Call for papers – Biomolecular Technologies

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RSC Chemical Biology is delighted to welcome papers for its latest themed collection on ‘Biomolecular Technologies’, Sheel Dodani (The University of Texas at Dallas; ORCID 0000-0003-0271-6080) and Ariel Furst (Massachusetts Institute of Technology; ORCID 0000-0001-9583-9703).

Contributions are welcome that engineer the biomolecules of life to create recombinant or whole cell technologies. New engineering strategies and resulting technologies, including but not limited to biologics, catalysts, and sensors, are welcome for this themed collection on emerging topics in biomolecular technologies.

Ideally, computational work should be experimentally validated wherever possible. For articles to be accepted into the collection, the applications and relevance to chemical biology must be clear.

The deadline for submissions is 14 October 2024. Submit your work to the collection now!

Promotion of the collection is scheduled for early 2025, with articles published online as soon as they’re accepted.

Authors are welcome to submit original research in the form of a Communication or Full Paper. Articles can be submitted via our website: When submitting your manuscript, please mention that it is intended for this themed collection in the “notes to the editor” box. The Editorial Office reserves the right to check suitability of submissions for both the journal and the scope of the collection, and inclusion of accepted articles in the final themed collection is not guaranteed.

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About RSC Chemical Biology:

Led by Hiroaki Suga (University of Tokyo), RSC Chemical Biology is dedicated to publishing and disseminating the most exceptionally significant, breakthrough findings of interest to the chemical biology community. All submissions are handled by our experienced and internationally recognised Associate Editors. For more information on the journal, please visit the journal homepage.

As a gold open access journal, there are no barriers to accessing content and your research article will reach an international audience. Article processing charges apply – please see the journal web site for details on fees, discounts, and waivers.

RSC Chemical Biology is now indexed in the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), PubMed Central, Scopus and Web of Science: Emerging Sources Citation Index. Find out more about the journal and submit your work at