Professor Seth Marder, Chair of the Materials Horizons Editorial Board, has been internationally recognised by the Materials Research Society as an outstanding member with sustained and distinguished contributions to the field of materials science. They have recognised his work by honouring him as a Fellow of the Materials Research Society. Established in 2008, MRS Fellows are expected to demonstrate a dedication to the advancement of materials research and is a lifetime appointment.
Professor Marder (Georgia Institute of Technology) was selected “For seminal contributions to fundamental understanding of the relationships between the chemical structure of organic molecules and their electronic and optical, including nonlinear optical, properties.” He is currently working on research into organic materials, optical materials, electronics materials and surface modification.
The Materials Horizons Editorial Office would like to extend our personal congratulations to Professor Marder on this outstanding honour and take the opportunity to thank him for the work he does as the Chair of the Materials Horizons Editorial Board.
For more information on Professor Marder, please visit his home page.
We would also like to take this opportunity to congratulate Professor Zhenan Bao, Chemical Science Associate Editor and Materials Horizons Advisory Board member, who has also been honoured as a MRS Fellow this year. They join the long list of people honoured by the Materials Research Society for their work in materials science.
Congratulations Seth & Zhenan!