XXXVIII Colloquium Spectroscopicum Internationale and CSI Award for Ramon Barnes

As you already know if you are following us on twitter, the  XXXVIII Colloquium Spectroscopicum Internationale was held on June 17 – 21, 2012 in Tromso, Norway. The conference was chaired by Yngvar Thomassen, and counted with more than 200 participants who travel to the Far North to enjoy the land of the midnight sun. Several members of the JAAS Boards attended the conference and presented their latest works, including Martín Resano, Steven Ray, María Montes-Bayón, José Broekaert and Detlef Günther.

In addition, during the conference, the CSI Award for life achievement in Spectrochemistry was presented and the winner was JAAS Advisory Board Member Ramon Barnes. The Award was presented by Gary Hieftje. Congratulations, Ramon!

If you attended the conference and want to submit a paper, keep in mind that several RSC Journals (Analytical Methods/Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts/RSC Advances) will draw together a Themed Issue in electronic form. For more information see:

Prof. Dr. Ramon Barnes after receiving the CSI Award in Tromso. We’ll have an excellent opportunity

to congratulate him in person in Florida, in the upcoming 2014 Winter Conference

CSI Awardee Ramon Barnes together with the winners of the poster Awards, sponsored by the Norwegian Chemical Society,

Laura Trapiella (left, University of Oviedo) and Esperanza García-Ruiz (right, University of Zaragoza)

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