CrystEngComm issue 10 is now available.
The outside front cover features work by Anne-Lise Daltin and colleagues on the effect of a high magnetic field on the morphology of cuprous oxide crystals during electrocrystallization.
Read the cover article:
Morphology of magneto-electrodeposited Cu2O microcrystals
Anne-Lise Daltin, Ahmed Addad, Patrick Baudart and Jean-Paul Chopart
CrystEngComm, 2011, 13, 3373-3377
DOI: 10.1039/C0CE00691B
The inside cover article is by Yaming Zhou and colleagues of Fudan University, China on the synthesis of a new porous zinc phosphonocarboxylate MOF.
For more details see:
Two-step synthesis, structure and adsorption property of a dynamic zinc phosphonocarboxylate framework Zhenxia Chen, Yun Ling, Haiyang Yang, Yufen Guo, Linhong Weng and Yaming Zhou
CrystEngComm, 2011, 13, 3378-3382
DOI: 10.1039/C0CE00687D