CrystEngComm‘s themed issue on Dynamic behaviour and reactivity in crystalline solids is now online!
The issue is guest edited by Graeme Day and Tomislav Friščić from Cambridge University. Read their editorial, Dynamic behaviour in the solid state.
An editorial by Prof Sir John Meurig Thomas is also included in the issue, and his perspective on Crystal engineering: origins, early adventures and some current trends, is well worth reading.
Other articles include:
Drug-drug co-crystals: Temperature-dependent proton mobility in the molecular complex of isoniazid with 4-aminosalicylic acid
Pawel Grobelny, Arijit Mukherjee and Gautam R. Desiraju
Are glycine cyclic dimers stable in aqueous solution?
Said Hamad and C. Richard A. Catlow
Solid-state synthesis of mixed trihalides via reversible absorption of dihalogens by non porous onium salts
L. Meazza, J. Martí-Rujas, G. Terraneo, C. Castiglioni, A. Milani, T. Pilati, Pierangelo Metrangolo and Giuseppe Resnati
View all the articles in Issue 13, 2011.
Find out more about our guest editors by visiting their websites (Dr Day, Dr Friščić,) or reading this CrystEngCommunity interview with Graeme Day.