Dalton Transactions publishes articles from around the globe
Dalton Transactions has been publishing research in inorganic chemistry for over 40 years, from over 85 countries. To highlight some of the contributions from across the globe we will be selecting a different geographic region each month, collecting some high impact papers and making them free to access! This month, the USA……
Rapid catalytic water oxidation by a single site, Ru carbene catalyst
Zuofeng Chen, Javier J. Concepcion and Thomas J. Meyer
Dalton Trans., 2011,40, 3789-3792
Hydro-ionothermal syntheses, crystal structures, and properties of five new divalent metal iminophosphonates
Kevin J. Gagnon, Andrey V. Prosvirin, Kim R. Dunbar, Simon J. Teat and Abraham Clearfield
Dalton Trans., 2012,41, 3995-4006
Non-traditional platinum compounds for improved accumulation, oral bioavailability, and tumor targeting
Katherine S. Lovejoy and Stephen J. Lippard
Dalton Trans., 2009, 10651-10659
Synthesis and reactivity of cationic niobium and tantalum methyl complexes supported by imido and β-diketiminato ligands
Neil C. Tomson, John Arnold and Robert G. Bergman
Dalton Trans., 2011,40, 7718-7729
Isocyanide insertion and cyclization reactions to form indolines using pincer-type complexes of scandium
Benjamin F. Wicker, Maren Pink and Daniel J. Mindiola
Dalton Trans., 2011,40, 9020-9025
O2 Reduction to H2O by the multicopper oxidases
Edward I. Solomon, Anthony J. Augustine and Jungjoo Yoon
Dalton Trans., 2008, 3921-3932
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