics account? If you do not have a MPS usage statistic account set up – please request one from the Ejournals Team • I am trying to login to the new RSC Librarians Portal with my MPS usage statistics username and password but it is not working? The RSC Librarians Portal and MPS are two different systems and so your MPS usage statistics username and password will not work on the Librarians Portal. We are asking all our customers to create at least one Librarians Portal account per institution for additional administration tools. This is a double registration process and you will receive three confirmation emails once the process is complete. To set up a Librarians Portal account and register as a Librarian • Where can I find a list of FAQs? Either from the Librarians Portal home page – or directly • Userguide will be available in PDF form after launch = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Migration If you would like further customer or technical support Thank you for your time. Kind regards Louise Peck, Library Marketing Specialist |