Screening for D-amino-acid oxidase inhibitors
A team from China have been working on a capillary electrophoresis (CLE-CE) system for the enantioseparation of dansyl amino acids. Their method was tested on the inhibition efficiency of D-amino acid oxidase (DAAO) inhibitors, which could pave a the way for high-throughput screening of enzyme inhibitors and relevant drug discovery.
A novel chiral ligand exchange capillary electrophoresis system with amino acid ionic liquid as ligand and its application in screening D-amino-acid oxidase inhibitors
Xiaoyu Mu, Li Qi, Ying Shen, Haizhi Zhang, Juan Qiao and Huimin Ma
Analyst, 2012, 137, 4235-4240
DOI: 10.1039/C2AN35753D
A turn-on and reversible fluorescence sensor for zinc ion
A new zinc sensor has been developed by a team working at the National Changhua University of Education and Chung Shan Medical University, Taiwan. Zinc is the second most abundant transition metal in the human body, and although it is considered to be relatively nontoxic, toxicity symptoms can occur with extremely high intake.
A turn-on and reversible fluorescence sensor for zinc ion
Hsiang-Yi Lin, Pi-Yun Cheng, Chin-Feng Wan and An-Tai Wu
Analyst, 2012, Advance Article
DOI: 10.1039/C2AN35752F