PCCP is pleased to anounce that Ab initio or Car-Parrinello Molecular Dynamics (CPMD) will host its annual conference at the University of Chicago, 18-20 May 2016.
Topics and discussion will include the latest AIMD developments, encompassing electronic structure and sampling advances; AIMD applications in physics, chemistry and materials science; and large scale simulations on high performance architectures.
Partial List of Invited Speakers
Alessandro Curioni , IBM, Zurich, Switzerland
Roger Rousseau, PNNL, USA
Sheng Meng, CAS, Beijing, China
Yoshitaka Tateyama, Tsukuba, Japan
Annabella Selloni, Princeton University, USA
Robert DiStasio, Cornell University, USA
Francesco Paesani, UCSD, USA
Glenn Martyna, IBM, Yorktown Heights, USA
Xinzheng Li, Peking University, China
T. Anh Pham, LLNL, USA
Alex Gaiduk, UChicago, USA
Albert Ardevol, MPIBP, Germany
Ursula Roethlisberger, EPFL, Switzerland
Rodolphe Vuilleumier, ENS, Paris, France
Anders Niklasson (*), LANL, USA
Angelos Michaelides UCL, UK
Joost VandeVondele, ETHZ, Switzerland
Bryan K. Clark, UIUC, USA
Ali Alavi, MPI FKF, Stuttgart, Germany
Sandro Sorella, SISSA, Italy
Michele Ceriotti, EPFL, Switzerland
Greg Voth, Uchicago, USA
Pratyush Tiwary, Columbia University, USA
Davide Donadio, UCD, USA
Stefano Baroni, SISSA, Italy
(*) to be confirmed
Please see the webpage for further details.