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Congratulations to the winners of the RSC poster prizes at ICMM 2023

The 18th International Conference on Molecule-Based Magnets (ICMM 2023) took place in Nanjing, China from 10–14 September 2023. Nanoscale Horizons, Nanoscale Advances, Chemical Science, Dalton Transactions, Materials Horizons and Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers were pleased to support best poster awards at this event and we would like to congratulate our winners!

Group photo of the "Excellent Poster Award" winners.

Some of the winners of the RSC poster prizes at ICMM 2023.

Learn more about our poster prize awardees below:

Photo of Shu-Qi Wu.


Dalton Transactions Poster Prize

Shu-Qi Wu (Kyushu University, Japan)
Poster Title: “Giant magnetic field-induced polarization switching in a heterometallic spin crossover complexes”

Shu-Qi Wu has served as an assistant professor at the Institute for Materials Chemistry and Engineering, Kyushu University since 2021. He earned both his bachelor’s and master’s degrees from Tsinghua University, studying under the guidance of Prof. Hui-Zhong Kou. He later pursued a Ph.D. degree from Kyushu University in 2018, supervised by Prof. Osamu Sato. His current research interest focuses on the development of molecular magnets and magnetoelectrics, as well as theoretical investigations into electronic structures of transition metal complexes.

Photo of Xue-Liang Shi.


Chemical Science Poster Prize

Xue-Liang Shi (East China Normal University, China)
Poster Title: “Encapsulation of two coordinate paramagnetic (open-shell) PdCl2 into supramolecular cage”

Prof. Xueliang Shi received his bachelor’s degree in applied chemistry from Soochow University in 2011. He then conducted his PhD research at the National University of Singapore under the supervision of Prof. Chunyan Chi and Prof. Jishan Wu from 2011 to 2016. He conducted his postdoc study at the University of Washington at Seattle from 2016 to 2018 with Prof. Alex K.-Y. Jen. He has been a professor at East China Normal University since 2018. Prof. Shi’s research interests are focused on organic radicals, supramolecular radical chemistry, and organic radical-based smart materials.

Photo of Matheus Barbosa.


Chemical Science Poster Prize

Matheus Barbosa (Leibniz Institute for Solid State and Materials Research, Germany)
Poster Title: “Magnetic properties of Dy-based dimetallofullerenes”

Matheus F. S. Barbosa was born in Contagem, Brazil. He received a bachelor’s degree in physics/astrophysics (2019) and a master’s degree in physics (2021), both from the Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG), Brazil. During his master’s degree, he studied magneto-optical interactions of self-assembled ferromagnetic monolayers on stepped substrates. In 2021, he joined the Leibniz Institute for Solid State and Materials Research in Dresden, Germany as a junior researcher, under supervision of Dr. Alexey Popov. In parallel, he joined as a PhD candidate at the Technische Universität Dresden (TUD), under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Bernd Büchner. His doctoral research focuses on investigating the magnetic properties of single molecule magnets, especially the rare-earth class of endohedral metallofullerenes. As the research field of molecular magnetism advances, more robust design strategies are used to synthesize single molecule magnets suitable for materials of tomorrow and beyond.

Photo of Yuan-Qi Zhai.

Materials Horizons Poster Prize

Yuan-Qi Zhai (Xi’an Jiaotong University, China)
Poster Title: “Realization of vibronic barrier model in interpreting dynamic spin relaxation in DyIII single-molecule magnets”

Yuan-Qi Zhai is an assistant professor at the Frontier Institute of Science and Technology (FIST) of Xi’an Jiaotong University (China), in the group of Prof. Yan-Zhen Zheng. He obtained his Ph.D. in condensed matter physics from Xi’an Jiaotong University in 2022. During this period, he was awarded a Postgraduate National Scholarship and an Excellent-Postgraduate-Students Award. His current research interest is the theoretical investigation of the magneto-structure relationship of single-molecule magnets (SMMs), single-molecule toroics (SMTs) and two-dimensional (2D) spin-frustrated magnets.

Photo of Anna Matiukhina.


Nanoscale Advances Poster Prize

Anna K. Matiukhina (N.S. Kurnakov Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry RAS, Russia)
Poster Title: “Synthetic methods for affecting the magnetic properties of substituted malonate cobalt(II) complexes”

Anna Matiukhina is a PhD student in inorganic chemistry at the Kurnakov Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry RAS. She works in the Laboratory of chemistry of coordination polynuclear compounds (head of laboratory: Prof. Dr. I.L. Eremenko, full-member of the RAS) under the supervision of Dr. E.N. Zorina-Tikhonova. Anna Matiukhina studied inorganic and theoretical chemistry in the direction of Materials Sciences at Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia (M.Sc). Her current research interests include the synthesis of coordination compounds and crystallographic studies of the resulting complexes. Also, a priority direction in her research is the study of the magnetic properties of the resulting compounds and quantum chemical ab initio calculations.

Photo of Masooma Ibrahim.


Nanoscale Horizons Poster Prize

Masooma Ibrahim (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany)
Poster Title: “Synthesis, structure, and field-induced single molecule magnet behavior of an iron containing-polyoxometalate”

Dr. Masooma Ibrahim obtained her PhD in Chemistry from Jacobs University, Bremen, under the guidance of Prof. Ulrich Kortz. In 2012, she embarked on the next phase of her academic journey by joining Prof. Annie K. Powell’s research group at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT). Dr. Ibrahim’s current research at KIT is primarily focused on the preparation and structural characterization of multifunctional materials derived from polyoxometalates (POMs). These materials possess intriguing properties applicable to a wide range of fields, including magnetism, catalysis, energy, medicine, and materials science. Consequently, her work involves active participation in multidisciplinary research, collaborating with experts in chemistry, physics, materials science, biology, and engineering.

Photo of Rajashi Haldar.


Chemical Science Poster Prize

Rajashi Haldar (Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, India)
Poster Title: “Molecular engineering to develop 3d and 3d–4f metal based multiferroic complexes”

Rajashi Haldar is a PhD student at the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, India, under the supervision of Prof. Maheswaran SHanmugam. She obtained her bachelor’s from the University of Calcutta, India, with First Class Honours in chemistry, and a master’s degree in chemistry, from Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology Shibpur, India. During her master’s project under the guidance of Prof. Anup Mondal, she focused on the deposition of ternary PbxCu1-xSe thin films via electrochemical (galvanic) techniques and studied its efficiency to degrade organic dyes photocatalytically. Rajashi’s doctoral research work is on designing and synthesizing various molecular complexes possessing piezo- and ferroelectric properties, which can be exploited in capturing mechanical, thermal, acoustic energies and converting them into electrical energy.

Photo of Ruslan B. Zaripov.


Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers Poster Prize

Ruslan B. Zaripov (FRC Kazan Scientific Center RAS, Russia)
Poster Title: “Phase memory time dependence of Sc2@C80CH2Ph on magnetic quantum number of a total nuclear spin”

Ruslan B. Zaripov graduated from Kazan State University (Russia) in 2005 with a degree in radiophysics. In 2009, he defended his Ph.D. thesis on the use of ESEEM for the study of disordered systems containing radicals. Currently he works at the Zavoisky Physical Technical Institute (Kazan, Russia). Currently, his scientific interests are focused in the field of studying decoherence processes in magnetic materials using modern multi-frequency EPR spectroscopy.

Photo of Lei Sun.


Dalton Transactions Poster Prize

Lei Sun (Westlake University, China)
Poster Title: “Room-temperature quantum sensing of lithium ions with organic radical qubits in a metal-organic framework ”

Lei Sun is an assistant professor of chemistry and physics at Westlake University. He received his B.S. degree in 2011 at Nanjing University. During 2011−2017, he worked with Prof. Mircea Dincă at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. After graduating with a Ph.D. in Inorganic Chemistry, he conducted postdoctoral research under the guidance of Prof. Danna E. Freedman at Northwestern University during 2017−2019 and then Dr. Tijana Rajh at Argonne National Laboratory during 2019−2021. Meanwhile, he studied machine learning at Georgia Institute of Technology and in 2022 obtained a Master of Science in Computer Science. In November 2021, he joined Westlake University and established the Laboratory of Molecular Quantum Devices and Quantum Information. His research is focused on molecular quantum information science and emergent physics in two-dimensional metal-organic frameworks.

Photo of Aristide Colin.


Chemical Science Poster Prize

Aristide Colin (University Paris-Saclay, France and University of Tokyo, Japan)
Poster Title: “Molecular complexes showing switchable magnetic properties through redox stimulus”

Aristide Colin is studying in a double-degree PhD program between Paris-Saclay University (France), and the University of Tokyo (Japan), under the joint supervision of Prof. Talal Mallah and Prof. Shin-ichi Ohkoshi. He obtained his master’s degree in inorganic, physical and solid-state chemistry from Paris-Saclay University in 2021. His current research aims at designing, preparing and studying polynuclear complexes with redox- and/or photo-switchable magnetic properties, based on transition metal ions, as well as on lanthanide ions. In addition, he uses ab initio calculations to gain insights into the electronic properties of the complexes that govern their switchable and magnetic behavior.

Photo of Jun Manabe.

Chemical Science Poster Prize

Jun Manabe (Hiroshima university, Japan)
Poster Title: “Capture and release of ions and molecules in ion conducting crystal responding to the solution environment”

Jun Manabe is a PhD student in the Department of Chemistry at Hiroshima University, Japan. He studied physical chemistry in crystalline material under supervision of Prof. Nishihara and obtained his bachelor’s and master’s degrees. He is interested in the development of functions based on the flexibility of molecules and ions in single crystals. His current research focuses on the control of magnetism and conductivity through single-crystal-to-single-crystal transformation based on supramolecularity and ion exchange in aqueous solution.

Photo of Zi-Qi Hu.


Chemical Science Poster Prize

Zi-Qi Hu (University of Science and Technology of China, China)
Poster Title: “A monometallic dysprosium azafullerene single-molecule magnet with high-temperature magnetic blocking”

Ziqi Hu received his bachelor’s degree and PhD from Shandong University (2013) and Peking University (2018) in China. He then moved to the Institute for Molecular Science (ICMol), University of Valencia in Spain as a postdoctoral fellow, working with Prof. Eugenio Coronado (2018-2022). In 2023, he joined the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) as a research associate professor of the Department of Materials Science and Engineering. His current research interests include the synthesis and characterization of endohedral metallofullerenes, with a focus on their magnetic properties towards applications in single-molecule magnets and molecular spin qubits.

Photo of Qi-Yuan Zhang.


Dalton Transactions Poster Prize

Qi-Yuan Zhang (Tokyo University of Science, Japan)
Poster Title: “Fabrication of oriented crystalline pillared-layer-type MOF thin film by the casting method and evaluation of the spin-crossover behavior”

Qi-Yuan Zhang was born in Kunming (China) and is a PhD student in the Chemistry Department at Tokyo University of Science. His current research topic is fabricating three-dimensional pillar-layer-type MOF-oriented thin films with the casting method, which is pursued under the supervision of Professor Tomoyuki Haraguchi.

Photo of Jun-Hao Wang.


Dalton Transactions Poster Prize

Jun-Hao Wang (University of Tsukuba, Japan)
Poster Title: “Holmium(III) single-molecule magnets showing optical thermometry”

Junhao Wang (born in 1993, China) received his Ph.D in September 2021 from the Department of Chemistry, School of Science, the University of Tokyo (Japan) under the supervision of Prof. Shin-ichi Ohkoshi. After half a year of postdoctoral research at the Ohkoshi lab, in May 2022 Junhao Wang started his current tenure-track assistant professorship at Laboratory of Advanced Functional Materials (headed by Prof. Hiroko Tokoro), Faculty of Pure and Applied Sciences, University of Tsukuba (Japan). His research interest focuses on coupling luminescence and molecular magnetism within functional materials, and exploring novel mechanisms that dominate the physical phenomena.

Photo of Paweł Pakulski.

Dalton Transactions Poster Prize

Paweł Pakulski (Jagiellonian University, Poland)
Poster Title: “Polidioxothiadiazoles – new type of multivalent organic molecules”

Paweł Pakulski is a PhD student and assistant in the Inorganic Molecular Materials Groups, Faculty of Chemistry at the Jagiellonian University (Poland). He is a member of the Organometallic Materials Group under the supervision of Prof. Dawid Pinkowicz. During his PhD studies he worked on a project in molecular magnetism under the supervision of Prof. Selvan Demir at Michigan State University (USA), this stay was awarded by the Kościuszko Foundation research grant. He obtained his MSc in an interdisciplinary SMP mode (studies in mathematics and natural sciences) and earned a double diploma from Université d’Orléans (France) and Jagiellonian University. He earned his BSc in an interdisciplinary SMP mode at Jagiellonian University. His current research interests are connected to persistent organic radicals, molecular materials, redox-active organic molecules and heterocycles.

Photo of Yoshiaki Shuku.


Dalton Transactions Poster Prize

Yoshiaki Shuku (Nagoya University, Japan)
Poster Title: “Ideal trigonal prismatic coordination geometry and magnetic anisotropy of cobalt ions in a honeycomb MOF formed with a non-planar triptycene-based ligand”

Yoshiaki Shuku is a lecturer at the Department of Chemistry, Nagoya University, Japan. He obtained his B.Sc. (2007), M.Sc. (2009) and D.Sc. (2012) in chemistry at Nagoya University. His research interests include the syntheses, crystal structures and physical properties of functional molecules such as stable organic radicals and transition metal complexes. Currently, he focuses on the solid-state physical properties derived from highly symmetric crystal structures of nonplanar 3-fold symmetric molecules.

Photo of Leonardo Tacconi.


Dalton Transactions Poster Prize

Leonardo Tacconi (University of Florence, Italy)
Poster Title: “Reversible magnetic anisotropy switch of a molecule adsorbed on a surface”

Leonardo Tacconi is a PhD student at the University of Florence (Italy), under the supervision of Professor Mauro Perfetti. He started his journey in Chemistry with a bachelor’s degree focused on the study of high pressure synthesis of carbon nanothreads. Then, he got his master’s degree in chemical science with a thesis work on the effect of electric fields over the magnetic properties of lanthanide complexes. Currently, he is working on a multitechnique approach to study and model the magnetic anisotropy of metal complexes.


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Congratulations to winners of the RSC early career researcher oral presentation prizes at ICMI 2023

The International Conference on Materials Innovation 2023 (ICMI 2023) took place in Brisbane, Australia from 22–25 August 2023. Nanoscale Horizons, Nanoscale, Nanoscale Advances, Materials Horizons, Biomaterials Science, EES Catalysis, RSC Applied Interfaces, ChemComm, Materials Advances and MSDE were pleased to support best Early Career Researcher (ECR) oral presentation awards at this event and we would like to congratulate our winners!

Alan Rowan, Zi Sophia Gu and Shizhang Qiao stood beside Yurou Zhang, Chao Ye, Huan Li, Chen Han and Shanshan Ding holding their presentation prize certificates.

Some of the winners of the RSC presentation prizes at ICMI 2023. From left to right: Alan Rowan, Zi Sophia Gu, Yurou Zhang, Chao Ye, Huan Li, Chen Han, Shanshan Ding and Shizhang Qiao.


Photo of Meng Li.


Nanoscale Horizons ECR Oral Presentation Prize

Meng Li (Queensland University of Technology, Australia)
Presentation Title: “GeTe-based hybrid materials for thermoelectric applications”

Meng Li is an Early-Career Researcher (ECR) and Research Fellow at Queensland University of Technology (QUT). His research interest focus on thermoelectric material-related first-principles calculation, scalable synthesis and fabrication of inorganic thermoelectric materials, and assembly of thermoelectric devices guided by numerical modelling and finite-element analysis (FEA) simulation.

Photo of Huan Li.


Nanoscale ECR Oral Presentation Prize

Huan Li (University of Adelaide, Australia)
Presentation Title: “Electrocatalysis in metal-sulfur batteries”

Huan Li is a postdoctoral research fellow at The University of Adelaide, Australia in the group of Prof. Shi-Zhang Qiao. He obtained his PhD in Chemical Engineering from The University of Adelaide (Australia) in 2022. Prior to this, he obtained his bachelor and master degree in Electrochemistry from Tianjin University (China) in 2014 and 2017. Currently, his research interests are focused on the development of high-performance metal-sulfur batteries, including the design of metal anode, sulfur cathode and functional electrolyte.

Photo of Gábor Varga.


Nanoscale Advances ECR Oral Presentation Prize

Gábor Varga (University of Queensland, Australia)
Presentation Title: “Non-conventional synthesis of solid F(rustrated)L(ewis)P(airs) catalysts via surface modification of hydrotalcites by cation insertion”

Dr Gábor Varga has received his master’s degree (2014) and PhD (2017) in Chemistry from the University of Szeged, Hungary, where he is now an assistant lecturer. With financial support from a Marie Sklodowska-Curie Global Fellowship recently awarded to him by the EU, he is now working as a visiting researcher at the University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia. His research interests focus on organic transformations (heterocyclisations, couplings, hydrogenations) promoted by heterogeneous catalysts, surface modifications of 2D materials, biomass valorisation and CO2 utilization.

Photo of Shanshan Ding.


Materials Horizons ECR Oral Presentation Prize

Shanshan Ding (University of Queensland, Australia)
Presentation Title: “Surface ligand engineering for highly efficient and stable FAPbI3 quantum dot solar cells”

Shanshan Ding is a PhD student at the Australian Institute for Bioengineering and Nanotechnology (AIBN), The University of Queensland (UQ), Australia. She obtained her Master’s degree from Nanjing University in China. After that, she joined Prof. Lianzhou Wang’s group as a fully funded PhD student in 2019. Currently, Shanshan’s research concentrates on the development of stable metal halide perovskite quantum dots for efficient solar cell applications.

Photo of Mohammad Tavakkoli Yaraki.


Biomaterials Science ECR Oral Presentation Prize

Mohammad Tavakkoli Yaraki (Macquarie University, Australia)
Presentation Title: “Au nanocluster-enabled charge transfer for surface enhanced Raman Scattering”

Dr Mohammad Tavakkoli Yaraki is an alumnus of National University of Singapore, having received his PhD in plasmon-enhanced processes for diagnosis and therapy of cancer in 2020. Mohammad joined joined Macquarie University in November 202, and received competitive three-year Macquarie University Research Fellowship (MQRF) in late 2022. His current research is fundamental study of surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) towards designing ultrasensitive SERS nanotags for detecting wide ranges of biomarkers. Mohammad has 12+ years of experience doing research in both academia and industry. His research interests are developing plasmonic nanomaterials, charge-transfer induced SERS enhancement, photocatalysts, antibacterial nanomaterials, drug delivery systems and polymeric nanocomposites.

Photo of Chao Ye.


EES Catalysis ECR Oral Presentation Prize

Chao Ye (University of Adelaide, Australia)
Presentation Title: “Catalysing metal-sulfur batteries”

Chao Ye received his PhD degree in 2020 from Prof. Shi-Zhang Qiao’s group at the University of Adelaide, Australia. Now he works as a DECRA fellow at the University of Adelaide, Australia. As an early career researcher, he demonstrated an exceptional track record, reflected by the publication of high-level refereed papers in peer-reviewed journals, including 16 papers as the first/co-first author, including Nat. Commun., J. Am. Chem. Soc., Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., Adv. Mater., Matter, Energy Environ. Sci., Adv. Energy Mater., Adv. Funct. Mater., ACS Nano, etc. His research interests are focused on energy storage and conversion such as metal-sulfur batteries and aqueous Zn-ion batteries.

Photo of Yurou Zhang.


RSC Applied Interfaces ECR Oral Presentation Prize

Yurou Zhang (University of Queensland, Australia)
Presentation Title: “Surface structure engineering of hybrid halide perovskite single crystals for controllable charge transport”

Yurou Zhang is currently a PhD student at the University of Queensland (UQ), Australia, under the supervision of Prof. Lianzhou Wang. She received her bachelor’s degree from East China University of Science and Technology in 2019. Since then, she has been pursuing her PhD degree at UQ, and her research interests focus on studying the optoelectronic properties and applications of organic–inorganic hybrid perovskite single crystals.

Photo of Chen Han.


ChemComm ECR Oral Presentation Prize

Chen Han (University of New South Wales, Australia)
Presentation Title: “Solar-driven CO2 reduction for fuels and value-added chemicals production””

Chen Han holds a bachelor’s degree from the China University of Petroleum and a master’s degree from the East China University of Science and Technology. Currently, she is a PhD student in Chemical Engineering at the University of New South Wales (UNSW), working under the supervision of Professor Rose Amal, Professor Xiaojing Hao, and Dr Jian Pan. Her doctoral research focuses on Solar-to-chemicals conversion by (photo)electrochemical processes.

Photo of Shilin Zhang.


Materials Advances ECR Oral Presentation Prize

Shilin Zhang (University of Adelaide, Australia)
Presentation Title: “High-entropy alloys enable efficient CO2 redox reactions in Li-CO2 batteries”

Dr Shilin Zhang is now a research fellow at the University of Adelaide, Adelaide, Australia. He received his PhD degree from the Institute of Superconducting & Electronic Materials in the University of Wollongong (Australia) in 2020 under the supervision of Prof. Zaiping Guo, after he graduated from Beijing University of Chemical Technology with an MSc in 2016. His current research interests focus on the design, synthesis and characterisation of electrode/electrolyte materials in the field of batteries.

Photo of Zan Dai.


MSDE ECR Oral Presentation Prize

Zan Dai (University of Queensland, Australia)
Presentation Title: “Nanochemistry enabled precise ROS regulation for cancer immunotherapy”

Zan Dai is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the University of Queensland in Brisbane, Australia. His academic journey commenced with a focus on nanocrystals and chemical catalysis during his MPhil studies at the Wuhan Institute of Technology. Upon successfully completing his MPhil in 2016, Zan embarked on further research into reactive oxygen species for catalytic applications, working as a Research Associate in Prof. Rong Chen’s group. Supported by the Australian government RTP scholarship, Zan attained his PhD in biomedical engineering in 2022, supervised by Prof. Chengzhong Yu at the Australian Institute for Bioengineering and Nanotechnology, University of Queensland. His doctoral research was dedicated to the development of nanomedicines for cancer immunotherapy. Currently, Zan’s primary research is centered on biomaterials engineering for cancer therapy and immunoregulation.

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Highlights of ChinaNANO 2023

Cake printed with the RSC logo, NCNST logo, and three Nanoscale journal family journals.

After a four year hiatus, the highly anticipated 9th International Conference on Nanoscience and Technology, China (ChinaNANO 2023) was successfully held in Beijing on August 26-28. The Royal Society of Chemistry not only set up a booth at the conference, but also held a number of events during the meeting including the appointment ceremony of Editors-in-Chief for Nanoscale and Nanoscale Advances, award ceremony for outstanding reviewers, a Nanoscale journal symposium and other activities.

Appointment Ceremony

Professor Chunli Bai, Honorary Editor-in-Chief

Professor Chunli Bai from the Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences CAS, was appointed Honoray Editor-in-Chief for the journals Nanoscale and Nanoscale Advances.  Professor Chunli Bai was thanked for his continuous work with the Royal Society of Chemistry for the past 14 years, during which he served as one of the inaugural Editor-in-Chiefs for these two journals. We look forward to working with him in this new role.

Publisher Dr Neil Hammond presents Prof Chunli Bai with a certificate of recognition from the journals Nanoscale and Nanoscale advances.

Publisher Dr Neil Hammond presents Prof Chunli Bai with a certificate of recognition from the journals Nanoscale and Nanoscale advances.

Professor Yue Zhang, new Editor-in-Chief

Professor Yue Zhang from the University of Science and Technology Beijing, was appointed as a new Editor-in-Chief for the journals Nanoscale and Nanoscale Advances. He will work alongside Proffesor Dirk Guldi – the founding and current Editors-in-chief of the journal, on the future developments of these two journals.

Publisher Dr Neil Hammond presents Prof Yue Zhang with a certificate of recognition from the journals Nanoscale and Nanoscale advances.

Publisher Dr Neil Hammond presents Prof Yue Zhang with a certificate of recognition from the journals Nanoscale and Nanoscale advances.

Cake-cutting Ceremony

We held a cake-cutting ceremony to honour our Editors-in-chief and to celebrate the success of the Nanoscale journal series and the ongoing collaboration with the National Center for Nanoscience and Technology (NCNST) of China.

(From left to right) Professor Yue Zhang, Professor Dirk Guldi, Professor Chunli Bai and Professor Yuliang Zhao cut the celebration cake together.

(From left to right) Professor Yue Zhang, Professor Dirk Guldi, Professor Chunli Bai and Professor Yuliang Zhao cut the celebration cake together.

RSC nanoscale journals symposium

The RSC Nanoscale Journals Symposium was held as a half-day symposium with talks from distinguished board members and authors of Nanoscale HorizonsNanoscale, and Nanoscale Advances to showcase their exceptionally high quality and exciting research work. Below we have included the list of talks given by speakers from around the world who shared their research on a broad range of topics across nanoscience:

Adaptive down- and up-conversion
Professor Dirk Guldi (Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany)

Developing diamond-based orientation sensing for cell mechanics study
Professor Quan Li (The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong)

Exploration of redox-active and superionic properties in 2D nanosheets and assemblies
Professor Renzhi Ma (National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS), Japan)

Chemical and Biophysical Signatures of the Protein Corona in Nanomedicine
Professor Chunying Chen (National Center for Nanoscience and Technology of China, China)

Controlling endothelial function as a new therapeutic path for bionanotechnologies
Dr David Leong (National University of Singapore, Singapore)

Ferritin, a novel drug carrier
Professor Xiyun Yan (Institute of Biophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China)

Real-time and In-situ Probing Contractile Forces of Cardiac Organoids
Professor Wenlong Cheng (Monash University, Australia)

Banners for RSC Nanoscale Journals Symposium at ChinaNANO2023

Banners for RSC Nanoscale Journals Symposium at ChinaNANO2023


Photo of attendees of RSC Nanoscale Journals Symposium at ChinaNANO2023

Photo of attendees of RSC Nanoscale Journals Symposium at ChinaNANO2023

Celebrating our outstanding reviewers

During the RSC Nanoscale Journals Symposium, we presented certificates to some of Nanoscale and Nanoscale Advances outstanding reviewers, including Peng Huang (Shenzhen University), Tierui Zhang (Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences), Zuankai Wang (City University of Hong Kong), Zhicheng Zhang (Tianjin University), Qiang Zhang (Tsinghua University), Hongjin Fan (Nanyang Technological University), Juewen Liu (University of Waterloo), Aiguo Wu (Ningbo Institute of Industrial Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences), Zhanjun Gu (Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences), Huiyu Liu (Beijing University of Chemical Technology), and Hui Wei (Nanjing University). We were delighted to be able to thank our reviewers in person and present them with certificates to commemorate their incredible support of the journal.

One person presenting an outstanding reviewer award to another person.One person presenting an outstanding reviewer award to another person. Another person overlooking the scene.

Thank you to everyone who attended our celebrations! We hope you enjoyed it as much as we did.

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Congratulations to winners of the Nanoscale journal family early career researcher and poster prizes at #NanoSeries2023

The 2nd Annual Conference on Global Nanotechnology (#NanoSeries2023) took place in Madrid, Spain from 19–21 June 2023. Nanoscale Horizons, Nanoscale and Nanoscale Advances were pleased to support best Early Career Researcher (ECR) and poster prize awards at this event and we would like to congratulate our winners!


Best Early Career Research Award Winners

Photo of Rafael Fuentes-Domínguez.


Rafael Fuentes-Domínguez (University of Nottingham, UK)
Talk Title: “Super-resolution acoustic imaging using nanostructures”

Dr Rafael Fuentes-Dominguez obtained his PhD from the University of Nottingham in 2018 and he is currently a Research Fellow in the Optics and Photonics Research Group at the University of Nottingham (UK), where he is developing novel super-resolution imaging technologies, using phonons instead of photons, and also designing metamaterials / metasurfaces on optical fibres for advanced endoscopic imaging.

Photo of Eva Osuna Bris.


Eva Osuna Bris (The Autonomous University of Madrid, Spain)
Talk Title: “Nano-scale conductivity of Ni3(HITP)2 metal-organic framework”

Eva Osuna Bris is a PhD student at the Autonomous University of Madrid, and is vinculated to the IFIMAC Condensed Matter Center. Her research focuses on low dimensional materials, nanotechnology and atomic force microscopy.

Photo of Vivek Pareek.


Vivek Pareek (OIST Graduate University, Japan)
Talk Title: “Imaging the constituent electron and hole of a Moiré localized interlayer exciton”

Vivek Pareek is currently a graduate student in Femtosecond Spectroscopy (Dani) Unit at OIST Graduate University, Japan. He completed his Integrated BS-MS in Physical Sciences from IISER-Kolkata, India as an INSPIRE fellow. At OIST, he is working on understanding the properties of excitons in van der Waals 2D semiconductors using novel technique of micro time and angle resolved photoemission spectroscopy (Tr-µ-ARPES). His research interests are in the field of van der Waals materials and their heterostructures, ultrafast spectroscopy, and quantum materials.

Photo of Tamara Muñoz Ortiz.


Tamara Muñoz Ortiz (The Autonomous University of Madrid, Spain)
Talk Title: “Optical coherence tomography meets thermoresponsive nanogels: a combination for three-dimensional thermal bioimaging”

Tamara Muñoz Ortiz graduated in Physics at Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM) in 2018. One year later she obtained a Master degree on Advanced Materials, Nanotechnology, and Photonics at UAM. She was awarded the Extraordinary Master Award for her academic performance. In February 2020 Tamara started a PhD on Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology at the nanoBIG group in UAM under the supervisor of Prof. José García Solé and Dr. Emma Martín Rodríguez. In her PhD she has participated in multidisplinar projects regarding the use of nanoparticles of different materials for biomedical optical coherence tomography imaging applications.

Photo of Makars Šiškins.


Makars Šiškins (National University of Singapore, Singapore)
Talk Title: “Magneto-mechanics of 2D material membranes”

Dr. Makars Šiškins is a Research Fellow at the Institute for Functional Intelligent Materials (I-FIM) of National University of Singapore. He defended his PhD cum laude at the Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands, in 2021, where he also was a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in 2022. His research interests cover fields of nanomechanics, 2D materials, magnetism and condensed matter physics.


Poster Award Winners

Photo of Yujie Guo.


Yujie Guo (King’s College London, UK)
Poster Title: “Real-time single-molecule monitoring and control of nanoparticle formation”

Yujie Guo is a final year PhD student at department of chemistry, King’s College London, UK. She completed her master’s degree in pharmaceutics at University College London. Yujie’s research focuses on studying reaction kinetics at single-molecule scale. Her work involves the design and synthesis of nanomaterials, such as nanoparticles and polymers, as well as characterization of these molecules with label-free single-molecule imaging techniques. In addition to her research, Yujie enjoys reading and exploring different culture across the world in her free time.

Photo of Fatemeh Rajabasadi.


Fatemeh Rajabasadi (Leibniz Institute for Solid State and Materials Research Dresden – IFW, Germany)
Poster Title: “Polymersomes-decorated microrobots with multiple cargos for gynecological cancer therapy”

Fatemeh Rajabasadi is a PhD student at Leibniz Institute for Solid State and Materials Research, Dresden, Germany. Her main interests are in the field of assisted fertilization by facilitating multiple sperm cell transport by means of synthetic microcarriers.

Photo of Aswin Asaithambi.


Aswin Asaithambi (Italian Institute of Technology, Italy)
Poster Title: “Enhanced photoresponse from MoS2-InAs/ZnSe heterostructure”

Aswin Asaithambi Postdoctoral Researcher at Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia with a specialization in optical spectroscopy including designing and building of advanced spectroscopic setups.

Photo of Alberto Martín-Pérez.


Alberto Martín-Pérez (Politecnico di Torino, Italy)
Poster Title: “Label-free characterization of cells and particles merging optics, nanomechanics and microfluidics in a single device”

Alberto Martín-Pérez is an Assistant Professor with a strong academic background and expertise in various interdisciplinary fields. He holds a PhD in Applied Physics from Universidad Autónoma de Madrid and has completed a postdoctoral research stint at the Materials Science Institute of Madrid (ICMM-CSIC). His research interests span across nanomechanics, microfluidics, optics, and MEMS (Microelectromechanical Systems). With a focus on cutting-edge technology and materials, Alberto is particularly interested in 2D materials, optomechanics, nanofluidics, optoelectronics, and photonics.

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Congratulations to the winners of the RSC prizes at the Iontronics Faraday Discussion

The Iontronics: from fundamentals to ion-controlled devices Faraday Discussion took place in Edinburgh, UK from 21–23 June 2023. Nanoscale Horizons, Nanoscale, Nanoscale Advances, and Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (PCCP) were delighted to support prizes at this event and we would like to congratulate our winners!

Anna Drummond Young


Nanoscale Horizons, Nanoscale and Nanoscale Advances Poster Prize

Anna Drummond Young (University of Oxford, UK)
Poster Title: “Cation dependence of noise induced by polymer adsorption in nanopores”

Anna Drummond Young is a DPhil student in the Department of Chemistry at the University of Oxford, UK, under the supervision of Prof. Alice Thorneywork. She received her M. Sci. in the Department of Physics at the University of Cambridge, UK, in 2022. Her current research focuses on noise in the ionic current of nanopores, specifically in relation to the adsorption of polymers, such as PEG, inside the pore.




Dominik Duleba.


Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (PCCP) Poster Prize

Dominik Duleba (University College Dublin, Ireland)
Poster Title: “Proton enrichment and surface charge dynamics in pH-responsive nanopores”

Dominik Duleba completed his undergraduate degree in chemistry (with a focus on analytical chemistry and nanotechnology) at Queensland University of Technology, Australia. Afterwards, he completed his Master’s at University College Dublin, Ireland, under the supervision Prof. Robert Johnson where he is staying to complete his PhD. His major research interests currently lie in understanding the fundamental processes occurring in confined spaces, continuum modelling of nanoconfined devices with the Finite Element Method, and the incorporation of machine learning approaches with iontronic devices. Previously, he has also worked with the modelling of air pollution patterns, with phosphorescent halogen-bonded frameworks, and with the conduction mechanisms of supercapacitor electrolyte gels.


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Congratulations to the winners of the RSC prizes at WCUCC 2023

The Western Canadian Undergraduate Chemistry Conference 2023 (WCUCC 2023) took place in Edmonton, Canada from 2–5 May 2023. Nanoscale and Nanoscale Advances were delighted to support prizes at this event and we would like to congratulate the two winners!

Maria Hangad standing between posters for the Western Canadian Undergraduate Chemistry Conference 2023 and the Chemistry Students Association.

Chemical Engineering Oral and Poster Prize

Maria Hangad (University of Victoria, Canada)
Presentation Title: “From droplets to drug delivery: A lab-on-a-chip device for dosing retinoic acid in polycaprolactone (PCL) microparticles”

Maria Hangad is an undergraduate student in the Department of Chemistry and Department of Biochemistry/Microbiology at the University of Victoria. Her research journey began in 2020 before the pandemic, where she first took interest in microfluidics under the supervision of Dr. Katherine Elvira. This experience has led her to gain co-op job experiences in the nanomedicine industry and in academia under the supervision of Dr. Stephanie Willerth investigating drug delivery in 3D bioprinted neural tissues. Outside the lab, Maria is passionate about equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) and advocates for better accessibility for marginalized communities in Science. For the future, Maria intends to pursue an MD/Ph.D to dive deep within the fields of translational medicine and biotechnology in addition to assessing its impacts on human health.

Chantell Fernandes standing between posters for the Western Canadian Undergraduate Chemistry Conference 2023 and the Chemistry Students Association.

Materials Chemistry Poster Prize

Chantell Fernandes (University of Alberta, Canada)
Poster Title: “ATP and pH dual-triggered drug delivery using chitosan-based supramolecular nanogels”

Chantell Fernandes is an undergraduate student with a major in Chemistry and minor in Biological Sciences at the University of Alberta, working under supervision of MSc Student, Karen Kanemaru, and Professor Michael Serpe. Throughout her degree, she undertook teaching and mentoring opportunities for first year general chemistry classes and did research in chemical education to create interactive resources to foster a robust understanding of fundamental concepts for students. Further, she worked in a surgical lab focusing on the biomedical applications of hydrogels in 3D bioprinting of human nasal cartilage. Her current work looks at controlled drug delivery systems using supramolecular nanogels which she will be continuing in the upcoming year.

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Congratulations to the poster prize winners at RSC Chemical Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Symposium

Nanoscale Horizons, Nanoscale and Nanoscale Advances were delighted to sponsor poster prizes at the RSC Chemical Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Network Annual Symposium. The symposium took place on 26 and 27 January 2023 at Burlington House in London and welcomed around 100 attendees.

The meeting covered recent developments in fundamentals and applications of novel materials, providing an opportunity for nanoscience and nanotechnology researchers to engage and exchange information. It included plenary lectures, invited talks, contributed presentations, and poster sessions.

We congratulate all poster prize winners!

Nanoscale Horizons poster prize: Mark Hunter, University of Liverpool


Nanoscale poster prize: Esmé Shepherd, Kings College London


Nanoscale Advances poster prize: Xiangyi Chen, University of St Andrews

We thank all organisers and Chemical Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Committee for organising this conference. You can follow @RSC__CNN on Twitter to keep up to date with the latest news!

Hope to see you again next year!

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RSC Chemical Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Network Annual Symposium

In mid-January 2022, the RSC Chemical Nanoscience & Nanotechnology Network were delighted to welcome attendees to the annual symposium!

This annual flagship event of the RSC CNN Special Interest Group covers recent developments in fundamentals and applications of novel materials, with the aim to provide a forum of nanoscience and nanotechnology researchers to engage and exchange information, discuss challenges and build networks. Held in a hybrid format, more than 70 delegates attended in person at Burlington House in London, and many attendees dialed in to attend virtually.






Congratulations to the prize winners!

Congratulations to poster prize winner Ian Machado!

Congratulations to poster prize first runner-up Jennifer Gracie

Congratulations to poster prize runner-up Chengao Yue


An exciting new initiative from the RSC CNN interest group is coming in March 2022: a virtual Journal Club! If you’re on Twitter, follow @RSC__CNN to keep up to date.

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NALS 2020

The 2nd International Conference on Nanomaterials Applied to Life Sciences 2020 (NALS 2020) is being organized by IMDEA Nanociencia to be held in the Excellence Campus of Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (Madrid,Spain) on 29th-31st January 2020. The first NALS meeting took place in Gijon (Spain) on December 2017 gathering 135 participants coming from 24 countries. NALS events are promoted by the NanoBioAp Cluster, which consists of more than 70 researchers from different Spanish Research Institutions. The NanoBioAp Cluster is chaired by Prof. Carmen Blanco and Prof. Montserrat Rivas, from Universidad de Oviedo (Spain).The relentless advances made in nanotechnology during the last years call for a multidisciplinary, cross-sectional approach, from the design of new materials to their final application. NALS 2020 intends to establish synergies, foster long-lasting collaborations, and contribute to a fruit-full academia-industry liaison, to work together on the development of disruptive nanomaterials based techniques and devices for applications in the fields of Medicine, Biology, and Environment, among others.

The exciting and lively city of Madrid constitutes a vibrant venue to frame this event due to the excellent communications and leisure offer.

NALS 2020 will bring together academia and industrial researchers in materials science, chemistry, engineering,  medicine, and biology, to establish synergies, strengthen initiated collaborations and create new ones

Important Dates

  • Deadline for abstract submission extended to 25th November 2019
  • Abstract Notification: 9th December 2019.
  • Early Registration Deadline : 23th December 2019.
  • NALS 2020 meeting: from 29th to 31st January 2020.

List of Plenary Speakers

  • Prof. María José Alonso, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (Santiago de Compostela, Spain)
  • Dr. Christian Dose, Miltenyi Biotec GmbH (Bergisch Gladbach, Germany)
  • Prof. Claire Wilhelm, Paris Diderot University (Paris, France)
  • Prof. Kenneth A. Dawson, University College Dublin (Dublin, Ireland)


  • Nanomaterials for therapy: optical/magnetic hyperthermia; drug delivery; tissue regeneration; gene and cell therapies.
  • Nanomaterials for detection and diagnosis: magnetic resonance imaging; magnetic particle imaging; magneto-encephalography; magnetic, optic, electromagnetic, and electrochemical sensing actuators; magnetic cell/exosome/protein pre-concentration and isolation.
  • Nanomaterials for environmental applications: water and air treatment, soil remediation.
  •  In silico testing: computer modelling of nanomaterials and their application in medicine and biology.
  • Lab on-a-chip, and organ on-a-chip.
  • Metrology and standardisation of nanomaterials.
  • Synthesis, functionalization, bioconjugation, and surface engineering of nanomaterials.
  • Biocompatibility and toxicity of nanomaterials.
  • Nanomaterials for translational applications.

Themed Collection

Papers Related to the International Conference on Nanomaterials Applied to Life Sciences 2020 (NALS 2020) in Nanoscale Advances.
We are delighted to offer invited speakers and selected attendees of NALS 2020 the opportunity to contribute some of their new high quality work to Nanoscale Advances as part of an invited online article collection with a theme ‘nanomaterials applied to life sciences’.Nanoscale Advances is gold open access, but all publication charges are waived until 2021 so it is free to read and free for authors to publish in the journal. The journal has also been accepted into the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) and it is indexed in the Emerging Sources Index on Web of Science as well as Scopus.

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Nanoscale 10th Anniversary at ChinaNANO 2019

The 8th China International Nanoscience and Technology Conference (ChinaNANO 2019) was successfully held in Beijing on August 17-19. The Royal Society of Chemistry not only set up a booth at the conference, but also held a number of events during the meeting including a certificate presentation ceremony, Nanoscale 10th anniversary birthday cake celebration ceremony, a Nanoscale journal symposium, face-to-face journal editors and other activities.

Cake-cutting Ceremony

Professor Chunli Bai and Professor Dirk Guldi cut the celebration cake while Dr Michaela Muehlberg, Managing Editor, watched on.

To celebrate 10 years of publishing Nanoscale, we held a cake-cutting celebration featuring Professor Chunli Bai and Professor Dirk Guldi – the founding and current Editors-in-chief of the journal. Professor Bai shared his thoughts on how Nanoscale has developed over the last decade, growing into the largest high-impact nanoscience and nanotechnology journal.

Dr Helen Pain and Professor Chunli Bai celebrate the growth and success of Nanoscale since it launched in 2009.

Nanoscale journal family symposium

The RSC Nanoscale Journals Symposium was held in collaboration with the National Nanoscience Center. A number of Associate Editors who handle manuscripts for the nanoscale journal family, as well as outstanding young scholars selected by the journal, presented their latest research. Dr. Michaela Muehlberg, Managing Editor, also gave a talk about the writing and submission of papers.



Celebrating our authors

Prior to the cake celebration ceremony, Professor Chunli Bai, Dr. Helen Pain, Professor Dirk Guldi, and Dr Michaela Muehlberg presented certificates to some of Nanoscale‘s most highly cited authors and most prolific authors. We were delighted to be able to thank our authors in person and present them with certificates to commemorate their incredible support of the journal.

Amanda Barnard, Australian Federal Institute of Science

Qian Zhang picked up the award for Daxiang Cui, Shangahi Jiaotong University

Liming Ding, NCNST

Mingdong Dong, Aarhus University

Youxing Fang picked up with award for Shaojun Dong, Changchun Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Baibiao Huang, Shandong University

Xingyu Jiang, Southern University of Science and Technology and former Nanoscale Associate Editor

A student picked up the award on behalf of Hong Liu, Shandong University

Luis M. Liz-Marzán, CIC biomaGUNE Research Center

Xiongwen Lou, Nanyang Technological University

Thalappil Pradeep, Indian Institute of Technology, Madras

Xianbin Li picked up the award on behalf of Hongbo Sun, Jilin University

Feng Ding, South Korea Ulsan University of Science and Technology

Zhuang Liu, Suzhou University


Thank you to everyone who attended our celebrations! We hope you enjoyed it as much as we did.

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