Welcome to issue 9 of Organic Chemistry Frontiers for 2019 ! The latest OrgChemFront issue is published online now.
The front cover story, One-pot sequential synthesis of
3-carbonyl-4-arylbenzo[f]indole and 3-carbonyl-4-arylnaphthofuran fluorophores is contributed by J. Tummatorn and co-authors. The inside cover features a story on Chemoselective N-arylation of aminobenzene sulfonamides via copper catalysed Chan–Evans–Lam reactions bu Liang Xu, Xin Jia and co-authors.
Follow review type article is included in current issue:
Gold-catalyzed heterocyclic syntheses through α-imino gold carbene complexes as intermediates
Enrique Aguilar and Javier Santamaría
Org. Chem. Front., 2019,6, 1513-1540
Follow highlight type article is included in current issue:
19F-GEST NMR: studying dynamic interactions in host–guest systems
Liat Avram and Amnon Bar-Shir
Org. Chem. Front., 2019,6, 1503-1512