We are delighted to announce Marta Costas Rodríguez as the recipient of the JAAS Emerging Investigator Lectureship 2019. This Lectureship aims to recognise and support an emerging
scientist working in the area of atomic spectrometry in the early stages of their independent career.
Introducing Marta Costas Rodríguez, Ghent University, Belgium:
Marta Costas Rodríguez obtained her PhD in Analytical Chemistry from the University of Vigo (Spain) in 2011, where she was awarded with the Extraordinary Doctorate Award (Sciences scope). Her work focused on the development of analytical methods for elemental analysis by spectrometric techniques. Since 2012, she is a postdoctoral researcher (currently with a postdoctoral fellowship from the Flemish Research Foundation FWO – Flanders) in the ‘Atomic & Mass Spectrometry – A&MS’ research group of Prof. Frank Vanhaecke at Ghent University (Belgium). Her research at UGent is mainly dealing with high-precision isotopic analysis in biomedicine. She has supervised 3 Master and 2 PhD students and is currently guiding another 2 PhD students in this field. She is (co)author of 50 peer-reviewed international papers and 4 book chapters and has given some 50 presentations on conferences. Her current research interests are elemental and isotopic analysis by single- and multi-collector ICP-MS and bioimaging with LA-ICP-MS.