9-10 September 2010
Hoam Convention Center, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea.
For two decades lab-on-a-chip (LOC) technologies have made unprecedented progress in academia and industry and scientists in Korea and Europe have played major roles in developing LOC applications in chemistry, biology and medicine. This workshop focuses on how currently available technologies can be applied to solve technical barriers and challenges. Future technologies for LOC technologies will also be explored.
Speakers include:
Jay Junkeun Chang
NanoEnTek, Inc., Korea
Andrew deMello
Imperial College, London, UK
Jaap den Toonder
Philips Applied Technologies/Einhoven University of Technology, Netherlands
Sang Hoon Lee
College of Health Science, Korea University, Korea
Andreas Manz
KIST Europe, Germany
Jae Chan Park
Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology (SAIT), Korea
Viola Vogel
Department of Materials, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Sponsors: Lab on a Chip (RSC), Korea BioChip Society, Global Research Laboratory: Smart Droplet Biochip (National Research Foundation of Korea) and Korea-UK Focal Point Programme on Life Science
Online registration deadline: 4 September 2010
Please contact Ji Hyun Kwon (jihyun@snu.ac.kr, 82-2-880-8041) for more information