Nominations for several lectureships with the RSC’s analytical chemistry-focused journals have recently opened, and will be accepting submissions through June 14th. Analyst and JAAS (Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry) both are seeking nominations for their respective Emerging Investigator awards, while Lab on a Chip has opened nominations for its Pioneers of Miniaturisation lectureship. If you know of someone who fits the criteria below and is deserving of recognition, click the images below to learn more and to nominate them for these prestigious awards before June 14th.
Eligibility |
Prize |
- Have completed their Ph.D.
- Have published in Analyst in the past 3 years
- Be working in a research area within the scope of Analyst
- Be at an early stage of their independent career (typically this will be within 10 years of completing their PhD, but appropriate consideration will be given to those who have taken a career break or followed a different study path
- Opportunity to present a lecture at a leading international meeting
- Up to £2,000 to cover associated travel and accommodation
- Have completed their Ph.D.
- Have published in JAAS in the past 3 years
- Be working in a research area within the scope of JAAS
- Be at an early stage of their independent career (typically this will be within 10 years of completing their PhD, but appropriate consideration will be given to those who have taken a career break or followed a different study path
- Opportunity to present a lecture at a leading international meeting
- Up to £2,000 to cover associated travel and accommodation
- Free RSC membership for one year
- Have completed their Ph.D.
- Have published in Lab on a Chip in the past 3 years
- Be actively pursuing an independent research career on miniaturised systems
- Be at an early-mid career stage of their independent career (typically this will be within 15 years of completing their PhD, but appropriate consideration will be given to those who have taken a career break or followed a different study path)
- Opportunity to present a lecture at MicroTAS
- Up to $3,000 to cover associated travel and accommodation