Have you seen the front cover of the RSC Publishing Catalogue?
This could be your library!
In 2011, we asked the librarian community to enter their library pictures into the RSC Publishing Catalogue front cover competition. This competition proved extremely popular – drawing entrants from countries across the globe including France, Lithuania, Slovenia, Spain, Tajikistan, South Africa, Turkey, UK and USA. Previous versions include:
- RSC Publishing Catalogue 2011 – RSC Library, London, UK
- RSC Publishing Catalogue 2012 – the George Peabody Library, Baltimore, Maryland, USA, taken by Norm Barker.
Steve Stich, from the Sheridan Libraries, of the Johns Hopkins University, USA won the 2011 Library Photograph Competition, voted for by 115 RSC staff and the RSC Library Advisory Board (entries can be seen on pages 2 – 5 of the 2012 Catalogue).
If you are interested in finding out about the next Library Photograph Competition, where your could be the winning Library featured on the front cover of the RSC Publishing Catalogue 2013, review the below instructions.

Enter the RSC Publishing Catalogue 2013 Photograph Competition
We’re now giving you the chance to enter the competition to feature your library on the front of our RSC Publishing Catalogue 2013, helping to raise the profile of your library and the facilities on offer. This is an annual competition and the catalogue will be printed in August 2012.
There are so many fantastic libraries in the world, whether architecturally, academically, historically or in terms of resources and support, so we’re really looking forward to the creative entries building on the success of last year. This competition will be judged by RSC, the RSC Library Advisory Board and the librarian community.
What are we looking for?
We are looking to receive a high resolution image representing the competition topic that we can use in all promotional activities relating to the RSC Publishing Catalogue.
All entries are published inside the Catalogue with a photo credit.
Competition Topic
The topic for the RSC Publishing Catalogue 2013 competition is based on a suggestion by Ian Gordon, Brock University, Canada – (an RSC Library Advisory Board member):
Creative use of digital chemistry resources in the library for research or teaching
Why not encourage your students or researchers to get involved and take pictures?
Competition Details
- Image to be supplied as high resolution in JPEG or EPS
- Competition entry deadline – Friday 27th April 2012
- Submit your image entries to:
RSC Publishing
Please contact us with any queries and we will happily help. We look forward to receiving your competition entries!
Competition Terms and Conditions
- One winner will be voted on by the Royal Society of Chemistry, the RSC Library Advisory Board and the library community through electronic communications from all library image entries received by 18.00 GMT on Friday 27th April 2012
- By submitting an image, entrants hereby give permission to the Royal Society of Chemistry for the image to be published by the Royal Society of Chemistry on the front cover of the RSC Publishing Catalogue
- The institution/organisation name and image of the winning photograph will be used in Royal Society of Chemistry’s marketing activities
- By submitting an image, entrants hereby confirm that the image is their own original work
- Images to be supplied in high resolution JPEG or EPS format to marketing@rsc.org
- The image should relate to the topic – Creative use of digital chemistry resources in the library for research or teaching
- The winner will be notified by email
- Unsuccessful entrants may not be notified
- Only one entry per individual
- No cash prize alternatives are available
- Employees of the Royal Society of Chemistry will not be eligible to enter this competition
- The Royal Society of Chemistry will store any personal data you supply on its electronic records in order to contact you further about the competition and it will NOT be passed on to third parties.
P.S. Have you visited the RSC Library Tool Kit and downloaded the support tools?
GO TO www.rsc.org/librarytoolkit