The latest issue of CrystEngComm is now online. Check it out!
The striking cover image depicts a vending machine for different layered motifs. In pressing the different molecule buttons, you get either a single layer, bilayer or polar single layer networks (from top to bottom).
Take a closer look at the cover image here.
Alicia Beatty’s group from the Univeristy of Missouri-St Louis, USA, describe the syntheses and crystal structures of lamellar solids constructed from 3,5-pyrazole dicarboxylic acid and amines and that sterically demanding groups impose different hydrogen-bonding connectivity. In the past this combination has resulted in one recurring layer motif.
Want to read more about Beatty et al.’s paper?
Exceptions to the rule: new hydrogen-bonded networks from an old reliable
Onome Ugono, Nigam P. Rath and Alicia M. Beatty*
CrystEngComm, 2011, 13, 753-758