HOT Article: Nonlinear optical crystals for second harmonic generators

Using nonlinear optical crystals for second harmonic generators is an exciting field, and in this CrystEngComm Hot article, a high quality single crystal of K3B6O10Br has been grown using a topseeded solution growth method. The crystal shows excellent second harmonic generation properties, three times better than KH2PO4

This work is particularly significant as this is the first time a single crystal of this type has been synthesised that is large enough to  demonstrate NLO properties.

Find out more by reading the full paper…

Crystal growth and optical properties of a noncentrosymmetric haloid borate, K3B6O10Br
Min Zhang, Shi-Lie Pan, Xiao-Yun Fan, Zhong-Xiang Zhou, Kenneth R. Poeppelmeier and Yun Yang
CrystEngComm, 2011, Advance Article
DOI: 10.1039/C0CE00725K, Paper

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