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Dalton Transactions’ most downloaded papers from 2022

We are delighted to announce our new web collection: Dalton Transactions up-and-coming articles

This web collection brings together articles that made waves in the inorganic chemistry community in 2022. These are Dalton Transactions’ top 1% highest cited or most downloaded articles in 2022.

See the full collection on our collection webpage, and check out a selection of the most downloaded articles below:

Hydrogen-atom and oxygen-atom transfer reactivities of iron(iv)-oxo complexes of quinoline-substituted pentadentate ligands (Open Access)

Sandip Munshi, Arup Sinha, Solomon Yiga, Sridhar Banerjee, Reena Singh, Md. Kamal Hossain, Matti Haukka, Andrei Felipe Valiati, Ricardo Dagnoni Huelsmann, Edmar Martendal, Rosely Peralta, Fernando Xavier Ola F. Wendt, Tapan K. Paine and Ebbe Nordlander

Dalton Trans., 2022, 51, 870-884

John Dalton – the man and the myth (Open Access)

Edwin C. Constable

Dalton Trans., 2022, 51, 768-776

Photoinduced Jahn–Teller switch in Mn(iii) terpyridine complexes (Open Access)

Kyle Barlow, Julien Eng, Iona Ivalo, Marco Coletta, Euan K. Brechin, Thomas J. Penfold and J. Olof Johansson

Dalton Trans., 2022, 51, 10751-10757

Influence of the spatial distribution of copper sites on the selectivity of the oxygen reduction reaction (Open Access)

N. W. G. Smits, D. Rademaker, A. I. Konovalov, M. A. Siegler and D. G. H. Hetterscheid

Dalton Trans., 2022, 51, 1206-1215

Ruthenium-nitrosyl complexes as NO-releasing molecules, potential anticancer drugs, and photoswitches based on linkage isomerism (Open Access)

Iryna Stepanenko, Michal Zalibera, Dominik Schaniel, Joshua Telser and Vladimir B. Arion

Dalton Trans., 2022, 51, 5367-5393

CO2 capture from ambient air via crystallization with tetraalkylammonium hydroxides (Open Access)

Manish Kumar Mishra, Volodymyr Smetana, Ethan A. Hiti, Hannah B. Wineinger, Fengrui Qu, Anja-Verena Mudring and  Robin D. Rogers

Dalton Trans., 2022, 51, 17724-17732

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Dalton Transactions welcomes new Associate Editor Neal Mankad

We are delighted to welcome our new Associate Editor Professor Neal Mankad to the Dalton Transactions Editorial Board!

Neal P. Mankad received his S.B. in chemistry from MIT in 2004 after having conducted undergraduate research with Prof. Joseph P. Sadighi on copper N-heterocyclic carbene complexes. In 2010, Neal earned a Ph.D. in inorganic chemistry from Caltech as an NSF graduate research fellow under the supervision of Prof. Jonas C. Peters, working on biomimetic and bioinspired complexes of copper and iron. During 2010-2012, he was an NIH postdoctoral research fellow at the University of California, Berkeley, with Prof. F. Dean Toste studying fundamental organometallic chemistry of gold.

Since 2012, Neal has been an independent faculty member in the Department of Chemistry at the University of Illinois Chicago (UIC), where his group focuses on synthetic inorganic and organometallic systems relevant to chemical sustainability. Selected research awards earned by Neal include the Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellowship and the NIH Maximizing Investigators’ Research Award (MIRA). He has also gained distinction for excellence in teaching, including by the UIC Teaching Recognition Program.

Find out more about Neal on his website and submit your article to him today!

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