Analyst Poster Prize: ICAVS-7 Conference, Kobe, Japan
We are please to announce that the Analyst Poster Prize from the recent ICAVS-7 Conference held in August 2013 in Kobe, Japan has been awarded to Cosima Koch.

Congratulations to Cosima for her winning poster!
Cosima is currently pursuing a PhD in Analytical Chemistry at Vienna University of Technology focusing on the development of a new technology for infrared spectroscopy of particles in suspension. For the first time, acquisition of spectra of suspended particles is possible through the combination of ultrasonic particle manipulation and attentuated total reflection Fourier transform IR (ATR FTIR) spectroscopy. During the first part of her PhD, she helped with the design and construction of an ultrasound accessory for a commercially available inline fiber optic ATR probe. Recently, in a collaboration with the bioprocess technology department, the first spectra of S. cerevisiae (baker’s yeast) during fermentation were recorded in situ in a bioreactor with this prototype probe. The techniques allows to gain insight into biochemical changes in the cells in real time without the need for sampling. Apart from investigating the biochemical composition of cells during a fermentation and offline by FTIR and Raman microspectroscopy, Cosima investigates the use of ATR FTIR spectroscopy and chemometrics for monitoring media components and bioproducts to control bioprocesses.