Congratulations to the CrystEngComm poster prize winners who were awarded at The 4th Crystal Engineering and Emerging Materials Workshop of Ontario and Quebec (CEMWOQ-4). The workshop was held in Ontario, Canada from the 26th – 28th May 2017. Christer Aakeroy our Associate Editor attended as a plenary lecturer and was on hand to award the prizes.
The winners were presented accordingly:
1st Place Undergraduate Poster Award: Junghoon Ko, University of Windsor, for “Discotic Liquid Crystals with Internal Side Chains as Potential Organic Semi-Conductors”
2nd Place Graduate Poster Award: Mitchell Nascimento, University of Windsor, for “Expanding the Family of Palladium-DTDA Metal Complexes”
2nd Place Undergraduate Poster Award: Austin Peach, University of Windsor, for “Applications of 35Cl SSNMR for the study of HCl Pharmaceutical Cocrystals”
The workshop enables an easy exchange of ideas, expertise and information and serves as an educational event for students. It also supports/creates new collaborations between research groups. There are plenary and oral presentations, and a poster session with opportunity for discussion within the program. A training workshop on the day before the main meeting is included, on a topic relevant to one or more of the existing themes of the meeting.
Further information on the most recent meeting, and links to other previous meetings, can be viewed at this website.

(From left) Christer Aakeroy awarding CrystEngComm poster prizes to (from left to right): Junghoon Ko, Mitchell Nascimento and Austin Peach