Emerging Investigator Series – Juan Bolivar

Dr. Juan M. Bolivar is a chemical engineer and PhD in sciences. He has been researcher at Institute of Catalysis (ICP-CSIC, Madrid) and university assistant at the Graz University of Technology (Austria), and currently he is Senior Research Associate at Complutense University of Madrid within excellence programme “Atracción de Talento” of Madrid Government. His current interest lies in industrial biotechnology, enzyme catalysis, and bioprocess engineering in the context of integrated biorefineries and sustainable chemistry.

Read his Emerging Investigator article “Framework of the kinetic analysis of O2-dependent oxidative biocatalysts for reaction intensification” and read more about him in the interview below:

How do you feel about Reaction Chemistry & Engineering as a place to publish?

In our group we are very fascinated about research at the interface of chemical engineering and biocatalysis in the context of integrated biorefineries. We are convinced that the elucidation and quantification of the phenomena driving enzyme-catalyzed reactions from an engineering perspective will have a important contribution in the better understanding and implementation of biocatalysis in the modern sustainable chemistry. In this regard, RCE offers a wonderful venue for the meeting of chemists, engineers and (bio)technologists, where we feel very pleased to contribute.


Keep up to date with Juan and his research by following his Twitter @jmbbolivar

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