Welcome to issue 4 of Organic Chemistry Frontiers for 2016! The latest OrgChemFront issue is published online now.
The cover story, Efficient synthesis of 2-acylquinolines based on an aza-vinylogous Povarov reaction is contributed by Giulia Bianchini,
Pascual Ribelles, Diana Becerra, M. Teresa Ramos and J. Carlos Menéndez. The inside cover features a story on Mechanism, catalysis and predictions of 1,3,2-diazaphospholenes: theoretical insight into highly polarized P–X bonds contributed by Liu Liu, Yile Wu, Peng Chen, Chinglin Chan, Ji Xu, Jun Zhu and Yufen Zhao.
Following highlight is also included in the current issue:
Photoredox sheds new light on nickel catalysis: from carbon–carbon to carbon–heteroatom bond formation
Yong-Yuan Gui, Liang Sun, Zhi-Peng Lu and Da-Gang Yu
Org. Chem. Front., 2016, 3, 522-526
DOI: 10.1039/C5QO00437C