Welcome Renzhi Ma, Cinzia Casiraghi, Xing Yi Ling, Jonathan Veinot – new Associate Editors

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We are delighted to welcome four new Associate Editors, working across Nanoscale and Nanoscale Advances!


Professor Cinzia Casiraghi

University of Manchester, UK. Homepage.

Prof Cinzia Casiraghi has a Chair in nanoscience, at the Department of Chemistry, University of Manchester, UK since 2016. She received her BSc and MSc in Nuclear Engineering from Politecnico di Milano (Italy) and her Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from the University of Cambridge (UK). In 2005 she was awarded with an Oppenheimer Early Career Research Fellowship, followed by the Humboldt Research Fellowship and the prestigious Kovalevskaja Award (1.5M Euro). Her current research work is focused on the development of biocompatible 2D inks and their use in printed electronics and biomedical applications. She is leading expert on Raman spectroscopy, used to characterise a wide range of carbon-based nanomaterials. She is recipient of the Leverhulme Award in Engineering (2016), the Marlow Award (2014), given by the Royal Society of Chemistry in recognition of her work on Raman spectroscopy, and an ERC Consolidator grant (2015).

Check out some of her recent articles:

Charge-tunable graphene dispersions in water made with amphoteric pyrene derivatives Mol. Syst. Des. Eng., 2019

Aqueous dispersions of nanostructures formed through the self-assembly of iminolipids with exchangeable hydrophobic termini Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2017

Self-catalytic membrane photo-reactor made of carbon nitride nanosheets J. Mater. Chem. A, 2016


Professor Renzhi Ma

NIMS, Japan. Homepage.

Renzhi Ma is group leader of the Functional Nanomaterials Group at International Center for Materials Nanoarchitectonics (MANA), National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS), Japan. He is also a Professor (concurrent position) of Waseda-NIMS Joint Graduate Research Program at the Department of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering, Waseda University. He received his Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering and Ph.D in Materials Processing Engineering both from Beijing Tsinghua University. He pursued his postdoctoral research at NIMS. Since 2004, he has been a staff scientist at NIMS. He was a visiting researcher at the Pennsylvania State University during 2007~2008. His research focuses on developing 1D/2D nanostructures and their hierarchical nanoarchitectures through various synthetic techniques, chemical transformation and self-assembly; as well as probing novel functionalities and potential applications in electronics, electrochemistry, energy storage/conversion and catalysis, etc.

Check out some of his recent articles:

Recent advances in developing high-performance nanostructured electrocatalysts based on 3d transition metal elements Nanoscale Horiz., 2019

Post-synthesis isomorphous substitution of layered Co–Mn hydroxide nanocones with graphene oxide as high-performance supercapacitor electrodes Nanoscale, 2019

All solid-state lithium–oxygen batteries with MOF-derived nickel cobaltate nanoflake arrays as high-performance oxygen cathodes Chem. Commun., 2019


Professor Xing Yi Ling

Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. Homepage.

Xing Yi Ling received her Ph.D. degree in Chemistry from University of Twente, the Netherlands in 2009. She then did a postdoctoral research at the University of California, Berkeley between 2009 -2011 under the Rubicon Fellowship from the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research. Xing Yi Ling joined the Chemistry and Biological Chemistry division at Nanyang Technological University in 2011, where she was promoted to associate professor in 2016. She is the recipient of the Lectureship Awardee at the Chemical Society Japan Annual Meeting (2016), L’ORÉAL Singapore for Women in Science National Fellowship (2015), the Asian and Oceanian Photochemistry Association prize for Young Scientist (2014), Singapore National Research Foundation Fellowship (2012), Rubicon Fellowship by the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (2009), and IUPAC Young Chemist award (2009). Her research group focuses on nanoparticle synthesis, surface chemistry, self-assembly, nanopatterning, nanofabrication, materials and device characterization. In particular, her group uses molecule-specific surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) for fundamental studies and applications in catalysis, sensing, and diagnosis.

Check out some of her recent articles:

Designing surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) platforms beyond hotspot engineering: emerging opportunities in analyte manipulations and hybrid materials, Chem. Soc. Rev., 2019

Shape-dependent thermo-plasmonic effect of nanoporous gold at the nanoscale for ultrasensitive heat-mediated remote actuation, Nanoscale, 2018

Quantitative prediction of the position and orientation for an octahedral nanoparticle at liquid/liquid interfaces, Nanoscale, 2017


Professor Jonathan Veinot

University of Alberta, Canada. Homepage.

Dr. Jonathan (Jon) Veinot received his BSc from the University of Western Ontario and PhD from York University (Toronto, Canada).  He then took up an NSERC Post-Doctoral Fellowship with Tobin Marks at Northwestern University (Evanston, IL).  He is now Professor and Associate Chair (Research) in Department of Chemistry at the University of Alberta and Canadian Director of the “Alberta-Technical University of Munich International Graduate for Hybrid Functional Materials (ATUMS)”.  He was awarded the 2017 Award for Excellence in Materials Chemistry from the Chemical Society of Canada (Materials Chemistry Division) and the 2016 DIACHEM Award from the Burghausen Chemical Industry and City of Burghausen, Bavaria. His research team explores topics including super-hydrophobic/self-cleaning surfaces, metal oxide nanomaterials and polymers for organic electronic devices, their primary focus lies in the development of Group 14 (i.e., Si and Ge) nanomaterials (e.g., quantum dots, nanosheets, etc.) and their applications (e.g., bio/medical imaging, batteries, display technologies, solar cells).

Check out some of his recent articles:

Interfacing enzymes with silicon nanocrystals through the thiol–ene reaction, Nanoscale, 2018

The influence of surface functionalization methods on the performance of silicon nanocrystal LEDs, Nanoscale, 2018

In situ IR-spectroscopy as a tool for monitoring the radical hydrosilylation process on silicon nanocrystal surfaces, Nanoscale, 2017


Submit your latest work to their Editor Centres now at Nanoscale (https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/nr) or Nanoscale Advances (https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/nr).

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Nanoscale 10th Anniversary at ChinaNANO 2019

The 8th China International Nanoscience and Technology Conference (ChinaNANO 2019) was successfully held in Beijing on August 17-19. The Royal Society of Chemistry not only set up a booth at the conference, but also held a number of events during the meeting including a certificate presentation ceremony, Nanoscale 10th anniversary birthday cake celebration ceremony, a Nanoscale journal symposium, face-to-face journal editors and other activities.

Cake-cutting Ceremony

Professor Chunli Bai and Professor Dirk Guldi cut the celebration cake while Dr Michaela Muehlberg, Managing Editor, watched on.

To celebrate 10 years of publishing Nanoscale, we held a cake-cutting celebration featuring Professor Chunli Bai and Professor Dirk Guldi – the founding and current Editors-in-chief of the journal. Professor Bai shared his thoughts on how Nanoscale has developed over the last decade, growing into the largest high-impact nanoscience and nanotechnology journal.

Dr Helen Pain and Professor Chunli Bai celebrate the growth and success of Nanoscale since it launched in 2009.

Nanoscale journal family symposium

The RSC Nanoscale Journals Symposium was held in collaboration with the National Nanoscience Center. A number of Associate Editors who handle manuscripts for the nanoscale journal family, as well as outstanding young scholars selected by the journal, presented their latest research. Dr. Michaela Muehlberg, Managing Editor, also gave a talk about the writing and submission of papers.



Celebrating our authors

Prior to the cake celebration ceremony, Professor Chunli Bai, Dr. Helen Pain, Professor Dirk Guldi, and Dr Michaela Muehlberg presented certificates to some of Nanoscale‘s most highly cited authors and most prolific authors. We were delighted to be able to thank our authors in person and present them with certificates to commemorate their incredible support of the journal.

Amanda Barnard, Australian Federal Institute of Science

Qian Zhang picked up the award for Daxiang Cui, Shangahi Jiaotong University

Liming Ding, NCNST

Mingdong Dong, Aarhus University

Youxing Fang picked up with award for Shaojun Dong, Changchun Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Baibiao Huang, Shandong University

Xingyu Jiang, Southern University of Science and Technology and former Nanoscale Associate Editor

A student picked up the award on behalf of Hong Liu, Shandong University

Luis M. Liz-Marzán, CIC biomaGUNE Research Center

Xiongwen Lou, Nanyang Technological University

Thalappil Pradeep, Indian Institute of Technology, Madras

Xianbin Li picked up the award on behalf of Hongbo Sun, Jilin University

Feng Ding, South Korea Ulsan University of Science and Technology

Zhuang Liu, Suzhou University


Thank you to everyone who attended our celebrations! We hope you enjoyed it as much as we did.

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ANNIC 2019

Applied Nanotechnology and Nanoscience International Conference – ANNIC 2019

The Applied Nanotechnology and Nanoscience International Conference is an annual event. It hosts high-profile plenary speakers, world-class researchers, oral and poster presentations, workshops, sponsor exhibits, and afterworks. This event is a great opportunity to share your research findings with a wide audience, promote knowledge exchange, and network. Come to share about nanotechnology and nanoscience during this fifth edition.

The nanoscale journal family is delighted to support a student poster prize at the event!



  • Prof. Nicola Pinna, Humboldt University of Berlin, Germany
  • Prof. Francesco Stellacci, EPFL, Switzerland
  • Prof. Liberato Manna, Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, Italy
  • Prof. Jordi Arbiol, ICREA, ICN2, CSIC and BIST, Spain


  • Dr. Sara Bals, University of Antwerp, Belgium
  • Prof. Sharon Glotzer, University of Michigan, United States
  • Prof. Anna Fontcuberta i Morral, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne, Switzerland
  • Prof. Osman Bakr, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Saudi Arabia
  • Prof. Luisa De Cola, University of Strasbourg and CNRS, France / Karlsruher Institut für Technologie, Germany


  • Dr. Nadine Nassif, Sorbonne Université, France
  • Prof. Raffaella Buonsanti, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne, Switzerland
  • Prof. Maria Francesca Casula, University of Cagliari, Italy
  • Dr. Neus Bastus, Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Spain
  • Dr. Gabriel Sánchez-Santolino, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
  • Prof. Simone Schuerle, ETH Zürich, Switzerland
  • Prof. Sara Skrabalak, Indiana University Bloomington, USA
  • Dr. Eva Hemmer, University of Ottawa, Canada


Nanophotonics & Nano-optics
Nanotechnology for Energy and Environment
Nanobiotechnology, Nanomedicine & Nanosafety
Nanocharacterization & Nanomanufacturing


Early bird submission – June 18, 2019

Early bird registration – July 18, 2019

Regular submission – September 18, 2019

Regular registration – October 18, 2019

Conference – November 18 – 20, 2019

More information can be found on the conference website: https://premc.org/conferences/annic-nanotechnology-nanoscience/ 
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Congratulations to the prize winners from AST 2019!

AST 2019 the 3rd Internationa Symposium on Anodizing Science and Technology took place in June 2019 at Hyogo, Japan. The event was successful with 130 participants and 91 valuable presentations given.

We are delighted to announce the winners of the poster prize awards!

Laras Fadillah (Hokkaido University, Japan) was awarded the Nanoscale poster prize for a poster entitled “Growth of Anodic Nanotubular Films on Sputter-Deposited Fe-W Alloy” coauthored by Damian Kowalski, Chunyu Zhu, Yoshitaka Aoki, and Hiroki Habazaki.


Mikimasa Matsumoto (Kogakuin University, Japan) was ar=warded the Nanoscale Advances poster prize for a poster entitled “Efficiency of Anodic Alumina Formation in Sulfuric Acid with Ethanol Addition” coauthored by Hideki Hashimoto and Hidetaka Asoh


More poster prize winners and photographs of the meeting can be found on the conference webpage: http://ars.sfj.or.jp/ast2019/

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Congratulations to the prize winners from NT19

NT19 the 20th International Conference on the Science and Application of Nanotubes and Low-Dimensional Materials took place at the end of July in Würzburg, Germany. The conference was a great success with 420 attendees from 31 countries, lively poster sessions and many, many stimulating interactions between young and more experienced researchers.

Congratulations to the winners of the poster prize awards!

Dr. Lyuleeva, Alina (Rice University, Houston) was awarded the Nanoscale Horizons best poster prize for her work entitled “Mechanism of Global Alignment of Carbon Nanotubes during Vacuum Filtration”.

Inoue, Taiki (University of Tokyo, Tokyo) was awarded a Nanoscale poster prize for his work entitled “Growth process of individual single-walled carbon nanotubes analyzed by isotope labelling”

Dr. Freddi, Sonia (Univeristà Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Brescia) was awarded a Nanoscale Advances poster prize for her work entitled “A highly selective array of sensors based on NPs-decorated CNT for medical applications”

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Nanoscale activities at ChinaNANO 2019

China International Nanoscience and Technology Conference (ChinaNANO 2019) will be held at the Beijing International Convention Center on August 17-19 this year.

The Royal Society of Chemistry not only has a booth at the conference, but will also host a Nanoscale symposium, the Nanoscale 10th Anniversary Birthday Cake Celebration Ceremony, and attendees will have the opportunity to meet our Managing Editor Michaela Mühlberg.

Nanoscale Symposium

The Nanoscale series of journals published by the Royal Society of Chemistry in collaboration with the NCNST will organize the ” RSC Nanoscale Journals Symposium ” at ChinaNANO 2019. With talks from distinguished board members of Nanoscale HorizonsNanoscale, and Nanoscale Advances this symposium will showcase high quality and exciting work across the broad scope of nanoscience and nanotechnology. In addition, the winner of the 2018 Nanoscale Horizons Outstanding Paper award will deliver a talk about their exceptional research. Dr. Michaela Mühlberg, Managing Editor of the Nanoscale series of journals, will give a “how to publish” talk which will be especially interesting for early-career researchers.


All details, including the program, can be found on the event webpage here.

  • Time:
    August 17th 14:00-16:45
    August 18th 9:00-11:30
  • Meeting Room:
    Ballroom A, 2nd Floor, Beijing Wuzhou Hotel (next to the main venue of the conference).


Chen Chunying, NCNST China.

Wojciech Chrzanowski, University of Sydney Australia.

Dirk Guldi, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg Germany.

Dong Ha Kim, Korea Ewha Womans University South Korea.

Li Quan, Chinese University of Hong Kong China.

Michaela Muehlberg, Royal Society of Chemistry, UK.

Paolo Samori University of Strasbourg, France.

Sun Lingdong, Beijing University China.

Nanoscale 10th Anniversary Cake Cutting Ceremony and Top Author Presentation

Nanoscale was launched in 2009 and is now the largest high-impact journal in nanoscience and technology.

This year marks the 10th anniversary of Nanoscale’s launch, and to celebrate the Royal Society of Chemistry will be hosting a “Cake Cutting” celebration at ChinaNANO 2019. Nanoscale founding Editor-in-chief Bai Chunli, Editor-in-chief Dirk Guldi, and deputy CEO of the Royal Society of Chemistry Helen Pain will attend the event. You are very welcome to participate and share Nanoscale‘s cake (first come first served!).
In addition, Bai Chunli and Helen Pain will also present certificates to some of our most highly cited and most prolific authors who have supported Nanoscale over the last ten years.


  • Time:
    August 17th 13:20-13:50
  • Venue:
    Booth of the Royal Society of Chemistry (Booth 227-228 on the second floor of the main venue , which can be seen from the main staircase).


Meet the Editor

During the coffee break on the afternoon of August 18th, Dr. Michaela Mühlberg (Managing Editor of Nanoscale Horizons , Nanoscale , and Nanoscale Advances ) will come to the RSC booth (Booth 227-228 on the second floor of the conference center, which can be seen from the main staircase). Everyone is welcome to pop over and ask her anything related to the publication of journals and papers.

Come to the RSC Booth

The booth of the Royal Society of Chemistry at the conference is located at booth 227-228 on the second floor of the main conference venue. The design atmosphere is striking and facing the main staircase, you will not miss it. Participants who visit our booth have the opportunity to receive a beautiful gift (a limited number, first come first served). In addition, we have tables, chairs and snacks. You are welcome to take a break and chat with us.


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Congratulations to the prize winners at POEM 2019 and SPb-POEM 2019

Two Photonic and OptoEletronics Materials conferences took place ealier this year: POEM 2019 and SPb-POEM 2019.

Both conference were a great success, attracting more than 200 delegates (POEM2019) and more than 500 delegates (SPb-POEM2019) from academia and industry.  The Royal Society of Chemistry was delighted to support a number of  poster prizes at the events from across the Materials and Nano journal portfolio.

Congratulations to the prize winners!



Huda Alzahrani, University of Salford UK, was awarded the Nanoscale Advances prize for her work on the chirality and optical response of 2D nanostructure chiral metamaterials

Laila Almanqur, University of Manchester UK, was awarded the Journal of Materials Chemistry C prize for her work on the synthesis of iron sulfide thin films and powders from new precursors.

Juan Sebastian Totero Gongora, University of Sussex UK, was awarded the Nanoscale prize for his work on two-colour terahertz emission from quasi-2D semiconductor interfaces.

Alexandra Toropova, ITMO University, was awarded the Journal of Materials Chemistry C prize for her work on a Shellac hologram.

Tatiana Kormilina was awarded the Nanoscale Advances prize for her work on near-IR emitting PbS nanosheets and their lifecycle.

Tatyana Choban was awarded the Nanoscale prize for her work on Ф-OTDR based on tunable Yb-Er: phosphate glass laser.




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2019 KJF International Conference on Organic Materials for Electronics and Photonics (KJF-ICOMEP 2019)

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Nanoscale and Nanoscale Advances are delighted to provide student poster prizes at 2019 KJF International Conference on Organic Materials or Electronics and Photonics (KJF-ICOMEP 2019).

The conference will be held on August 27 to 30, 2019 in Jeju island, Korea.

Conference Scope

  • Organic Transistors, Memories, and Photovoltaics
  • Molecular Photonics
  • OLED Materials and Devices
  • Nonlinear Optical Materials and Devices
  • Electrochromic Materials and Devices
  • Molecular Recognition
  • Sensors and Bioelectronics
  • Other Related Topics

Key dates

Early Registration due 31st Jul 2019
Abstract submission due 25th Jul 2019
More information available on the conference website: http://www.kjf-icomep2019.org/


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Charge & Substrate Transport in 3D Electrocatalytic Materials, ACS Fall Meeting

ACS Fall 2019 National Meeting & Exposition

RSC Adavances along with RSC journals Chemical ScienceEnergy & Environmental ScienceSustainable Energy & Fuelsand Nanoscale Advances are pleased to be sponsoring the Charge & Substrate Transport in 3D Electrocatalytic Materialssymposium at the ACS Fall 2019 National Meeting and Exposition in San Diego this August. It will be held at 8:30 am on Tuesday 27th in the Marina Ballroom Salon G at Marriott Marquis San Diego Marina.



Organized by Anthony Hall, Charles McCrory and V. Sara Thoi as part of the Division of Inorganic Chemistry, this symposia will be presided by Charles McCrory (University of Michigan) and feature presentations from Shelley D Minteer (University of Utah), Daniel Esposito (Columbia University), Yogesh Surendranath (MIT), Joseph Thomas Hupp (Northwestern University), Casey R Wade (Ohio State University), Amanda J Morris (Virginia Tech) as well as Charles McCrory.

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Update on the nanoscale journal family, 2019

Here’s a quick update on the nanoscale journal family to let you know how we are doing and what to look out for later in 2019.

Following our first (partial) impact factor last year, we are pleased to announce that our first full impact factor is 9.095*!

Other news from 2019:


We are celebrating our 10th Anniversary this year!

Look out for our celebrations at ChinaNANO 2019. In the meantime, why not have a read of these collections highlighting the most highly cited articles published in Nanoscale since we launched in 2009, as well as recent articles by some of our most prolific authors.

Other news from 2019:

  • Our latest impact factor is 6.970*.
  • Chunying Chen, Dong Ha Kim, and Umesh Waghmare were appointed as Associate Editors.
  • We’ve been publishing guest edited online themed collections:
    • Halide Perovskite Nanocrystals, guest edited by Lakshminarayana Polavarapu, Qiao Zhang, and Roman Krahne.
    • Nanocarbons, guest edited by Nianjun Yang, Dai-Wen Pang, and Yasuaki Einaga.
    • Still to come…10th Anniversary Special Issue in October 2019, guest edited by Chunli Bai, Markus Niederberger, Francesco Stellacci, and Dirk Guldi.


We’ve published our first issues and we are delighted to see such a great response from the community. Thank you for supporting the Royal Society of Chemistry’s first journal to be Gold Open Access from launch!

Other news from 2019:

  • We’ve collated the Most Popular Articles published in the journal so far in an online article collection.
  • The journal has been accepted into the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), and has also been accepted for inclusion in Scopus and the Emerging Sources Index in Web of Science, Clarivate Analytics.


Come and meet us

Members of the Editorial Team will be attending the following conferences in the coming months. Get in touch if you want to arrange a meeting, or just come over and say hello! You can also keep up to date on where the Editorial Team and our Associate Editors will be by following us on Twitter.

Get in touch if you have any feedback on the nanoscale journal family: we would love to hear from you so email us at nanoscale-rsc@rsc.org.

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