This July saw the occasion of The 68th Conference of Japan Society of Coordination Chemistry (JSCC), held in Sendai. The event was a great success, featuring over 200 talks in both English and Japanese spread over six sessions as well as almost 300 posters.
CrystEngComm‘s Deputy Editor, Mike Andrews, and the RSC’s Editorial Development Manager for Japan, Hiromitsu Urakami, were on-hand to award poster prizes for the best student poster presentations.
The CrystEngComm award went to Tomohiro Fujimoto of Osaka University, for his poster:
(Identification and Reactivity of Active Species in the 1,2-Aminohydroxylation of Alkenes Catalyzed by an Osmium Complex)
Tomohiro Fujimoto (right) receiving his award from Mike Andrews (left) |
The Dalton Transactions Award went to Yuta Ohtsubo of Kyushu University, for his poster:
(Promotion of nuclear spin conversion of molecular hydrogen using a porous metal complex)
Yuto Ohtsubo (right) receiving his award from Mike Andrews (centre) and Hiro Urakami (left) |
The Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers award went to Aoyama Tomokazu of Tokyo Metropolitan University for his poster:
(Preparation and catalytic activity of a novel water-soluble supramolecular system aimed at hydrogen production)
Aoyama Tomokazu (right) receiving his award from Mike Andrews (centre) and Hiro Urakami (left) |
The poster prize winners received a journal certificate and a colour changing RSC mug!
The RSC offers a hearty congratulations to prize winners at the JSCC!