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Introducing the MSDE Emerging Investigators Series

Since the first issue of Molecular Systems Design & Engineering (MSDE) in 2016, the journal has showcased two special issues dedicated to work carried out by researchers in the earlier stages of their research careers:

We hope the molecular engineering community has found these issues to be valuable, both in the high quality of the articles and in drawing attention to newer voices in the community. The journal editors and Editorial Board consider these issues in particular to have been highly successful.

In light of the ongoing disruption to research programmes worldwide, we have taken the opportunity to reassess the format of this initiative, and we are now excited to announce the launch of the MSDE Emerging Investigators Series.

What is changing?

In place of a dedicated journal issue, Emerging Investigators papers will be published throughout the year. We anticipate the following benefits to this change:

  • No fixed submission deadlines allowing more flexibility for authors
  • Continual exposure of exciting work from early-career members of the community
  • Greater emphasis and focus on individual authors and research groups

We hope for this to help address the immediate concern of disrupted research schedules, while also offering a better service to our authors and readers well into the future.

What is not changing?

While we will no longer dedicate a specific journal issue to our Emerging Investigators, all other aspects of this initiative will remain the same. This includes:

  • Eligibility criteria (see below)
  • A dedicated web page for published articles alongside our other collections
  • Rigour and speed in peer review
  • An overall objective to showcase the full diversity of cutting-edge research carried out by newer voices in the molecular engineering community worldwide.

The MSDE Emerging Investigators Series will also remain an invitation-only initiative, with nominations curated by our Editorial and Advisory Board members. We will however consider additional applications and nominations on their own merit.

What happens now?

The MSDE Editorial Office will contact nominated Emerging Investigators throughout the year.

Regarding eligibility, contributors must:

  • Publish research within the journal scope
  • Currently be an independent research leader
  • Have not been featured as an Emerging Investigator in a previous MSDE Emerging Investigators issue or series article.
  • Have either a) received their PhD no earlier than 01 January of the year 12 years prior to the year of submission, or b) have no more than 12 years of post-PhD research experience on 01 January in the year of submission when taking into account any career breaks.

(For example: for submission in 2021 an eligible contributor must have either a) a PhD awarded on or after 01 January 2009, or b) no more than 12 years of post-PhD research experience by 01 January 2021)

Authors previously featured as MSDE Emerging Investigators may with no restriction be co-authors on subsequent papers in the MSDE Emerging Investigators Series, but they may not be the sole eligible corresponding author, and will not be featured as Emerging Investigators more than once.

Contributors will be required to confirm their eligibility by sending their CV to the journal editors.

Footnote on the MSDE Outstanding Early-Career Paper Award

You may note that the eligibility criteria for the MSDE Emerging Investigators Series are the same as for the annual journal Outstanding Early-Career Paper Award.

Read more about the 2019 winner Prof. Jodie Lutkenhaus

All papers published as part of the MSDE Emerging Investigators Series will automatically be considered for this award, unless the featured author is a previous winner of this award.

Subsequent papers published in the journal by previously-featured Emerging Investigators will still qualify for consideration for the Outstanding Early-Career Paper Award if they meet the Award criteria, unless the featured author is a previous winner of this award. Their subsequent papers will however not be eligible for inclusion in the Emerging Investigators Series. For authors in this situation we repeat the following guidance:

To have your paper considered for the annual MSDE Outstanding Early-Career Paper Award, indicate when prompted upon submission of your revised manuscript if a corresponding author of the paper fulfils these criteria. Multiple eligible authors of a winning paper will share the prize fund equally. You can contact the editors at if you have any queries.

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2019 MSDE Outstanding Early-Career Paper Award Winner: Jodie Lutkenhaus

It is our great pleasure to announce Professor Jodie Lutkenhaus (Texas A&M University, USA, and member of the MSDE Advisory Board) as the winner of the 2019 Molecular Systems Design & Engineering (MSDE) Outstanding Early-Career Paper Award.

This is in recognition of her leadership of the paper:

Design of multifunctional supercapacitor electrodes using an informatics approach
by Anish G. Patel, Luke Johnson, Raymundo Arroyave and Jodie L. Lutkenhaus
Mol. Syst. Des. Eng., 2019, 4, 654-663
DOI: 10.1039/C8ME00060C

Part of the MSDE themed collection of papers on Soft Materials Nanoarchitectonics

This paper is free to access until 31 December 2020.

Please join us in congratulating Professor Lutkenhaus!

You can read more about this research project on the Texas A&M University website.


About the winnerJodie Lutkenhaus

Jodie L. Lutkenhaus is the Axalta Coating Systems Chair and Professor in the Artie McFerrin Department of Chemical Engineering at Texas A&M University. Lutkenhaus received her B.S. in 2002 from the University of Texas at Austin and her Ph.D. in 2007 from Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Lutkenhaus then studied as a post-doctoral researcher at The University of Massachusetts Amherst. Current research areas include polyelectrolyte complexes, redox-active polymers, sensors and energy storage. She has been recognized as a World Economic Forum Young Scientist and a Kavli Fellow. Lutkenhaus is the Deputy Editor of ACS Applied Polymer Materials and a member of the Board on Chemical Science and Technology of the U.S. National Academies.


An interview with Professor Lutkenhaus

Can you briefly summarise this paper?

This paper examines the selection and the design of supercapacitor electrodes for application in structural energy and power. The goal is to design supercapacitors that are both electrochemically superior and mechanically robust. The challenge is that these two properties are often at odds with each other and the route to maximizing both is not immediately clear. Therefore, informatics was employed to tease out which composition would provide the best combination of these properties specific to electrodes containing reduced graphene oxide, aramid nanofibers and carbon nanotubes. From there, we were able to understand why these materials interplay among each other in terms of energy storage and mechanical properties.Paper abstract

This project was a new experience for me because it was a first result of our participation in our university’s NSF-sponsored Data-Enabled Discovery and Design of Energy Materials program, which blends the concepts of materials with data science. As a result, we teamed up with Professor Raymundo Arroyave to apply data science to an AFOSR-sponsored project out of our lab. I think it is a great example of what results when scientists and researchers step outside of their comfort zone.

What aspect of your work are you most excited about at the moment?

In the structural energy and power area, I am most excited about transitioning what we’ve learned regarding capacitors into the batteries space. I anticipate that structural batteries will be an important part of future electric vehicles, aircraft and spacecraft in which mass and volume are at a premium.

Where do you see the field of materials informatics in five years?

I have been very excited about the emergence of materials informatics applied to soft matter, which at one point seemed like an impossible feat. Polymers are difficult to describe in the informatics-space because their structure and properties depend on processing history, because a single polymer identity can range from being amorphous to crystalline and because of the possibility of entanglements. Recent work on polymer materials informatics in the last two years has paved the path forward and I am eager to adopt this concept for my own lab’s experimental efforts.

How do you feel about Molecular Systems Design & Engineering as a place to publish research on this topic?

Molecular Systems Design & Engineering is a great venue for materials informatics and design research because the editors and the reviewers understand and appreciate this emerging field. In other venues, it can be harder to publish because the cross-disciplinary effort may not be holistically considered. I also appreciate that Molecular Systems Design & Engineering is building and defining this emerging community through its engagement with researchers.

How do you like to spend your time when not doing research?

To unwind, I like to play board games and video games with our two kids. I am also a big music nerd, so I like to continually follow what is new and coming out. With our “new normal” due to COVID-19, I have especially enjoyed all of the time our family has together.

Can you share one piece of career-related advice or wisdom for those beginning their research career?

I encourage early career researchers to become actively engaged in a few select organizations within their research communities. This will promote organic networking, while getting your name out into the world. I think it is also healthy to become involved with organizations outside of your home organization so that you can round-out your support network. For me, I became involved in the American Chemical Society Polymer Materials: Science & Engineering Division and the American Institute of Chemical Engineers Materials Science & Engineering Division, and I have found it to be very rewarding.


About the award

The aim of the MSDE Outstanding Early-Career Paper Award is to recognise a researcher in the earlier stages of their research career for their leadership in reporting original research published in MSDE.

The journal Editorial Board award this prize annually, selecting the paper which they find to demonstrate the highest quality of research, as well as importance to the advancement of the field of molecular engineering, out of all qualifying papers published in the journal each year.

Previous winners:

  • 2018: Andrew Ferguson, University of Chicago, USA (link to paper)


In order to be eligible for this award, the candidate must:

  • Be listed as a corresponding author on the paper
  • Currently be an independent research leader
  • Have either a) received their PhD on or after 1st January of the year 12 years prior to the award year (2007 for prize year 2019) or b) spent no more than an equivalent amount of time in research when taking into account any career breaks.
  • Not be a previous winner of this award

Selection Process

In order to choose the winner of the 2019 MSDE Outstanding Early-Career Paper Award, a shortlist of articles that were published throughout the year were selected by the editorial office and then subsequently assessed by the journal’s Editorial Board members. The winner was selected based upon the significance, impact and quality of the research.


The winner of the MSDE Outstanding Early-Career Paper Award will receive an engraved plaque and a travel bursary of £500 to use towards a meeting (or meetings) of their choice.

To have your paper considered for the 2020 MSDE Outstanding Early-Career Paper Award, indicate when prompted upon submission of your revised manuscript if a corresponding author of the paper fulfils these criteria. Multiple eligible authors of a winning paper will share the prize fund equally. You can contact the editors at if you have any queries.

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Outstanding Reviewers for Molecular Systems Design & Engineering in 2019

We would like to highlight the Outstanding Reviewers for Molecular Systems Design & Engineering in 2019, as selected by the editorial team, for their significant contribution to the journal. The reviewers have been chosen based on the number, timeliness and quality of the reports completed over the last 12 months.

We would like to say a big thank you to those individuals listed here as well as to all of the reviewers that have supported the journal. Each Outstanding Reviewer will receive a certificate to give recognition for their significant contribution.

Dr Handan Acar, University of Oklahoma, ORCID: 0000-0001-8708-9279

Dr Suzanne Balko, Leibniz Institut fuer Polymerforschung Dresden, ORCID: 0000-0002-9713-3349

Dr Sanjib Banerjee, Indian Institute of Technology Bhilai, ORCID: 0000-0003-4841-4408

Dr Daniel Carvajal, Northwestern University Materials Science and Engineering

Dr Sijia Dong, Argonne National Laboratory, ORCID: 0000-0001-8182-6522

Dr Woosun Jang, Fritz-Haber-Institut der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, ORCID: 0000-0003-1274-1714

Prof. Jodie Lutkenhaus, Texas A&M University, ORCID: 0000-0002-2613-6016

Dr Avik Samanta, University of Freiburg, ORCID: 0000-0001-5279-834X

Dr Bas Van Ravensteijn, University of Technology Eindhoven, ORCID: 0000-0001-9024-3927

Prof. Jing Zhang, Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, ORCID: 0000-0001-8299-2573

We would also like to thank the Molecular Systems Design & Engineering board and the MolecEng community for their continued support of the journal, as authors, reviewers and readers.


If you would like to become a reviewer for our journal, just email us with details of your research interests and an up-to-date CV or résumé.  You can find more details in our author and reviewer resource centre.

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2018 MSDE Hot Articles

This collection of articles highlights the hottest articles published in MSDE in 2018 as selected by the editors. Congratulations to all the authors whose outstanding articles are featured, and we hope you enjoy reading them:

Can machine learning identify the next high-temperature superconductor? Examining extrapolation performance for materials discovery
Bryce Meredig, Erin Antono, Carena Church, Maxwell Hutchinson, Julia Ling, Sean Paradiso, Ben Blaiszik, Ian Foster, Brenna Gibbons, Jason Hattrick-Simpers, Apurva Mehtaf and Logan Ward
Mol. Syst. Des. Eng., 2018, 5
DOI: 10.1039/C8ME00012C

Deep learning for chemical reaction prediction
David Fooshee, Aaron Mood, Eugene Gutman, Mohammadamin Tavakoli, Gregor Urban, Frances Liu, Nancy Huynh, David Van Vranken and Pierre Baldi
Mol. Syst. Des. Eng., 2018, 3
DOI: 10.1039/C7ME00107J

Enabling precision manufacturing of active pharmaceutical ingredients: workflow for seeded cooling continuous crystallisations
Cameron J. Brown, Thomas McGlone, Stephanie Yerdelen, Vijay Srirambhatla, Fraser Mabbott, Rajesh Gurung, Maria L. Briuglia, Bilal Ahmed, Hector Polyzois, John McGinty, Francesca Perciballi, Dimitris Fysikopoulos, Pól MacFhionnghaile, Humera Siddique, Vishal Raval, Tomás S. Harrington, Antony D. Vassileiou, Murray Robertson, Elke Prasad, Andrea Johnston, Blair Johnston, Alison Nordon, Jagjit S. Srai, Gavin Halbert, Joop H. ter Horst, Chris J. Price, Chris D. Rielly, Jan Sefcika and Alastair J. Florence
Mol. Syst. Des. Eng., 2018, 3
DOI: 10.1039/C7ME00096K

A solution-processable dissymmetric porous organic cage
A. G. Slater, M. A. Little, M. E. Briggs, K. E. Jelfs and A. I. Cooper
Mol. Syst. Des. Eng., 2018, 3
DOI: 10.1039/C7ME00090A

Li- and Mn-rich layered oxide cathode materials for lithium-ion batteries: a review from fundamentals to research progress and applications
Hongge Pan, Shiming Zhang, Jian Chen, Mingxia Gao, Yongfeng Liu, Tiejun Zhu and Yinzhu Jiang
Mol. Syst. Des. Eng., 2018, 3
DOI: 10.1039/C8ME00025E

Molecular engineering of perovskite photodetectors: recent advances in materials and devices
Fang Yao, Pengbin Gui, Qi Zhang and Qianqian Lin
Mol. Syst. Des. Eng., 2018, 3
DOI: 10.1039/C8ME00022K

Cooperative effects of inorganic and organic structure-directing agents in ZSM-5 crystallization
Aseem Chawla, Rui Li, Rishabh Jain, R. John Clark, James G. Sutjianto, Jeremy C. Palmer and Jeffrey D. Rimer
Mol. Syst. Des. Eng., 2018, 3
DOI: 10.1039/C7ME00097A

Catalytic single-chain polymeric nanoparticles at work: from ensemble towards single-particle kinetics
Yiliu Liu, Petri Turunen, Bas F. M. de Waal, Kerstin G. Blank, Alan E. Rowan, Anja R. A. Palmans and E. W. Meijer
Mol. Syst. Des. Eng., 2018, 3
DOI: 10.1039/C8ME00017D

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