In this CrystEngComm Hot Article, Songjun Zeng, Qibin Yang et al. demonstrate a simple lanthanide doping route for modifying the crystal structure (crystal phase, shape, size and physical properties) of monodisperse multifunctional NaYbF4 nanocrystals.
Lanthanide-doped UC nanocrystals attract attention due to their novel UC emission properties and potential applications in optics, biolabels, colour displays and as light-emitting diodes.
When compared with conventional bioimaging materials, Ln doped UC nanocrystals are considered the most appropriate candidates for biological fluorescent labels due to weak autofluorescence, deep penetration of non-invasive NIR excitation, low radiation damage and photobleaching.
Modifying crystal phase, shape, size, optical and magnetic properties of monodispersed multifunctional NaYbF4 nanocrystals through lanthanide doping
Songjun Zeng, Guozhong Ren, Changfu Xu and Qibin Yang
CrystEngComm, 2011, Advance Article, DOI: 10.1039/C0CE00833H