The European Winter Conference is the traditional home of the Richard Payling Prize, which given to the best contribution on the topic of glow discharge spectrochemistry presented at that conference. The 2011 award winner is Rebeca Valledor from the University of Oviedo, Spain.
Rebeca presented a poster entitled “Spatially and Temporally Resolved Studies of the Optical Emission in a Pulsed Radiofrequency Glow Discharge” (PC-052) in which she and her coworkers studied the temporal evolution of a pulsed RF glow discharge through spatially resolved spectroscopy, permitting them to deduce ionization and excitation mechanisms that are of critical importance in the design of a glow discharge source for mass spectrometry.
An advanced article just published online in JAAS (Valledor, R., Pisonero, J., Niels, T., and Bordel, N., “Spatial characterization of pressure-based plasma regimes in a radio frequency glow discharge by using optical emission spectroscopy“, Advance Article) provides a good preview of the work.
The award was sponsored by Horiba Jobin-Yvon, Spectruma Analytik GMbH, Tofwerk AG, Leco Inc., ThermoFischer, and nu Instruments. Well done Rebeca!