Archive for the ‘Sponsorship’ Category

A Busy Year for the Brazilian Chemistry Community

2024 was one of the busiest years in recent history for the chemistry community in Brazil. Encouraged by a return of federal funding for research and collaboration, there is hope again that we are headed in the right direction.

Maintaining tradition, last year we supported the Global Women Breakfast-GWB. This meeting is an inspiration for many women in the chemical sciences, offering an opportunity to network about challenges and successes. The Chemistry Institute in Arararquara, at UNESP-State University of Sao Paulo, hosted the event; our Brazil office manager, Elizabeth Magalhaes, presented researchers with awards for their work including funding for attendance to the Brazilian Chemical Society meeting.

The 47th Annual Meeting of the Brazilian Chemical Society had great representation from RSC, as both Beth and Dr. Laura Fisher, Executive Editor of RSC Advances, attended to discuss Open Access with the regional community. They met with SBQ President, Prof. Dr. Rossimiriam Freitas (UFMG) to affirm ongoing collaboration between our two societies, including in the annual awarding of the JP-RSC-RASBQ prize. Together, we agreed to sponsor several division and specialized meetings, enabling us to support researchers across the country of Brazil.

Next, the X Encontro Nacional de Química Ambiental (ENQAmb) with the XV Latin American Symposium on Environmental Analytical Chemistry (LASEAC) was held in Ouro Preto-MG. This historic city is known for its gold and diamond mines, and as a result, is a place of environmental concern. At the conference, we gave a presentation to local researchers on publishing in our environmental and analytical journals.

Beth next travelled from MG state to Rio for the 29th International Liquid Crystal Conference (ILCC2024). This was an important international event that drew attendance from the top Brazilian researchers in the field, and Soft Matter, RSC Advances, Materials Advances, and Journal of Materials Chemistry C sponsored poster prizes.

Following these international events, Beth attended the main SBQ division meetings of the year: Brazilian Meeting on Organic Synthesis (BMOS), Brazilian Meeting on Inorganic Chemistry (BMIC), and National Meeting on Analytical Chemistry (ENQA). At BMOS, Beth and Dr. Jennifer Schomaker (UW Madison), editorial board member for Organic Chemistry Frontiers, awarded our traditional RSC/BMOS Early Career Investigator Award – together with the UK government, we sponsored two Brazilians and two UK researchers to present their work at the event.

Similarly, at BMIC, we sponsored one Brazilian researcher as Early Career Researcher DQI/Royal Soc Chem Awardee to present a plenary lecture. Along with Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers editorial board member Dr. Justin Wilson (UC Santa Barbara), we announced a special issue related to the meeting. We also heard from other RSC editors at the meeting, including Drs. Ana Flavia Nogueira and Camila Abbehausen.

At ENQA, a huge meeting for analytical chemists, we were supported by our editorial board members Drs. Marcia Mesko (UFPel-JAAS) and Wendell Coltro (UFG-Analytical Chemistry) to present to a full audience about our journals.


Marcia, Elizabeth, and Wendell at ENQA after presenting to over 100 attendees.


Beth next attended the annual Materials Research Society (MRS) Meeting-Brazil in Sao Paulo state. With more than 1700 attendees, this conference was an excellent opportunity to present to the community about our journals. Beth was supported by Editor-in-Chief of RSC Applied Interfaces, Dr. Federico Rosei (University of Trieste, Italy), who was an invited speaker at the event. We also sponsored six oral and poster prizes, which were warmly received by researchers.


Dr. Federico Rosei presenting at MRS-Brazil.


Besides these larger events, RSC Brazil was able to support one regional SBQ meeting for the Minas Gerais state, three site visits to the main universities in Sao Paulo (USP, UNICAMP, and Mackenzie), three symposia, two workshops, an accreditation visit, and four chemistry weeks around the country.

The final conferences Beth attended in 2024 were the AutoOrg-8th Meeting on Self Assembly Structures in Solution and at Interfaces and the ICCB-3rd International Congress on Bioactive Compounds. ICCB was a new conference for us, focused on food science – here we presented the community with information about Sustainable Food Technology and Food & Function.

Overall, RSC Brazil was able to attend fourteen events in-person in 2024 and nine more virtually. We hope that by showing our interest in different areas of the chemical sciences, we keep the RSC in the front of researchers’ minds when considering where to publish their work.


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Congratulations to WesTEC 2024 Award Winners

This year, the Royal Society of Chemistry was again proud to support the Western Canada Operations Science and Technical Excellence Conference (WesTEC), hosted by Dow Canada. The yearly event celebrates the achievements of scientists and professionals conducting research and development within Dow Canada.

The theme of the 33rd WesTEC was “From Vision to Reality,” exemplified by Dow Canada’s progress in 2024 towards implementing to their previously announced Path2Zero project, which seeks to create the world’s first net-zero scope 1 and 2 emissions ethylene and derivatives complex in Fort Saskatchewan, Alberta.

As in previous years, the Royal Society of Chemistry sponsored the Best Presentation and Best Exhibit award winners at the 2024 WesTEC. This year, the Best Presentation award was given to Megan Finstad and Andrew Tan, and the Best Exhibit award was given to Justin Kaban and Audrey Sidebottom. The Royal Society of Chemistry would like to express our heartfelt congratulations to all the prize winners, and we look forward to next year’s WesTEC!

Best Presentation: Megan Finstad and Andrew Tan

From left to right: Diego Ordonez (Dow Canada President), Megan Finstad, Andrew Tan, Linh Le (R&D Director)


Best Exhibit: Justin Kaban and Audrey Sidebottom

From left to right: Hillary Martin (Mega Project Organizational Excellence Director), Justin Kaban, Audrey Sidebottom, Ai Nguyen (Senior Site Manufacturing Director)

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Congratulations to the RSC Poster Prize Winners at the 2024 Tri-Institutional Chemical Biology Symposium

At the recently held 2024 Tri-Institutional Chemical Biology Symposium at The Rockefeller University on August 14th, 2024, the Royal Society of Chemistry was proud to offer our continued support through sponsoring several poster prizes for attendees. This year, three RSC journals contributed to the prize, sponsoring £50 book vouchers for four awardees. Congratulations to all the poster prize winners!

RSC Chemical Biology

SeCheol Oh (Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center)

Ruijie Xiang (The Rockefeller University)

Chemical Science

Pooja Pandya (Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center)

Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry

Charlie Warren (Cornell University)

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Highlighting WesTEC 2023: Advancing Possiblities

For the seventh year, the Royal Society of Chemistry was delighted to support the Western Canada Operations Science and Technical Excellence Conference (WesTEC), hosted by Dow Canada. This year marked the 32nd WesTEC, which showcases and recognizes outstanding developments and achievements within Dow Canada. This year’s theme of “Advancing Possibilities” serves to recognize the challenges the world faces, and the vital role of the chemical sciences in meeting those challenges.

Dow’s dedication to create the world’s first net-zero Scope 1 and 2 emissions ethylene and derivatives complex, as well as their commitment to transition completely to net-zero emissions by 2050, demonstrates their determination to build a more sustainable planet. The Royal Society of Chemistry is proud to support Dow’s efforts and play a role in highlighting the outstanding achievements of the scientists working there.

As in previous years, the Royal Society of Chemistry was thrilled to sponsor the Best Presentation and Best Exhibit awards at the 2023 WesTEC. This year, the Best Presentation award was given to Ramadan Ahmed and the Best Exhibit award was given to Jenny Boutros and Steven Stack. Congratulations to the winners, and we look forward to next year!

Best Presentation: Ramadan Ahmed

From left to right: Tonya Stockman (R&D/TS&D Director), Ramadan Ahmed, Rida Al-Horr (Regional Analytical Director)


Best Exhibit: Jenny Boutros and Steven Stack

From left to right: Jenny Boutros, Ron Huijsmans (Global Mega Project Director), Steven Stack, Orlando Castellanos Diaz (TS&D Scientist)

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Congratulations to the RSC poster prize winners at the 2023 Tri-Institutional Chemical Biology Symposium

The Royal Society of Chemistry was once again proud to sponsor several poster awards at the 2023 Tri-Institutional Chemical Biology Symposium, held on September 6th, 2023 at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center. This year, three RSC journals sponsored four separate prizes, with each award winner receiving a £50 book voucher. Congratulations to the poster prize award winners!

Chemical Science:

Alex Meyer (Lehigh University)

RSC Chemical Biology:

Thomas Murphy (Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center)

Gabriella Chua (The Rockefeller University)

Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry:

Adam Rosenzweig (The Rockefeller University)

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Highlighting the 19th Annual Tri-Institutional Chemical Biology Symposium

The Royal Society of Chemistry is proud to once again sponsor the 19th Annual Tri-Institutional Chemical Biology Symposium, being held on Wednesday, September 6th, 2023 at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, in New York, New York. The symposium is sponsored and organized by the Tri-Institutional PhD Program in Chemical Biology, a graduate program jointly offered by Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, The Rockefeller University, and Weill Cornell Medicine.

Chemical Science, RSC Chemical Biology, and Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry are each sponsoring poster prizes at the event, highlighting the graduate student and postdoctoral rising stars in chemical biology.

The featured keynote speakers will be Prof. Danica G. Fujimori (University of California, San Francisco), Prof. Viviana Risca (Rockefeller University), Prof. Brian K. Shoichet (University of California, San Francisco), and Prof. Jorge Z. Torres (University of California, Los Angeles). The symposium is free to attend, so if you are interested in attending please click here to register in advance.

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Celebrating WesTEC 2022 with Dow Canada

The Royal Society of Chemistry was proud to again support and celebrate the 31st Western Canada Operations Technical Excellence Conference (WesTEC), hosted by Dow Chemical, which is also marking its 125th anniversary.

This year’s theme of “Mapping the Path2Zero,” highlights the essential role of companies in addressing climate change by moving towards a goal of net zero emissions. Dow has committed to achieving net zero emissions by 2050, and has already unveiled their plans to build a first of its kind net zero carbon integrated ethylene cracker and derivatives site in Fort Saskatchewan. As in previous years, the 2022 WesTEC was an opportunity to highlight the outstanding work in this area being done at Dow Canada, and the Royal Society of Chemistry was glad to be a part of that recognition.

The Royal Society of Chemistry was thrilled to sponsor two awards at the 2022 WesTEC: Best Presentation: Nail Hagar, as well as Best Exhibit: Pabbi Grover and Jordan Gabert. Congratulations to all three winners!


Best Presentation: Nail Hagar

From left to right: Tonya Stockman, R&D/TS&D Director; Nail Hagar; Diego Ordoñez, Dow Canada President


Best Exhibit: Jordan Gabert, Pabbi Grover

From left to right: Jordan Gabert; Pabbi Grover; Lindsay Michalski, Senior Reliability Director; Jessica Gonzales, Global Process Automation Director


Additionally, the Royal Society of Chemistry would like to congratulate Professor Emeritus Dr. Milton Lee of Brigham Young University, and previous member of Analytical Method‘s Editorial Board, for receiving the Distinguished External Leader in Science and Technology. Dr. Lee is pictured below with Dr. Jim Luong, R&D Fellow Dow Canada and current Analytical Methods Advisory Board member. Dr. Lee was honored at the 2022 WestTEC, where he delivered an award address to attendees sharing his wisdom gained throughout his distinguished career.


Distinguished External Leader in Science and Technology: Milton Lee

From left to right: Jim Luong, R&D Fellow Dow Canada; Milton Lee, Professor Emeritus Brigham Young University


The Royal Society of Chemistry would like to congratulate all the award recipients at WesTEC 2022, as well as celebrate Dow Canada’s 175th anniversary. We are proud to partner with Dow Canada and celebrate its innovations.

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Congratulations to the RSC Best Poster Prize Winners at the 2022 Tri-Institutional Chemical Biology Symposium

The Royal Society of Chemistry, through Chemical ScienceOrganic & Biomolecular Chemistry, and RSC Chemical Biology, was pleased to support the Tri-Institutional Ph.D. Program in Chemical Biology‘s 18th annual symposium, held on Thursday, September 8th, 2022.

The symposium featured a poster session with submissions from researchers across the academic spectrum, with outstanding presenters receiving the Royal Society of Chemistry Best Poster Prize. These exemplary winners were recognized in-person at the symposium and will receive a £50 book voucher from the Royal Society of Chemistry.

We would like to congratulate this year’s prize recipients!


Ayala Carl, The Rockefeller University

Ilana Kotliar, The Rockefeller University

Ifeh Akano, The Sloan Kettering Institute

Lingling Cheng, PhD, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center

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WesTEC 2021: Driving 30 Years of Technical Excellence

The Royal Society of Chemistry are pleased to continue our support and celebrate the 30th annual Western Canada Operations Technical Excellence Conference (WesTEC), hosted by Dow Canada. This year’s theme, “Driving 30 Years of Technical Excellence”, captured the spirit of WesTEC: discovery, momentum, and continuous improvement and advances.

We are delighted to be invited again this year by Analytical Methods Editorial Board member Dr. Jim Luong to contribute a congratulatory letter and sponsor the Best Presentation and Best Exhibit Prizes at the WesTEC 2021 event. Through these efforts, the Royal Society of Chemistry is honored to recognize the skill and excellence across the breadth of Dow Canada.

Best presentation award winners: Kristie Ann Bell, Christon Wilson
From left to right: Jaime Curtis-Fisk, Senior R&D Leader, Kristie Ann Bell, Christon Wilson, Tonya Stockman, R&D/TS&D Director







Best Exhibit Award Winner: Ingrid Montpetit
From left to right: Catherine Costin, Vice-President of Dow Canada and Site Director and Ingrid Montpetit, AB Ops Learning Leader

As with many across the global chemical science community, Dow employees have tirelessly and
successfully worked throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, having been designated an essential service by
the government of Canada. The RSC is proud to partner with our colleagues at the Canadian Society for Chemistry to acknowledge and support their ongoing efforts.

Congratulations again on the occasion of the 30th WesTEC conference. We look forward to ongoing
innovation and collaboration for another 30 years, and beyond.

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Congratulations to WesTEC 2020 Award Winners

We are pleased to support the 29th annual Western Canada Operations Technical Excellence Conference (WesTEC) hosted by Dow Canada, continuing from previous years. Despite 2020 being an atypical year with the COVID-19 situation, many Dow employees continued to innovate and drive excellence in science and technology for a better future.

This year, we were delighted to be invited again by Analytical Methods Advisory Board member Dr. Jim Luong to contribute a congratulatory letter and sponsor the Best Lecture and Best Poster Prizes at the WesTEC 2020 event.

WesTEC, Best Lecture Award

Best Lecture Award winners Allison De Man and Jerome Wong with Catherine Costin Vice-President of Dow Canada and Site Director

WesTEC2020; Best Poster Award

Best Poster Award winners Wade Osicki and Todd Blumentrath (not pictured) with Catherine Costin, Vice-President of Dow Canada and Site Director

Congratulations to everyone for their research and development achievements!

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