XXII European Food Chemistry Congress – Food & Function

Food & Function is delighted to showcase select papers from participants at the XXII EuroFoodChem Conference which took place in Belgrade, Serbia, in June 2023. The meeting, jointly organized by the Food Chemistry Division of EuChemS and the Serbian Chemical Society, focused on exciting trends in food chemistry research including several topics relevant to Food & Function: Food and Health, Food Contaminants, and Novel Foods.

All the invited papers showcased were deemed to be of outstanding quality and representative of the high-standard of research presented at EuroFoodChem.

These select papers were highlighted by:

Tanja Cirkovic Velickovic (University of Belgrade, Serbia) and Joana Amaral (Polytechnic Institute of Bragança, Portugal)


Showcased XXII EuroFoodChem papers

Potential application of green extracts rich in phenolics for innovative functional foods: natural deep eutectic solvents as media for isolation of biocompounds from berries

Mila Č. Lazović, Marko D. Jović, Marija Petrović, Ivica Z. Dimkić, Uroš M. Gašić, Dušanka M. Milojković Opsenica, Petar M. Ristivojević and Jelena Đ. Trifković

 Food Funct., 2024,15, 4122-4139


Melon peel flour: utilization as a functional ingredient in bakery products

Mafalda Alexandra Silva, Tânia Gonçalves Albuquerque, Rita Carneiro Alves, M. Beatriz P. P. Oliveira and Helena S. Costa

Food Funct., 2024,15, 1899-1908


Exploiting Locusta migratoria as a source of bioactive peptides with anti-fibrosis properties using an in silico approach

Carla S. S. Teixeira, Rita Biltes, Caterina Villa, Sérgio F. Sousa, Joana Costa, Isabel M. P. L. V. O. Ferreira and Isabel Mafra

Food Funct., 2024,15, 493-502


Improvement of fruit juice quality: novel endo-polygalacturonase II from Aspergillus tubingensis FAT 43 for enhanced liquefaction, clarification, and antioxidant potential

Marija Pavlović,  Aleksandra Margetić, Adrijana Leonardi, Igor Križaj,  Milan Kojić,  Zoran Vujčić and Marinela Šokarda Slavić

Food Funct., 2024,15, 2906-2919

We sat down with the author of one of featured papers, Marija Pavlović, to talk more about their research, their experience of XXII EuroFoodChem and publishing in Food & Function, and the community:

FF: Marija, what is the focus of your research?

MP: Our research at the Center for Chemistry, Institute of Chemistry, Technology, and Metallurgy (ICTM), University of Belgrade focuses on biotechnology and enzymology. We specialize in producing native and recombinant enzymes from bacteria and fungi to improve food production processes

FF: So, how does your paper relate to this and what have you achieved here?

MP: Our work demonstrates the significant impact these enzymes can have on enhancing the efficiency and quality of fruit juice production. We would like to acknowledge the valuable assistance we received from Prof Igor Križaj and Andrijana Leonardi from the Jožef Stefan Institute, Slovenia, Milan Kojić from the Institute “Torlak” Belgrade, Aleksandra Margetić from ICTM, and my mentor at the Faculty of Chemistry, University of Belgrade, Prof. Zoran Vujčić

This study focuses on the isolation, purification, and characterization of endo-polygalacturonase II from Aspergillus tubingensis FAT43, emphasizing its potential applications in the fruit juice industry. Enzyme production was optimized over a 96-hour fermentation process. Purification resulted in a 3.3-fold increase in enzyme purity with a yield of 16% and specific activity of 6001.67 U mg−1. The enzyme exhibits optimal activity at pH 3.5–4.5 and a temperature of 45 °C, retaining 90% activity at 50 °C. In fruit juice processing, PG II significantly increased juice yield and clarity, particularly in strawberry juice. The study highlights the potential of PG II as an industrially valuable enzyme for fruit juice processing, offering improved thermostability and versatility across different fruit types.

FF: Fascinating; an impressive result! Please, tell us, how was your experience of the conference and of publishing in Food & Function?

MP: We highly value the high standards and rigorous review process of Food & Function , which ensures the publication of high-quality research. The European Food Chemistry Congress provides an excellent platform for networking and exchanging ideas with peers in the field. The EuroFoodChem Congress, held from June 14 to 16, 2023, in Belgrade, Serbia, marked a significant event. Following the successful series of EuroFoodChem meetings since 1981, Belgrade had the honor of hosting this important international gathering in food chemistry, organized by the EuChemS Division of Food Chemistry and the Serbian Chemical Society, with the support of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts.

FF: What, to your mind, makes the shared community within the conference and our journal special?

MP: The collaborative and supportive nature of this community, both within the journal and at the conference, fosters innovation and advancement in food chemistry. The platform you provide for sharing cutting-edge research and networking is invaluable.

FF: Is there anything else you would like to get the word out about?

MP: We recommend publishing in Food & Function and participating in the European Food Chemistry Congress for the opportunity to share valuable research and connect with leading scientists in the field. After the virtual version in 2021, it was exciting to meet again in person. The congress program offered exciting new trends in food chemistry research and engaging networking opportunities that we all missed in recent years. In addition to abstract presentations and lectures by world-renowned speakers, various networking opportunities were provided. EuroFoodChem is an excellent opportunity to initiate or strengthen collaborations and knowledge exchange.

FF: Thank you so much for your time, Marja.

MP: My pleasure!

Stay tuned for the next blog post where we talk with Isabel Mafra and her team about their exciting work on using Locusta migratoria as a source of bioactive peptides which they presented at the conference, and what they thoughts about their experience at XXII EuroFoodChem Conference and publishing with Food & Function!

Get ready for EuroFoodChem XVIII taking place 13 – 16 October 2015 in sunny Madrid, Spain!

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