Issue 6 is now available online, and the outside front cover features a HOT article by Govind Kaigala and colleagues at IBM Research in Zürich on micro-immunohistochemistry (μIHC) using a microfluidic probe to extract more high-quality information from tissue sections for use in drug discovery and clinical pathology.
Micro-immunohistochemistry using a microfluidic probe
Robert D. Lovchik, Govind V. Kaigala, Marios Georgiadis and Emmanuel Delamarche
DOI: 10.1039/C2LC21016A
The inside front cover features another HOT article, from Douglas Weibel and colleagues at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and the University of California, San Diego, describing very simple, portable microfluidic technology for determining the minimum inhibitory concentration of antibiotics.
A self-loading microfluidic device for determining the minimum inhibitory concentration of antibiotics
Nate J. Cira, Jack Y. Ho, Megan E. Dueck and Douglas B. Weibel
DOI: 10.1039/C2LC20887C
The issue also includes the Focus article ‘Standards for collecting microfluidic devices?‘ by Henne van Heeren at enablingMNT, discussing the need for standards for microfluidic interconnections, chip dimensions and a vocabulary, the latest article in our Acoustofluidics series on the acoustic radiation force on small particles by Henrik Bruus at the Technical University of Denmark, and the following HOT articles:
Sorting cells by size, shape and deformability
Jason P. Beech, Stefan H. Holm, Karl Adolfsson and Jonas O. Tegenfeldt
DOI: 10.1039/C2LC21083E
A microfluidic method to study demulsification kinetics
Thomas Krebs, Karin Schroen and Remko Boom
DOI: 10.1039/C2LC20930F
Design considerations for electrostatic microvalves with applications in poly(dimethylsiloxane)-based microfluidics
Amit V. Desai, Joshua D. Tice, Christopher A. Apblett and Paul J. A. Kenis
DOI: 10.1039/C2LC21133E
All our HOT articles are free to access for four weeks (following a simple registration for individual users).