Hear from our authors: Venkatesh Ravula

RSC Pharmaceutics has published its first articles. To celebrate this, we asked the authors to discuss their work in some more detail.


In this edition, we hear from Venkatesh Ravula about their Review titled Phenylboronic acid-derived nanovectors for gene/drug delivery by targeting cell surface glycans.


Want to know more about their work? Read the full paper here!

Phenylboronic acid-derived nanovectors for gene/drug delivery by targeting cell surface glycans

Venkanna Muripiti, Venkatesh Ravula, Srinivas Batthula, Janardhan Banothu and Ramesh Gondru

RSC Pharm. 2024, Advance Article, DOI: 10.1039/D4PM00005F



RSC Pharmaceutics provides researchers with a platform to publish research in pharmaceutics and advance this field. We are interested in any submission that shares new scientific findings across chemistry, materials science, biomedical sciences, pharmaceutics and drug delivery.