Register now for MASC2015
Monday 21st and Tuesday 22nd December 2015, Durham University
The annual Macrocyclic and Supramolecular Chemistry Group meeting organised by Prof. Jonathan W. Steed will take place next month. The Royal Society of Chemistry will have a booth so come and browse our newly published books in the Monographs is Supramolecular Chemistry series!
MASC is a long running conference series that attracts prominent international speakers and provides an excellent forum for PhD students and postdocs to showcase their work. The group is chaired by Prof. Philip Gale and past group chairmen have included Prof. Thorfinnur Gunnlaugsson, Prof. Peter Tasker, Prof. Bob Hay, Prof. Martin Schroder, Prof. David Parker FRS and Prof. Paul Beer. More information and details about how to register can be found on the MASC website.
New books published
The following books have been recently published in our Monographs in Supramolecular Chemistry series. You can purchase any of these books in the Royal Society of Chemistry bookshop or you can read the first chapter for free through your Personal RSC Publishing Account.
Pillararenes are a new class of macrocyclic hosts, which have applications in sensing, material synthesis and biomedicine. This book covers all aspects of Pillararene synthesis, their host-guest properties and supramolecular assemblies. This book is edited by the leader in this field and will appeal to graduate students and academics alike.
Polyrotaxane and Slide-Ring Materials
Polyrotaxane is a necklace-like supramolecule in which many cyclic molecules can be threaded and cross-linked together to form functional polymeric materials. The resulting movable cross-linked structure yields unique properties with potential applications in new films, elastomers and coatings. This book, authored by the inventor of slide-ring materials, provides a comprehensive guide to slide-ring synthesis, functionality, analysis and application.
Synthetic Receptors for Biomolecules: Design, Principles and Applications
Synthetic receptor molecules mimic antibody recognition and are widely used in sensing and drug development. This book covers the most effective synthetic receptors for each major class of biomolecules. The book is written in an accessible style making it appeal to those new to supramolecular chemistry as well as those looking for information on specific synthetic receptors.
The following books will be published in the next couple of weeks and can be pre-ordered now:
Boron: Sensing, Synthesis and Supramolecular Self-Assembly
This book provides a comprehensive overview of recent developments in the field of boronic acid-based receptors. The synthesis and self assembly of these receptors are covered in detail together with the applications of boron in chemical molecular sensors. Containing contributions from leading research groups in this field, this book will appeal to researchers of all levels in organic chemistry, supramolecular chemistry, materials science and bio-organic chemistry.
Porous Polymers: Design, Synthesis and Applications
Porous materials with very large internal surface areas are of great interest for applications in energy storage and environmental remediation. This book describes the significant recent progress in the development of different porous frameworks, with particular focus on the relationship between structure design, synthesis methods and properties. The book provides a comprehensive overview of different porous polymer systems, which will be of interest researchers and graduate students alike.