Eco-Friendly Carbon Dot Catalysts for the Conversion of Oil to Biodiesel

RSC Applied Interfaces has published its first articles, which are free to read here! To celebrate our excellent first articles, we asked our authors to discuss their work in more detail.

Check out the infographic below which summarises the key message from Naccache et al.’s work entitled ‘Nitrogen-doped carbon dots in transesterification reactions for biodiesel synthesis‘.

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Want to find out more? Read the full article here! 


Nitrogen-doped carbon dots in transesterification reactions for biodiesel synthesis

Tayline V. de Medeiros, Alexia Macina, João P. de Mesquita and Rafik Naccache

RSC Appl. Interfaces, 2023, Advance Article, DOI: 10.1039/D3LF00060E






RSC Applied Interfaces is a dedicated, interdisciplinary reference journal for cutting-edge research on the applications of surfaces and interfaces. In addition to the applied focus, work considered for publication in RSC Applied Interfaces is expected to be highly original and of top quality. The journal seeks to report major scientific advances beyond the state of the art, at the cutting edge of this interdisciplinary field.


Improving Capacity Retention of Pouch Cells with Nickel-Rich Cathodes


RSC Applied Interfaces has published its first articles, which are free to read here! To celebrate our excellent first articles, we asked our authors to discuss their work in more detail.

In this post, we hear from Professor Louis Piper about their recently published work entitled “Understanding improved capacity retention at 4.3 V in modified single crystal Ni-rich NMC//graphite pouch cells at elevated temperature“.



Understanding improved capacity retention at 4.3 V in modified single crystal Ni-rich NMC//graphite pouch cells at elevated temperature

Galo J. Páez Fajardo, Meltiani Belekoukia, Satish Bolloju, Eleni Fiamegkou, Ashok S. Menon, Zachary Ruff, Zonghao Shen, Nickil Shah, Erik Björklund, Mateusz Jan Zuba, Tien-Lin Lee, Pardeep K. Thakur, Robert S. Weatherup, Ainara Aguadero, Melanie J. Loveridge, Clare P Grey and Louis F. J. Piper

RSC Appl. Interfaces, 2023, Advance Article, DOI 10.1039/D3LF00093A



An interview with the author

Tell us a bit about yourself and your research

I am Professor of Battery Innovation and I head the Electrochemical Materials group in the Energy Directorate at WMG, the University of Warwick. I co-lead the Faraday Institution Degradation and FutureCat Phase II consortium projects that focus on developing next generation cathode chemistries and improve cell performance & longevity.

In this study, we focused on understanding how reinsertion kinetics in Ni-rich cathodes result in incomplete re-lithiation and loss of lithium inventory. Using single crystalline NMC 811 one can improve reinsertion by increasing the temperature. Our hypothesis was that improving the reinsertion kinetics would translate into more complete Li insertion/extraction and translate into improved capacity retention. To test this hypothesis we employed commercial NMC 811 surface decorated with Al3+ ions in pouch cell formats with a graphite anode.

We performed cycling up to 4.3V vs graphite to stay below the oxygen loss threshold. The Al surface species were found to act as a HF and H2O scavenger to suppress the electrolyte reactions with the cathode at elevated temperatures.

We observed with long cycling and multiple cells that increasing the temperature from 25 to 40’C did improve capacity retention. This result supports our hypothesis but is surprising given how increasing the electrolyte temperature should result in more degradation. However, here the Al3+ ion surface decoration is acting to protect the cathode surfaces and so we can see the kinetic improvements.


What aspect of your work are you most excited about?

A lot of focus on Ni-rich Li-ion battery cells is to increase upper cut-off voltage. Here we show how you can boost capacity while increasing capacity retention by using appropriate cell designs to better access deeper depth of discharge.

The work also highlights the importance of electrode-engineering with the surface decoration to improve performance.


What do you find most challenging about your research?

The next stage is how to suppress oxygen loss in Ni-rich layered cathodes so that we can continue to widen the voltage window whilst improving lifetime in industry format cells.


What’s next for you?

We are now working on atomic layer deposition and electrolyte additive solutions, where we are working on increasing voltage window and lifetime in Ni-rich Li-ion battery pouch cells.


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The first article from RSC Applied Interfaces is now online


About the article

We are delighted to announce that RSC Applied Interfaces has published its first article, read it for free now.

Bias switchable narrowband/broadband NIR organic photodetector fabricated with a scalable technique

Lai-Hung Lai, Wei-Hsiang Lin, Chin-Chuan Hsieh and Maria Antonietta Loi

RSC Appl. Interfaces, 2023, Advance Article
DOI: 10.1039/D3LF00089C

Hear more about this research in a video from the authors here


About the authors


Lai-Hung Lai

L. H. Lai obtained his master’s degree in materials science at NTHU (Taiwan) in 2010, and Ph.D. in physics at the University of Groningen (Netherlands) in 2016. He is now a deputy manager and staff research scientist for electronics, optoelectronics, and micro-optics integration in VisEra Technologies.

Wei-Hsiang Lin

W. H. Lin obtained his master’s degree in materials science at NTHU (Taiwan) in 2020. He is now an engineer for electronics, optoelectronics, and micro-optics integration in VisEra Technologies.

Chin-Chuan Hsieh

C. C. Hsieh obtained his master’s degree in chemical engineering at NCKU (Taiwan) in 1992. He is now a vice president for waferlevel optics organization in VisEra Technologies.

Maria Antonietta Loi

M. A. Loi is a condensed matter physicist with a broad interest for materials for optoelectronics, and full professor at the University of Groningen (Netherlands). She combines the investigations of the photophysics of organic–inorganic hybrids and nanomaterials, with their implementation in optoelectronic devices. She has authored a large number of publications in material physics and optoelectronic devices.


Meet our Associate Editor Series: Professor Ryan Richards


We are delighted to introduce you to our RSC Applied Interfaces Associate Editor, Professor Ryan Richards.


About Professor Ryan Richards

Ryan Richards is a Professor of Chemistry and Materials Science at the Colorado School of Mines (Mines) and holds a joint appointment at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) both in Golden, Colorado USA. Find out more about Professor Richards on our webpage.

Read some of his applied research here:

Nanocrystalline rhenium-doped TiO2: an efficient catalyst in the one-pot conversion of carbohydrates into levulinic acid. The synergistic effect between Brønsted and Lewis acid sites
Sorin Avramescu, Cristian D. Ene, Madalina Ciobanu, Josefine Schnee, Francois Devred, Cristina Bucur, Eugeniu Vasile, Luke Colaciello, Ryan Richards, Eric M. Gaigneaux and Marian Nicolae Verziu
Catal. Sci. Technol., 2022, 12, 167-180.

Carbon Capture by Metal Oxides: Unleashing the Potential of the (111) Facet
Greg A. Mutch, Sarah Shulda, Alan J. McCue, Martin J. Menart, Cristian V. Ciobanu, Chilan Ngo, James A. Anderson, Ryan M. Richards and David Vega-Maza
J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2018, 140, 4736-4742.

Revealing the Dynamics and Roles of Iron Incorporation in Nickel Hydroxide Water Oxidation Catalysts
Chunguang Kuai, Cong Xi, Anyang Hu, Yan Zhang, Zhengrui Xu, Dennis Nordlund, Cheng-Jun Sun, Christopher A. Cadigan, Ryan M. Richards, Luxi Li, Cun-Ku Dong, Xi-Wen Du and Feng Lin
J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2021, 143, 18519-18526.


Professor Richards considers submissions on


Submit your research in these areas to Professor Richards now


Federico Rosei awarded National Order of Québec

Celebrating our RSC Applied Interfaces editor-in-chief


The RSC Applied Interfaces editorial team would like to extend a huge congratulations to our inaugural editor-in-chief, Federico Rosei, after he was awarded the National Order of Québec.


The National Order of Québec is awarded annually to individuals who have made exceptional contributions to the development and reputation of Québec. Candidates are nominated by the public, with the most outstanding nominees being selected to receive the award by the Council of the Order.


As a result of the award, Federico has received the esteemed title of Knight of the National Order of Québec. The title of Knight recognises those who have exhibited exceptional activity in a particular field.


You can find out more about Federico on our webpage, here.

You can also find out more about the National Order of Quebec on their webpage, here:

Meet our Associate Editor Series: Professor Serena Margadonna


We are delighted to introduce you to our RSC Applied Interfaces Associate Editor, Professor Serena Margadonna.


About Professor Serena Margadonna

Serena Margadonna joined Swansea University, UK, in 2015 as Chair in Materials Engineering and is currently the Head of the School of Engineering and Applied Science. Find out more about Professor Margadonna on our webpage.

Read some of her applied research here:

Synergic effect of Bi, Sb and Te for the increased stability of bulk alloying anodes for sodium-ion batteries
Marcin W. Orzech, Francesco Mazzali, James D. McGettrick, Cameron Pleydell-Pearce, Trystan M. Watson, Wayne Voice, David Jarvis, and Serena Margadonna
J. Mater. Chem. A., 2017, 5, 23198-23208.

Water-Stable DMASnBr3 Lead-Free Perovskite for Effective Solar-Driven Photocatalysis
Lidia Romani, Andrea Speltini, Francesco Ambrosio, Edoardo Mosconi, Antonella Profumo, Marcello Marelli, Serena Margadonna, Antonella Milella, Francesco Fracassi, Andrea Listorti, Filippo De Angelis, and Lorenzo Malavasi
Angew. Chem., Int. Ed., 2021, 60, 3611-3618.


Professor Margadonna considers submissions on


Submit your research in these areas to Professor Margadonna now


Meet our Associate Editor Series: Professor Jianbin Huang

We are delighted to introduce you to our RSC Applied Interfaces Associate Editor, Professor Jianbin Huang.


About Professor Jianbin Huang

Jianbin Huang is a Professor and Chief of surfactant and colloid research and development at Peking University, China. Find out more about Professor Huang on our webpage.

Read some of his applied research here:

The pressing-induced formation of a large-area supramolecular film for oil capture
Wenkai Wang, Mengqi Xie, Hongjun Jin, Wanwan Zhi, Kaerdun Liu, Cheng Ma, Peilong Liao, Jianbin Huang, and Yun Yan
Mater. Chem. Front., 2020, 4, 1530-1539.

Folic Acid-Based Coacervate Leading to a Double-Sided Tape for Adhesion of Diverse Wet and Dry Substrates
Shuitao Gao, Wenkai Wang, Tongyue Wu, Shasha Jiang, Jinwan Qi, Zhiyang Zhu, Bin Zhang, Jianbin Huang, and Yun Yan
ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2021, 13, 34843-34850.

Surface Hydrophobization Provides Hygroscopic Supramolecular Plastics Based on Polysaccharides with Damage-Specific Healability and Room-Temperature Recyclability
Hongjun Jin, Weilin Lin, Ziyan Wu, Xinyu Cheng, Xinyuan Chen, Yingjie Fan, Wangchuan Xiao, Jianbin Huang, Qingrong Qian, Qinghua Chen, and Yun Yan
Adv. Mater., 2023, 35, 2207688.

Generating circularly polarized luminescence from clusterization‐triggered emission using solid phase molecular self-assembly
Peilong Liao, Shihao Zang, Tongyue Wu, Hongjun Jin, Wenkai Wang, Jianbin Huang, Ben Zhong Tang, and Yun Yan
Nat. Commun., 2021, 12, 5496.


Professor Huang considers submissions on


Submit your research in these areas to Professor Huang now

Professor Serena Margadonna joins RSC Applied Interfaces as Associate Editor


We are delighted to welcome Professor Serena Margadonna, Swansea University, UK, as an Associate Editor for RSC Applied Interfaces, a new open access journal publishing cutting edge research on the applications of surfaces and interfaces.


Learn more about our new Associate Editor

Serena Margadonna joined Swansea University in 2015 as Chair in Materials Engineering and is currently the Head of the School of Engineering and Applied Science. Previously, she has worked in several institutions including the Universities of Cambridge as a Jesus College Research Fellow, Edinburgh as a Dorothy Hodgkin Royal Society Fellow and Oslo as a Professor in Materials Chemistry.

She has been responsible for significant advances in the fields of strongly correlated electron systems, superconductivity and molecular magnetism. More recently she focuses on developing sustainable materials and processes for the manufacturing of electrochemical energy storage solutions with a particular focus on sodium-ion batteries.

Find out more about Professor Margadonna on our webpage.


Read some of her recent papers below:

Synergic effect of Bi, Sb and Te for the increased stability of bulk alloying anodes for sodium-ion batteries

Marcin W. Orzech, Francesco Mazzali, James D. McGettrick, Cameron Pleydell-Pearce, Trystan M. Watson, Wayne Voice, David Jarvis and Serena Margadonna

J. Mater. Chem. A, 2017, 5, 23198-23208


Water-Stable DMASnBr3 Lead-Free Perovskite for Effective Solar-Driven Photocatalysis

Lidia Romani, Andrea Speltini, Francesco Ambrosio, Edoardo Mosconi, Antonella Profumo, Marcello Marelli, Serena Margadonna, Antonella Milella, Francesco Fracassi, Andrea Listorti, Filippo De Angelis and Lorenzo Malavasi

Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2021, 60, 3611-3618


RSC Applied Interfaces is open for submissions. Find out more on the journal webpage, sign up for email alerts, or submit your manuscript now.

Please join us in welcoming Professor Margadonna to RSC Applied Interfaces.

Professor Ryan M. Richards joins RSC Applied Interfaces as Associate Editor


We are delighted to welcome Professor Ryan M. Richards, Colorado School of Mines & NREL, USA, as Associate Editor for RSC Applied Interfaces, a new open access journal publishing cutting edge research on the applications of surfaces and interfaces.



Learn more about our new Associate Editor

Ryan M. Richards is a Professor of Chemistry and Materials Science at the Colorado School of Mines (Mines) and holds a joint appointment at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) both in Golden, Colorado USA. Additionally, Prof. Richards is the Mines lead for the Mines/NREL Nexus which coordinates, facilitates and promotes all joint activities and appointments. Prof. Richards received his BS from Michigan State University, MS Central Michigan University and PhD from Kansas State University. Prof. Richards was accepted as a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry in November 2023.

Research in the Richards group is focused on new synthetic methods to control the size, shape and composition of nanoscale materials and apply them in systems integral to alternative energy technologies, pharmaceuticals, biomass upgrading, batteries, and environmental remediation.

Find out more about Professor Richards on our webpage.


Read some of his recent papers below:

Nanocrystalline rhenium-doped TiO2: an efficient catalyst in the one-pot conversion of carbohydrates into levulinic acid. The synergistic effect between Brønsted and Lewis acid sites

Sorin Avramescu, Cristian D. Ene, Madalina Ciobanu, Josefine Schnee, Francois Devred, Cristina Bucur, Eugeniu Vasile, Luke Colaciello, Ryan Richards, Eric M. Gaigneaux and Marian Nicolae Verziu

Catal. Sci. Technol., 2022, 12, 167-180


A microwave assisted ionic liquid route to prepare bivalent Mn5O8 nanoplates for 5-hydroxymethylfurfural oxidation

Lifang Chen, Ting Zhang, Hongye Cheng, Ryan M. Richards and Zhiwen Qi

Nanoscale, 2020, 12, 17902-17914


RSC Applied Interfaces is now open for submissions. Find out more on the journal webpage, sign up for email alerts or submit your manuscript now.

Please join us in welcoming Professor Richards to RSC Applied Interfaces.


Professor Jianbin Huang joins RSC Applied Interfaces as Associate Editor


We are delighted to welcome Professor Jianbin Huang, Peking University, China, as an Associate Editor for RSC Applied Interfaces, a new open access journal publishing cutting edge research on the applications of surfaces and interfaces.



Learn more about our new Associate Editor

Jianbin Huang is a Professor and Chief of surfactant and colloid research and development at Peking University. He is interested in the physical chemistry of surfactants, especially in mixed surfactant systems. His group mainly focuses on molecular organized assemblies in aqueous solutions, such as vesicles or micelles, and the formation, molecular structures and phase behaviours of amphiphilic systems. In the last five years, Professor Huang has published over 40 articles in international and Chinese academic journals.


Read some of his recent papers below:

Cyclodextrin-catalyzed self-assembly of a coordinating fluorescent molecule into microflowers

Ting Gu, Jianbin Huang and Yun Yan

Soft Matter, 2022, 18, 4372-4377


Clusterization-triggered emission (CTE): one for all, all for one

Peilong Liao, Jianbin Huang, Yun Yan and Ben Zhong Tang

Mater. Chem. Front., 2021, 5, 6693-6717


RSC Applied Interfaces is open for submissions. Find out more on the journal webpage, sign up for email alerts, or submit your manuscript now.

Please join us in welcoming Professor Huang to RSC Applied Interfaces.