Members are a vibrant part of the chemical sciences community and our office enjoys all our interactions. There are over 54,000 RSC members around the world, from students through distinguished Fellows.
The USA East Coast Local Section aims to support members and extend the professional experience. Towards this goal, they actively organize opportunities related to the practice of chemistry so members can connect throughout the year.
At a recent November meeting, Professor Roger Barth visited from West Chester University to give a talk entitled “Fermentation and the Origin of Biochemistry.” He described the historical aspects of biochemistry and related glycolysis to alcoholic fermentation, which he elaborated in his book, The Chemistry of Beer: The Science in the Suds. Everyone enjoyed the evening mix of science and dinner with a chance to catch up with friends and expand networks.

Dinner in New York City with speaker Dr. Roger Barth, Mrs. Barth, Section Past-President Dr. Les McQuire, Harrison Bagga, and Section President Dr. Kishore Bagga (L to R).
Kishore Bagga, PhD, MRSC, President of the USA East Coast Section, enthusiastically presented the section’s initiatives, welcoming ideas and collaboration with other scientific professional bodies. He took time to share some of his personal experiences as an RSC member with us.
Why did you decide to become an RSC member?
When I recall back to my undergraduate years, I enjoyed meeting other people who were interested in chemistry. I saw joining the RSC as an opportunity to network with others in the field, to present my work, as a social and career platform, and career advice to name a few reasons. I really liked the idea to belong to a learned professional society as a way to start my career. It gave me a chance to hear from other scientists for example by attending the local section meetings.
I did not know that I would enjoy attending meetings and serve, so much that one day I would have the opportunity to be the first Indian American to serve as President of the US Section. At this stage, I like to give some of my time back to my society so that others can benefit as much if not more than I do. The current meetings which we hold also allow for a social aspect besides the scientific presentation, allowing for friends to meet again for the evening. In a way, joining when I did lets me see how big a family I belong to, the RSC.
“Joining when I did lets me see how
big a family I belong to, the RSC”
— Kishore Bagga, President of the RSC USA East Coast Membership Section —
What is your favorite part about being involved in the East Coast Section?
Holding meetings and allowing for a venue where members can meet and spend time with each other over dinner, and listen to a presentation, as well as the social aspect-excellent food in grand wonderful settings. A large number of our members came from abroad by themselves, just like myself, so the RSC allows for us to gather as a family of say British ex-patriots, amongst others from other countries which adds to the international nature of our society.
To learn more, read Kishore Bagga’s article in Chemistry World, find upcoming events on the Facebook page, or visit the RSC membership website. We hope to see you at a future event!