By Laura Ruvuna, Web Writer
In this HOT article, Richard Bayford and Andrew Tizzard at Middlesex University review the current progress of Electrical Impedance Tomography (EIT) in biological imaging. Unlike traditional imaging techniques, EIT does not use radiation and achieves a higher depth penetration, which is crucial for early disease detection.
EIT creates a map of a region based on the impedance of current through tissue, and the resulting measurements are processed through a series of algorithms to produce an image. Thus far, EIT has been utilized for a range of diseases including tumor imaging, cardiothoracic monitoring of blood clots, and studying areas of the brain in epilepsy. To read about additional applications of EIT, see more below. This paper will be free to read until Oct 15th.
Bioimpedance imaging: an overview of potential clinical applications
Richard Bayford and Andrew Tizzard
Analyst, 2012, 137, 4635-4643
DOI: 10.1039/C2AN35874C