We are very pleased to announce the appointment of Professor Susan Lunte to the Analyst Editorial Board!
Susan Lunte is the Ralph N. Adams Distinguished Professor of Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Director of the Adams Institute for Bioanalytical Chemistry and Director of the NIH COBRE Centre for Molecular Analysis of Disease Pathways at the University of Kansas. Professor Lunte’s research interests lie in the development of new methodologies for separation and detection of peptides, amino acids, neurotransmitters and pharmaceuticals in biological fluids. This includes separation-based sensors for the continuous monitoring of drugs and neurotransmitters in freely roaming animals and new methodologies for the determination of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species in cells. Of Analyst, Sue says “Analyst has been publishing papers on analytical chemistry and new technologies for over 140 years. Every new paper published in the journal continues the legacy that started in 1876. I am excited to be part of this tradition as an Editorial Board member.”
We welcome Professor Susan Lunte and her expertise to the Analyst Editorial Board.
Sue has chosen to highlight some excellent articles recently published in Analyst, and included some of her thoughts on them. We hope you enjoy reading these articles – we’ve made them free to access for a limited time with an RSC publishing account.
Critical review
Microfluidic methods for aptamer selection and characterization
Sean K. Dembowski and Michael T. Bowser
“Detailed review of recent progress using microfluidics for aptamer selection”
Ye Zhang, Dimitri Pappas, et al.
“Sepsis is an important medical problem with no good methods of early detection. The paper by Dimitri Pappas describes an interesting possible clinical assay using on chip capture of CD64+ cells that is evaluated using clinical samples.”
Gabriela B. Almeida, Ronei J. Poppi and José A. Fracassi da Silva
“Elegant demonstration of using insulating dielectrophoresis for enhancing detection of analytes using SERS”
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