RSC Applied Interfaces is now open for submissions

Welcoming applied interfacial and surface research

RSC Applied Interfaces is your new dedicated, interdisciplinary home for applied interfacial and surface research – and we are now open for submissions.

Submit your research

We are looking for cutting-edge research that identifies the role of interfaces and interfacial processes to determine the properties and functionalities of materials. Our scope is broad – we welcome application-focused manuscripts on protective coatings, surface engineering and functionalisation, 2D materials and so much more. We are also interested in articles that advance several UN Sustainable Development Goals, including the goals on good health and well-being, clean water and sanitation, and affordable and clean energy.

Find out more

Publish with us for free until mid-2025

Your research could inspire global change. Publishing in a gold open access journal amplifies this potential by making your articles free for people to access and cite. We are covering all article processing charges until mid-2025, so you can publish for free.

Introducing Federico Rosei – Inaugural Editor-in-Chief of RSC Applied Interfaces


We are delighted to welcome Professor Federico Rosei, University of Trieste, Italy, as the inaugural Editor-in-Chief of RSC Applied Interfaces, a new gold open access journal publishing interfacial and surface research with an applied focus.

Learn more about our new Editor-in-Chief

Federico Rosei received MSc and PhD degrees from the University of Rome “La Sapienza” in 1996 and 2001, respectively. He joined the University of Trieste (Italy) as a Professor of Industrial Chemistry in March 2023.

Previously he was a Professor and Former Director of Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique, Énergie, Matériaux et Télécommunications, Varennes (QC) Canada.

He has held the Junior Canada Research Chair in Nanostructured Organic and Inorganic Materials (2003-2013) and the Senior Canada Research Chair in Nanostructured Materials (2016-2023). He also held the UNESCO Chair in Materials and Technologies for Energy Conversion, Saving and Storage (2013-2023).


Read some of his recent papers below:

Semi-transparent luminescent solar concentrators based on plasmon-enhanced carbon dots
X. Liu, D. Benetti and F. Rosei
J. Mater. Chem. A, 2021, 9, 23345-23352

A colloidal heterostructured quantum dot sensitized carbon nanotube–TiO2 hybrid photoanode for high efficiency hydrogen generation
G.S. Selopal, M. Mohammadnezhad, F. Navarro-Pardo, F. Vidal, H. Zhao, Z.M. Wang, F. Rosei
Nanoscale Horiz., 2019, 4, 404–414

Polyelectrolyte hydrogel: a versatile platform for mechanical-electric conversion and self-powered sensing
X. Pan, Q. Wang, D. Benetti, Y. Ni, F. Rosei
Nano Energy, 2022, 103, 107718

Tunable 0D/2D/2D nanocomposite based on green Zn-doped CuInS2 Quantum Dots and MoS2/rGO as photoelectrodes for solar hydrogen production
F. Li, D. Benetti, M. Zhang, L. Shi, J. Feng, Q. Wei, F. Rosei
ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2022, 14, 54790–54802

RSC Applied Interfaces will open for submissions later this month.

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Introducing two journals dedicated to applied research

Discover new journals to publish your applied research

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Discover the journal

RSC Applied Interfaces is an interdisciplinary home for articles on applied interfacial and surface research. While RSC Applied Polymers offers a dedicated platform for work on the application of natural and synthetic polymers. These two new titles complement our current portfolio, which includes journals on materials and polymer research. We want to give you more options to discover and publish innovative articles across the spectrum of interfacial and polymer science. Both of these journals are gold open access, and we will be covering all article processing charges until mid-2025.

Introducing our editors-in-chief

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