BNASS 2010 was held as a one-day meeting this year on the 7th July in Cambridge. The meeting was attended by JAAS Deputy Editor Vibhuti Patel, and was a combination of Manufacturere User Group Meetings from ThermoFisher Scientific and Agilent Technologies, four keynote speakers and an interactive poster session and mixer.
The speakers were:
Clive Thompson, ALcontrol Laboratories, Yorkshire, UK
Katrin Loeschner, National Food Institute, Technical University of Denmark
Jackie Morton, Health and Safety Laboratory, Buxton, UK
Barry Sharp, Loughborough University, UK
Continuing the celebrations of 25 years of publication, there was a JAAS sponsored lunch for delegates, followed by birthday cake! Happily, our 25th anniversary co-incided with 30 years of BNASS, so there was even more reason to celebrate.
A JAAS poster prize was also presented to the best poster, and this was awarded to Liz Leese from HSL (Health and Safety Laboratory), UK. Well done!