Joseph Potkay‘s recently published Lab on a Chip paper on an artificial lung capable of using air rather than pure oxygen has been causing quite a stir! The article which describes the efficient lung mimic has been picked up by media outlets around the world:
New artificial lung breathes like a real one
New bioinspired artificial lung is efficient enough to operate on air
Researchers create artificial lung that works with air rather than pure oxygen
A New Artificial Lung Can Breathe Regular Air Rather Than Purified Oxygen
Artificial lungs to work sans oxygen
For the full details of this exciting new technology why not take a look at the paper:
Bio-inspired, efficient, artificial lung employing air as the ventilating gas
Joseph A. Potkay, Michael Magnetta, Abigail Vinson and Brian Cmolik
Lab Chip, 2011, Advance Article
DOI: 10.1039/C1LC20020H