Congratulations to Professor Seth Marder, Georgia Institute of Technology and Materials Horizons founding Editorial Board Chair. He has been elected as the recipient of a Humboldt Research Award from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation.
The award is granted in recognition of a researcher’s entire achievements to date to academics whose fundamental discoveries, new theories, or insights have had a significant impact on their own discipline and who are expected to continue producing cutting-edge achievements in the future. Seth is internationally recognized for his leadership in developing structure-property relationships for organic and metallo-organic materials for optical and electronic applications.
Award winners are invited to spend a period of up to one year cooperating on a long-term research project with specialist colleagues at a research institution in Germany. As part of his award, Seth will be hosted as a visiting researcher by Professor Norbert Koch at IRIS Adlershof and the Department of Physics of Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.