PCCP are delighted to anounce the winners of the 2016 PCCP Prizes for Outstanding Achievement of Young Scientists in Physical Chemistry and Chemical Physics. These were awarded by Hiromitsu Urakami (Royal Society of Chemistry Japan Representative) at a prize ceremony held at the 96th Annual Meeting of the Chemical Society of Japan 0n 25th March in Kyoto, Japan. The winners each received a commemorative book and a PCCP Prize certificate.

Back row, from left; Prof. Kazuyuki Kuroda (Waseda University) / CSJ Head of Vice President, Prof. Naoto Chatani (Osaka University) CSJ Vice President, Mr. Nobuyuki Kawashima CSJ Executive Director. Front row, from left; Prof. Ito – PCCP award winner, Prof. Suda – PCCP award winner, Prof. Yasuhiro Iwasawa (The University of Electro-Communications)、Prof. Muratsugu – PCCP award winner and Hiromitsu Urakami, RSC
(1) Dr. Yoshikazu Ito, Assistant Professor
World Premier International Research Center Initiative (WPI)
Advanced Institute for Materials (AIM Research) Tohoku University
“Physical and Chemical Properties of High Quality Three Dimensional Nanoporous Graphene”
(2) Dr. Satoshi Muratsugu, Assistant Professor
Department of Chemistry, Graduate School of Science, Nagoya University
“Preparation, In situ Characterization, and Functionalization of Catalyst Surfaces by the Immobilization and Coordination Control of Multi-Metallic Complexes”
(3) Dr. Masayuki Suda, Assistant Professor
Institute for Molecular Science
Research Center of Integrative Molecular Systems (CIMoS)
“Light-induced superconductivity in an organic strongly-correlated material using a photoactive electric double layer”