Pseudosymmetry, polymorphism and weak interactions: 4,4′′-difluoro-5′-hydroxy-1,1′:3′,1′′-terphenyl-4′-carboxylic acid and its derivatives
Anita M. Owczarzak, Seranthimata Samshuddin, Badiadka Narayana, Hemmige S. Yathirajan and Maciej Kubicki
CrystEngComm, 2013, Advance Article
DOI: 10.1039/C3CE41639A

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Morphological diversity of Mn(III) metalloporphyrin-based nano- and microsized CPAs assembled via kinetic and thermodynamic controls and their application in heterogeneous catalysis
Kyung Yeon Lee, Young Sun Lee, Sundol Kim, Hoang Mai Ha, Sang-Eun Bae, Seong Huh, Ho Gyeom Jang and Suk Joong Lee
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High-throughput fabrication of large-scale highly ordered ZnO nanorod arrays via three-beam interference lithography
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Novel synthesis and luminescence properties of t-LaVO4:Eu3+ micro cube
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An NMR crystallography DFT-D approach to analyse the role of intermolecular hydrogen bonding and π–π interactions in driving cocrystallisation of indomethacin and nicotinamide
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Substitution at the metal center of coordination polymers in single-crystal-to-single-crystal (SC-SC) transformation
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A new synthetic approach to force bond formation between a transition metal complex and a thiostannate anion: solvothermal synthesis and crystal structure of [Co2(cyclam)2Sn2S6]·2H2O
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Structural assessment of anhydrous sulfates with high field 33S solid state NMR and first principles calculations
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Crystal structure tailoring of Au–Cu alloy NPs using the embedding film matrix as template
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Chelation-driven fluorescence deactivation in three alkali earth metal MOFs containing 2,2′-dihydroxybiphenyl-4,4′-dicarboxylate
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Polymer guided synthesis of Ni(OH)2 with hierarchical structure and their application as the precursor for sensing materials
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Electrodeposited CoSn2 on nickel open-cell foam: advancing towards high power lithium ion and sodium ion batteries
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Activation of metal–organic framework materials
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Infinite stacking of alternating polyfluoroaryl rings and bromide anions
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A biocompatible calcium bisphosphonate coordination polymer: towards a metal-linker synergistic therapeutic effect?
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CrystEngComm, 2013, Advance Article
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Crystal engineering the clathrate hydrate lattice with NH4F
Kyuchul Shin, Igor L. Moudrakovski, Mehdi D. Davari, Saman Alavi, Christopher I. Ratcliffe and John A. Ripmeester
CrystEngComm, 2014, Advance Article
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