Nanoparticles that can be detected with photoacoustic imaging when they complex with uranium ions could open the door to new plans of action after radiological incidents, like Chernobyl or Fukushima, US researchers claim.
Ultrasound imaging is a well-known technique – it’s used during pregnancy and to assess joint injuries, amongst other things. The basics are simple: sound comes in and sound comes out; the difference in backscattered sound is turned into an image. Analogously, in photoacoustic procedures a pulse of light goes in and some of its energy is absorbed. This energy heats the local area and produces a pressure wave as it expands, which is measured acoustically.
Read the full article in Chemistry World >>
Parts per billion detection of uranium with a porphyrinoid-containing nanoparticle and in vivo photoacoustic imaging
I-Ting Ho, Jonathan L. Sessler, Sanjiv Sam Gambhir and Jesse V. Jokerst
Analyst, 2015, Advance Article
DOI: 10.1039/C5AN00207A
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