The Northern Postdoctoral researchers meeting took place on May 28th at the School of Chemistry and Zochonis Building, The University of Manchester. This was the fourth of a series of events organised by the Chemistry Postdoctoral Society for the academic year 2014/15, included in the proposal funded by the Dalton Division Committee through the Small Grants for Scientific Activities scheme.
The purpose of the meeting was to gather young scientists from the Northern and North-West region, giving the chance to showcase their research and offering also a great networking opportunity. The event was free to attend and saw the participation of around 70 attendants between Postdocs and PhDs coming from the University of Manchester, University of Liverpool, University of Huddersfield, University of Sheffield, University of Hull, University of York, and University of Leeds.
Postdoctoral researchers selected from Northern institutions (Manchester, Huddersfield, Hull, Leeds and Liverpool) offered research talks which spread across a wide range of topics in chemistry. The quality of the talks and of the research presented was outstanding, leading also to a great interaction between the audience and the speakers.
After the coffee break, the meeting was moved to the foyer of the School of Chemistry were the poster session took place, featuring over 30 contribution from Postdocs and PhD from various Northern institutions. At the end of the poster session, two prizes were awarded, sponsored by Dalton Transactions. The winner of the prize for the best postgraduate poster went to Luke Wilkinson (University of Sheffield), whilst the prize for the best poster from a postdoctoral researcher was awarded to Kevin Vincent (University of Huddersfield).

Dr Fabrizio Ortu (right) with poster prize winners Kevin Vincent (University of Huddersfield) and Luke Wilkinson (University of Sheffield)
In general, we received very enthusiastic feedback about the meeting. In particular, visiting postdoctoral researchers had high praises for the work of the Postdoctoral Society and offered to organise another event analogous to this in one year’s time.
The meeting was kindly supported by the RSC Dalton Division and the School of Chemistry (UoM). Furthermore the Postdoctoral Society obtained additional support from Fluorochem, Sigma-Aldrich and TCI. Dalton Transactions was acknowledged during the opening and closing remarks of the conference; additionally the Dalton Transactions logo was included in the conference material.