Archive for the ‘Conference’ Category

11th Congress on Electronic Structure: Principles and Applications

The 11th Congress on electronic structure: Principles and applications (ESPA-2018) will be held in Toledo, Spain on 17–19 July 2018. ESPA is a series of international conferences covering all aspects of Theoretical Chemistry from method development to state-of- the-art- applications across computational molecular science.

The Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, the Universidad de Castilla la Mancha, the APQTC (Asociación para la Promoción de la Química Teórica y Computacional), and the organizers of this conference are delighted and honored to host this ESPA conference in the historic city of Toledo, World Heritage Site, during the summer of 2018.

Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (PCCP) is pleased to support the meeting and will provide a poster prize.

Register now!

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Sagamore 2018

Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (PCCP) and CrystEngComm (CEC) are delighted to support the International Union of Crystallography (IUCr)‘s Sagamore XIX – 2018: Conference on Quantum Crystallography (QCr), will be held Sunday 8th – Friday 13th July 2018 in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. The conference will cover experimental and theoretical research at the interface of physics, chemistry, and biology with the electron charge and spin densities, in both position and momentum space at its centre. The conference will be chaired by Chérif F. MattaMount Saint Vincent University (Canada) and Paul W. AyersMcMaster University (Canada)

International Union of Crystallography Conference

Registration & abstract submissions closes on Fri 8th June 2018

Follow the link to the conference’s registration portal before the deadline. For further information including the full list of Confirmed Invited Speakers, Session Chairs, and Discussion Leaders can be found on the conference website

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9th International Meeting on Atomic and Molecular Physics and Chemistry

The 9th International Meeting on Atomic and Molecular Physics and Chemistry (IMAMPC) will be taking place in Berlin, Germany between 5-8 June 2018.

This interdisciplinary meeting was conceived to encourage the assistance and active participation of young theoreticians and experimentalists in the field of atomic and molecular physics. Keeping with this tradition, the 9th edition of the IMAMPC will promote innovative research by young scientists, in order to highlight their important contributions to the field.

The meeting will be divided in 11 topical sessions, each opened by a renowned speaker. As element of novelty, a general animated discussion will be held at the end of each session to summarize the findings. We strongly encourage early-career independent researchers, postdocs, and students to submit abstracts, among which we will select 23 high-quality contributions for oral presentation. A non-exhaustive list of topics covered by the conference is

  • Macromolecules and biologically-relevant systems
  • Reactive collision, scattering, ultracold chemistry
  • Photochemistry/Photodynamics
  • Spectroscopy and electronic structure theory
  • Electron dynamics

Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (PCCP) is pleased to support the event.

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2nd European Symposium on Chemical Bonding

The 2nd European Symposium on Chemical Bonding will be taking place in Oviedo, Spain from 3-7 September 2018. Following the spirit of the ESCB1, the conference will be devoted to showing new developments as well as relevant applications in the field of chemical bonding. Besides a set of invited lectures by leaders in the field, ESCB2 expects gather a number of younger researchers, for whom there will be shorter oral communications.

In keeping with the tradition of ESCB1, a practical school on methods, applications and computational tecniques, this time focused on quantum chemical topology tools in chemical bonding will take place before the beginning of the meeting, from September 2 to September 3.

Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (PCCP) and Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry are delighted to be supporting the event.

Submissions for poster abstracts close on 30 June 2018.

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25th International Conference on High Resolution Molecular Spectroscopy

The 25th International Conference on High Resolution Molecular Spectroscopy (Bilbao 2018) is taking place in Bilbao, Spain between 3-7 September 2018.

The Bilbao 2018 Conference will be the 25th edition of the Conference, marking the ‘silver anniversary’ in a history that started biannually in 1970 to bring together spectroscopists from the East and West of Europe and all around the Globe. Adding to a powerful scientific program with ten invited talks, we will have a special 25th Anniversary Session featuring a conference by the Nobel Laureate Prof. Dudley R. Herschbach.

Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (PCCP) is pleased to support the meeting and will provide two poster prizes.

Register now!

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16th International Congress of Quantum Chemistry

The 16th International Congress of Quantum Chemistry (16th ICQC) will be held in ‘le Palais de l’Europe’ in the town of Menton, France, between 18−23 June 2018. It brings together the international community of theoretical chemists in the form of a one-week conference aimed at presenting the state of the art and latest advances in terms of developments and applications in the field of theoretical and computational chemistry.

Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (PCCP) is pleased to be supporting the meeting and will provide two poster prizes.

Register now: the deadline for registration is 31 May 2018 and abstract submission will close on 15 May 2018.

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Tulip VII Summer School on Modern Developments in Spectroscopy

The Holland Research School of Molecular Chemistry will be hosting the Tulip VII Summer School on Modern Developments in Spectroscopy taking place between 3-6 April 2018. Highly qualified scientists will present introductory and specialized lectures on various topics in the field of spectroscopic and dynamical studies of molecular systems.

The topics range from frequency resolved spectroscopic studies of gaseous biomolecules, time-resolved studies in chemical and biological systems, dynamics in proteins and membranes, photodissociation dynamics, dynamics and control in femtochemistry, and molecular nanophotonics.

Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (PCCP) is pleased to support the Summer School and will provide  poster prizes.

Register now!

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Isolated Biomolecules Biomolecular Interactions (IBBI12018)

The 10th edition of the Isolated Biomolecules Biomolecular Interactions (IBBI2018) will be held in Texel, The Netherlands from 8-13 April 2018. IBBI2018 will provide a scientifically stimulating and interesting program, with oral and poster presentations, lively discussions with other scientists in the field and social events.

“The IBBI conference series  bring together scientists from all over the world to present and discuss the most recent advances on Isolated Biomolecules and Biomolecular Interactions. The focus of the IBBI conferences lies on gaseous molecules of biological interest studied by spectroscopic, mass-spectrometric and theoretical methods, but also contributions addressing new, emerging and related techniques are welcomed”.

Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (PCCP) Associate Editor Anouk Rijs will be organising and chairing the conference.

PCCP and Analyst are pleased to support the meeting and provide four poster prizes.

The deadline for early-bird registration is 31 January. Late registration will close on 15 March.

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22nd European Conference on the Dynamics of Molecular Systems

The 22nd European Conference on the Dynamics of Molecular Systems will be taking place in Dinard, France between the 26-31 August 2018. The aim of this conference series is to highlight experimental and theoretical aspects of atomic and molecular interactions. At MOLEC 2018, the focus will be on the following, non-exhaustive, list of topics:

  • Molecular collisions
  • Fundamental problems in molecular dynamics
  • Ultracold atoms and molecules
  • Molecular dynamics in condensed phases
  • Photon-matter interactions
  • Astrophysics and astrochemistry
  • Atmospheric chemistry
  • Femtochemistry
  • Coherent control of molecular processes

Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (PCCP) is pleased to support the meeting and will provide two poster prizes.

Registration for the event opens on 1 February and closes on 20 July. Abstract submission closes on 12 July.

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Ultrafast Science & Technology Spain 2017

Ultrafast Science & Technology Spain (USTS) 2017 will be taking place between 22-24 November in Salamanca, Spain. The scope of this Meeting will cover topics including ultrafast laser development, extreme light, materials processing, femtosecond laser spectroscopy and dynamics, nonlinear optical phenomena, ultrafast processes in biology, femtosecond microscopy or attosecond physics.

In partnership with USTS, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics will be awarding 100 prizes for the best oral and poster presentations. The Advisory Committee – including PCCP Associate Editor Luis Bañares – will be in charge of the evaluation, taking into account the scientific quality of the work as well as presentation skills of the author.

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