The RSC Research Fund exists to assist members of the RSC in their research by the provision of grants of up to £2000.
If you work in a university, college or school anywhere in the world and your work is held up for lack of moderate funding, the RSC Research Fund may be able to help you.
Preference will be given to those working in less well-endowed institutions and to those supporting their own research. Applications from those working in well-established universities will normally only be considered in exceptional circumstances and evidence to support such proposals must be provided.
The RSC Council is especially anxious to see inventive applications of a “pump priming” nature and is prepared to consider applications from those working in chemical education as well as chemistry research.
Members in developing countries should note particularly that additional funds have been made available to provide grants for successful applicants from such countries. Preference will be given to those able to cite collaborative research projects with institutions in countries other than their own.
Applications are limited to one per department. The closing date for applications is 31 October 2011.